(1) Use customize. (2) Implement user entries which were defined in EGG V3. (3) Packaging (4) Modeless Framework (5) LEIM (7) Portability (Implementation) Event/Char/Integer is different. (8) Quail Integration Something like egg-use-backend, its-use-package MENU: Incrementally generate . Provide programming interface of the data structure . MLH: Rewrite & clean up. Emacs/Quail Interface: Restrict switching language Synchronize backend/frontend language ITS: Kill, yank, delete with kill-ring in INPUT-BUFFER. Editing within a VSYL. transpose-chars Use of macro/subst. Implement following functions. its-cancel-input its-mode-help-command its-kill-line its-hiragana (input-buffer) its-katakana its-hankaku its-zenkaku its-read-current-its-string overwrite-mode, fill, vi emulator The way of customizing its-mode-map. Help-command muhenkan EGG/ITS: Katakana input support. Kanainput support. Chinese/Korean support. map change --> server select. Consider about API CONVERT: Semantics of open and close decide-first-char Consistency with other commands (delete, yank...) Help command WNN: Support Wnn6 when it becomes Free Software. WNNRPC: Chinese/Korean support. BUG: convert.el |xxxxxxx| ^---- when cursor comes on this fence-end.