;;; egg/sj3.el --- SJ3 Support (high level interface) in Egg ;;; Input Method Architecture ;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Mule Project, ;; Powered by Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN. ;; Project Leader: Satoru Tomura ;; Author: NIIBE Yutaka ;; Maintainer: NIIBE Yutaka ;; This file is part of EGG. ;; EGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; EGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (defconst sj3-support-languages '("Japanese")) (eval-when-compile (defmacro SJ3-const (c) (cond ((eq c 'FileNotExist) 35) ))) (defconst sj3-conversion-backend [ sj3-init sj3-start-conversion sj3-get-bunsetsu-converted sj3-get-bunsetsu-source sj3-list-candidates sj3-get-number-of-candidates sj3-get-current-candidate-number sj3-get-all-candidates sj3-decide-candidate sj3-change-bunsetsu-length sj3-end-conversion nil sj3-fini ]) (defvar sj3-server-port 3000 "Port number of SJ3 server") (defvar sj3-stdy-size 0 "STDYSIZE of SJ3 server") (defvar sj3-hostname "localhost" "Hostname of SJ3 server") (defvar sj3-open-message) (defun sj3-open (hostname) "Establish the connection to SJ3 server. Return process object." (let* ((buf (generate-new-buffer " *SJ3*")) (proc (open-network-stream "SJ3" buf hostname sj3-server-port)) result) (process-kill-without-query proc) (set-process-coding-system proc 'no-conversion 'no-conversion) (set-marker-insertion-type (process-mark proc) t) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (erase-buffer) (buffer-disable-undo) (setq enable-multibyte-characters nil)) ;; Initialize dictionaries (setq sj3-sys-dict-list nil) (setq sj3-user-dict-list nil) (setq result (sj3rpc-open proc (system-name) (user-login-name))) (if (< result 0) (let ((msg (sj3rpc-get-error-message (- result)))) (delete-process proc) (kill-buffer buf) (error "Can't open SJ3 session (%s): %s" hostname msg))) (setq result (sj3rpc-get-stdy-size proc)) (if (< result 0) (let ((msg (sj3rpc-get-error-message (- result)))) (delete-process proc) (kill-buffer buf) (error "Can't get SJ3 STDYSIZE: %s"msg))) (setq sj3-stdy-size result) proc)) ;; (defun sj3-open (hostname-list) ;; "Establish the connection to SJ3 server. Return process object." ;; (let* ((buf (generate-new-buffer " *SJ3*")) ;; (msg-form "SJ3: connecting to sj3serv at %s...") ;; hostname proc result msg) ;; (save-excursion ;; (set-buffer buf) ;; (erase-buffer) ;; (buffer-disable-undo) ;; (setq enable-multibyte-characters nil)) ;; (cond ;; ((null hostname-list) ;; (setq hostname-list '("localhost"))) ;; ((null (listp hostname-list)) ;; (setq hostname-list (list hostname-list)))) ;; (while (and hostname-list (null proc)) ;; (setq hostname (car hostname-list) ;; hostname-list (cdr hostname-list)) ;; (message msg-form hostname) ;; (sit-for 0) ;; (condition-case result ;; (setq proc (open-network-stream "SJ3" buf hostname sj3-server-port)) ;; (error nil)) ;; (if proc ;; (progn ;; (process-kill-without-query proc) ;; (set-process-coding-system proc 'no-conversion 'no-conversion) ;; (set-marker-insertion-type (process-mark proc) t) ;; ;; Initialize dictionaries ;; (setq sj3-sys-dict-list nil) ;; (setq sj3-user-dict-list nil) ;; (setq result (sj3rpc-open proc (system-name) (user-login-name))) ;; (if (< result 0) ;; (progn ;; (delete-process proc) ;; (setq proc nil ;; msg (format "Can't open SJ3 session (%s): %s" ;; hostname msg))) ;; (setq result (sj3rpc-get-stdy-size proc)) ;; (if (< result 0) ;; (progn ;; (delete-process proc) ;; (setq proc nil ;; msg (format "Can't get SJ3 STDYSIZE: %s" ;; (sj3rpc-get-error-message (- result))))) ;; (setq sj3-stdy-size result)))))) ;; (if proc ;; (progn ;; (setq sj3-open-message (format (concat msg-form "done") hostname)) ;; proc) ;; (kill-buffer buf) ;; (error "%s" (or msg "no sj3serv available"))))) ;; ::= [ ] (defvar sj3-environment nil "Environment for SJ3 kana-kanji conversion") (defsubst sj3env-get-proc (env) (aref env 0)) (defsubst sj3env-get-dictionary-list (env) (aref env 1)) ;; ::= ;; [ ;; ] (defsubst sj3-make-bunsetsu (env source converted rest stdy) (vector env source converted rest stdy nil nil nil)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-env (b) (aref b 0)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-source (b) (aref b 1)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-converted (b) (aref b 2)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-rest (b) (aref b 3)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-stdy (b) (aref b 4)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho (b) (aref b 5)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho (b z) (aset b 5 z)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho-pos (b) (aref b 6)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho-pos (b p) (aset b 6 p)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-get-kugiri-changed (b) (aref b 7)) (defsubst sj3bunsetsu-set-kugiri-changed (b s) (aset b 7 s)) (defun sj3-get-bunsetsu-source (b) (sj3bunsetsu-get-source b)) (defun sj3-get-bunsetsu-converted (b) (concat (sj3bunsetsu-get-converted b) (sj3bunsetsu-get-rest b))) (defun sj3-get-bunsetsu-stdy (b) (sj3bunsetsu-get-stdy b)) (defvar sj3-dictionary-specification '(("study.dat") ["sj3main.dic" ""] [("private.dic") ""]) "Dictionary specification of SJ3.") (defvar sj3-usr-dic-dir (concat "user/" (user-login-name)) "*Directory of user dictionary for SJ3.") (defun sj3-filename (p) "" (cond ((consp p) (concat sj3-usr-dic-dir "/" (car p))) (t p))) (defun sj3-get-environment () "Return the backend of SJ3 environment." (if sj3-environment sj3-environment (let* ((proc (sj3-open sj3-hostname)) (freq-info-name (sj3-filename (car sj3-dictionary-specification))) (l (cdr sj3-dictionary-specification)) dict-list) (sj3-open-freq-info proc freq-info-name) (while l (let ((dic (car l)) dic-id) (setq dic-id (sj3-open-dictionary proc (sj3-filename (aref dic 0)) (aref dic 1))) (if (< dic-id 0) (error "Dame2") ; XXX (setq dict-list (cons dic-id dict-list) l (cdr l))))) (setq sj3-environment (vector proc dict-list))))) (defun sj3-open-freq-info (proc name) (let ((trying t) ret) (while trying (setq ret (sj3rpc-open-stdy proc name)) (if (= ret 0) (setq trying nil) (message "’łŘ’˝Ź’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤Ź’¤˘’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ť’¤ó" name) (if (/= ret (SJ3-const FileNotExist)) (error "Fatal1") ; XXX (if (and (y-or-n-p (format "’łŘ’˝Ź’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤Ź’¤˘’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ť’¤ó’ĄŁ’şî’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤š’¤Ť? " name)) (sj3rpc-make-directory proc (file-name-directory name)) ;; ignore error (= (sj3rpc-make-stdy proc name) 0)) (message "’łŘ’˝Ź’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤ň’şî’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ˇ’¤ż" name) (error "Fatal2"))))))) ; XXX (defun sj3-open-dictionary (proc name passwd) (let ((trying t) ret) (while trying (setq ret (sj3rpc-open-dictionary proc name passwd)) (if (>= ret 0) (setq trying nil) (message "’ź­’˝ń’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤Ź’¤˘’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ť’¤ó" name) (setq ret (- ret)) ; Get error code. (if (/= ret (SJ3-const FileNotExist)) (error "Fatal3 %d" ret) ; XXX (if (and (y-or-n-p (format "’ź­’˝ń’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤Ź’¤˘’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ť’¤ó’ĄŁ’şî’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤š’¤Ť? " name)) (= (sj3rpc-make-dictionary proc name) 0)) (message "’ź­’˝ń’ĽŐ’ĽĄ’Ľ¤’Ľë(%s)’¤ň’şî’¤ę’¤Ţ’¤ˇ’¤ż" name) (error "Fatal4"))))) ; XXX ret)) (defun sj3-init () ) (defun sj3-start-conversion (yomi &optional lang) "Convert YOMI string to kanji, and enter conversion mode. Return the list of bunsetsu." (let ((env (sj3-get-environment))) (sj3rpc-begin env yomi))) (defun sj3-end-conversion (bunsetsu-list abort) (if abort () (let ((env (sj3bunsetsu-get-env (car bunsetsu-list))) (l bunsetsu-list) bunsetsu stdy kugiri-changed) (while l (setq bunsetsu (car l)) (setq l (cdr l)) (setq stdy (sj3bunsetsu-get-stdy bunsetsu)) (if stdy (sj3rpc-bunsetsu-stdy env stdy)) (if (setq kugiri-changed (sj3bunsetsu-get-kugiri-changed bunsetsu)) (let ((yomi1 (sj3bunsetsu-get-source bunsetsu)) (yomi2 (sj3bunsetsu-get-source (car l)))) (if (/= kugiri-changed (length yomi1)) (sj3rpc-kugiri-stdy env yomi1 yomi2 (sj3bunsetsu-get-stdy (car l)))))))))) (defun sj3-list-candidates (bunsetsu prev-bunsetsu) (let* ((env (sj3bunsetsu-get-env bunsetsu)) (yomi (sj3bunsetsu-get-source bunsetsu)) (z (sj3rpc-get-bunsetsu-candidates env yomi))) (sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho bunsetsu z) (sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho-pos bunsetsu 0) 0)) (defun sj3-get-number-of-candidates (bunsetsu) (let ((l (sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho bunsetsu))) (if l (length l) nil))) (defun sj3-decide-candidate (bunsetsu candidate-pos) (let* ((candidate-list (sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho bunsetsu)) (candidate (nth candidate-pos candidate-list))) (sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho candidate candidate-list) (sj3bunsetsu-set-zenkouho-pos candidate candidate-pos) candidate)) (defun sj3-get-current-candidate-number (bunsetsu) (sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho-pos bunsetsu)) (defun sj3-get-all-candidates (bunsetsu) (let* ((l (sj3bunsetsu-get-zenkouho bunsetsu)) (result (cons nil nil)) (r result)) (catch 'break (while t (let ((candidate (car l))) (setcar r (sj3bunsetsu-get-converted candidate)) (if (null (setq l (cdr l))) (throw 'break nil) (setq r (setcdr r (cons nil nil))))))) result)) (defun sj3-change-bunsetsu-length (b0 b1 b2 len) (let ((yomi (concat (sj3bunsetsu-get-source b1) (if b2 (sj3bunsetsu-get-source b2)))) (env (sj3bunsetsu-get-env b1)) yomi1 yomi2 bunsetsu1 bunsetsu2) (setq yomi1 (substring yomi 0 len) yomi2 (substring yomi len)) (setq bunsetsu1 (sj3rpc-tanbunsetsu-conversion env yomi1)) ;; Only set once (memory original length of the bunsetsu). (sj3bunsetsu-set-kugiri-changed bunsetsu1 (or (sj3bunsetsu-get-kugiri-changed b1) (length (sj3bunsetsu-get-source b1)))) (if (< 0 (length yomi2)) (setq bunsetsu2 (sj3rpc-tanbunsetsu-conversion env yomi2)) (setq bunsetsu2 nil)) (if bunsetsu2 (list bunsetsu1 bunsetsu2) (list bunsetsu1)))) (defun sj3-fini (lang) (let ((proc (sj3env-get-proc sj3-environment)) (dict-list (sj3env-get-dictionary-list sj3-environment)) dict) (while dict-list (setq dict (car dict-list)) (setq dict-list (cdr dict-list)) (sj3rpc-close-dictionary proc dict)) ; XXX: check error (sj3rpc-close-stdy proc) (sj3rpc-close proc)) (setq sj3-environment nil)) ;;; setup (require 'egg) (load "egg/sj3rpc") ;;;###autoload (defun egg-activate-sj3 (&rest arg) "Activate SJ3 backend of Tamagotchy." (egg-set-support-languages sj3-support-languages) (egg-set-conversion-backend sj3-conversion-backend sj3-support-languages) (apply 'egg-mode arg)) ;;; egg/sj3.el ends here.