;;; mcs-20.el --- MIME charset implementation for Emacs 20 and XEmacs/mule ;; Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: emulation, compatibility, Mule ;; This file is part of APEL (A Portable Emacs Library). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This module requires Emacs 20.0.93, XEmacs 20.3-b5 (with mule) ;; or later. ;;; Code: (require 'custom) (eval-when-compile (require 'wid-edit)) (if (featurep 'xemacs) (require 'mcs-xm) (require 'mcs-e20)) ;;; @ MIME charset ;;; (defcustom mime-charset-coding-system-alist (let ((rest '((us-ascii . raw-text) (gb2312 . cn-gb-2312) (cn-gb . cn-gb-2312) (iso-2022-jp-2 . iso-2022-7bit-ss2) (iso-2022-jp-3 . iso-2022-7bit-ss2) (tis-620 . tis620) (windows-874 . tis-620) (cp874 . tis-620) (x-ctext . ctext) (unknown . undecided) (x-unknown . undecided) )) dest) (while rest (let ((pair (car rest))) (or (find-coding-system (car pair)) (setq dest (cons pair dest)) )) (setq rest (cdr rest)) ) dest) "Alist MIME CHARSET vs CODING-SYSTEM. MIME CHARSET and CODING-SYSTEM must be symbol." :group 'i18n :type '(repeat (cons symbol coding-system))) (defcustom mime-charset-to-coding-system-default-method nil "Function called when suitable coding-system is not found from MIME-charset. It must be nil or function. If it is a function, interface must be (CHARSET LBT CODING-SYSTEM)." :group 'i18n :type '(choice function (const nil))) (defun mime-charset-to-coding-system (charset &optional lbt) "Return coding-system corresponding with CHARSET. CHARSET is a symbol whose name is MIME charset. If optional argument LBT (`CRLF', `LF', `CR', `unix', `dos' or `mac') is specified, it is used as line break code type of coding-system." (if (stringp charset) (setq charset (intern (downcase charset))) ) (let ((cs (assq charset mime-charset-coding-system-alist))) (setq cs (if cs (cdr cs) charset)) (if lbt (setq cs (intern (format "%s-%s" cs (cond ((eq lbt 'CRLF) 'dos) ((eq lbt 'LF) 'unix) ((eq lbt 'CR) 'mac) (t lbt))))) ) (if (find-coding-system cs) cs (if mime-charset-to-coding-system-default-method (funcall mime-charset-to-coding-system-default-method charset lbt cs) )))) (defalias 'mime-charset-p 'mime-charset-to-coding-system) (defvar widget-mime-charset-prompt-value-history nil "History of input to `widget-mime-charset-prompt-value'.") (define-widget 'mime-charset 'coding-system "A mime-charset." :format "%{%t%}: %v" :tag "MIME-charset" :prompt-history 'widget-mime-charset-prompt-value-history :prompt-value 'widget-mime-charset-prompt-value :action 'widget-mime-charset-action) (defun widget-mime-charset-prompt-value (widget prompt value unbound) ;; Read mime-charset from minibuffer. (intern (completing-read (format "%s (default %s) " prompt value) (mapcar (function (lambda (sym) (list (symbol-name sym)))) (mime-charset-list))))) (defun widget-mime-charset-action (widget &optional event) ;; Read a mime-charset from the minibuffer. (let ((answer (widget-mime-charset-prompt-value widget (widget-apply widget :menu-tag-get) (widget-value widget) t))) (widget-value-set widget answer) (widget-apply widget :notify widget event) (widget-setup))) (defcustom default-mime-charset 'x-unknown "Default value of MIME-charset. It is used when MIME-charset is not specified. It must be symbol." :group 'i18n :type 'mime-charset) (cond ((featurep 'utf-2000) ;; for CHISE Architecture (defun mcs-region-repertoire-p (start end charsets &optional buffer) (save-excursion (if buffer (set-buffer buffer)) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region start end) (goto-char (point-min)) (catch 'tag (let (ch) (while (not (eobp)) (setq ch (char-after (point))) (unless (some (lambda (ccs) (encode-char ch ccs)) charsets) (throw 'tag nil)) (forward-char))) t)))) (defun mcs-string-repertoire-p (string charsets &optional start end) (let ((i (if start (if (< start 0) (error 'args-out-of-range string start end) start) 0)) ch) (if end (if (> end (length string)) (error 'args-out-of-range string start end)) (setq end (length string))) (catch 'tag (while (< i end) (setq ch (aref string i)) (unless (some (lambda (ccs) (encode-char ch ccs)) charsets) (throw 'tag nil)) (setq i (1+ i))) t))) (defun detect-mime-charset-region (start end) "Return MIME charset for region between START and END." (let ((rest charsets-mime-charset-alist) cell) (catch 'tag (while rest (setq cell (car rest)) (if (mcs-region-repertoire-p start end (car cell)) (throw 'tag (cdr cell))) (setq rest (cdr rest))) default-mime-charset-for-write))) (defun detect-mime-charset-string (string) "Return MIME charset for STRING." (let ((rest charsets-mime-charset-alist) cell) (catch 'tag (while rest (setq cell (car rest)) (if (mcs-string-repertoire-p string (car cell)) (throw 'tag (cdr cell))) (setq rest (cdr rest))) default-mime-charset-for-write))) ) (t ;; for legacy Mule (defun detect-mime-charset-region (start end) "Return MIME charset for region between START and END." (find-mime-charset-by-charsets (find-charset-region start end) 'region start end)) )) (defun write-region-as-mime-charset (charset start end filename &optional append visit lockname) "Like `write-region', q.v., but encode by MIME CHARSET." (let ((coding-system-for-write (or (mime-charset-to-coding-system charset) 'binary))) (write-region start end filename append visit lockname))) ;;; @ end ;;; (require 'product) (product-provide (provide 'mcs-20) (require 'apel-ver)) ;;; mcs-20.el ends here