;;; eword-decode.el --- RFC 2047 based encoded-word decoder for GNU Emacs ;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: ENAMI Tsugutomo ;; MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; TANAKA Akira ;; Created: 1995/10/03 ;; Original: 1992/07/20 ENAMI Tsugutomo's `mime.el'. ;; Renamed: 1993/06/03 to tiny-mime.el by MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Renamed: 1995/10/03 to tm-ew-d.el (split off encoder) ;; by MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Renamed: 1997/02/22 from tm-ew-d.el by MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: encoded-word, MIME, multilingual, header, mail, news ;; This file is part of FLIM (Faithful Library about Internet Message). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'mime-def) (require 'mel) (require 'std11) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ; list*, pop ;;; @ Variables ;;; ;; User options are defined in mime-def.el. ;;; @ MIME encoded-word definition ;;; (eval-and-compile (defconst eword-encoded-text-regexp "[!->@-~]+") (defconst eword-encoded-word-regexp (eval-when-compile (concat (regexp-quote "=?") "\\(" mime-charset-regexp ; 1 "\\)" "\\(" (regexp-quote "*") mime-language-regexp ; 2 "\\)?" (regexp-quote "?") "\\(" mime-encoding-regexp ; 3 "\\)" (regexp-quote "?") "\\(" eword-encoded-text-regexp ; 4 "\\)" (regexp-quote "?=")))) ) ;;; @ for string ;;; (defun eword-decode-string (string &optional must-unfold) "Decode MIME encoded-words in STRING. STRING is unfolded before decoding. If an encoded-word is broken or your emacs implementation can not decode the charset included in it, it is not decoded. If MUST-UNFOLD is non-nil, it unfolds and eliminates line-breaks even if there are in decoded encoded-words (generated by bad manner MUA such as a version of Net$cape)." (setq string (std11-unfold-string string)) (let ((dest "")(ew nil) beg end) (while (and (string-match eword-encoded-word-regexp string) (setq beg (match-beginning 0) end (match-end 0)) ) (if (> beg 0) (if (not (and (eq ew t) (string-match "^[ \t]+$" (substring string 0 beg)) )) (setq dest (concat dest (substring string 0 beg))) ) ) (setq dest (concat dest (eword-decode-encoded-word (substring string beg end) must-unfold) )) (setq string (substring string end)) (setq ew t) ) (concat dest string) )) (defun eword-decode-structured-field-body (string &optional start-column max-column start) (let ((tokens (eword-lexical-analyze string start 'must-unfold)) (result "") token) (while tokens (setq token (car tokens)) (setq result (concat result (eword-decode-token token))) (setq tokens (cdr tokens))) result)) (defun eword-decode-and-unfold-structured-field-body (string &optional start-column max-column start) "Decode and unfold STRING as structured field body. It decodes non us-ascii characters in FULL-NAME encoded as encoded-words or invalid \"raw\" string. \"Raw\" non us-ascii characters are regarded as variable `default-mime-charset'. If an encoded-word is broken or your emacs implementation can not decode the charset included in it, it is not decoded." (let ((tokens (eword-lexical-analyze string start 'must-unfold)) (result "")) (while tokens (let* ((token (car tokens)) (type (car token))) (setq tokens (cdr tokens)) (setq result (if (eq type 'spaces) (concat result " ") (concat result (eword-decode-token token)) )))) result)) (defun eword-decode-and-fold-structured-field-body (string start-column &optional max-column start) (if (and mime-field-decoding-max-size (> (length string) mime-field-decoding-max-size)) string (or max-column (setq max-column fill-column)) (let ((c start-column) (tokens (eword-lexical-analyze string start 'must-unfold)) (result "") token) (while (and (setq token (car tokens)) (setq tokens (cdr tokens))) (let* ((type (car token))) (if (eq type 'spaces) (let* ((next-token (car tokens)) (next-str (eword-decode-token next-token)) (next-len (string-width next-str)) (next-c (+ c next-len 1))) (if (< next-c max-column) (setq result (concat result " " next-str) c next-c) (setq result (concat result "\n " next-str) c (1+ next-len))) (setq tokens (cdr tokens)) ) (let* ((str (eword-decode-token token))) (setq result (concat result str) c (+ c (string-width str))) )))) (if token (concat result (eword-decode-token token)) result)))) (defun eword-decode-unstructured-field-body (string &optional start-column max-column) (eword-decode-string (decode-mime-charset-string string default-mime-charset))) (defun eword-decode-and-unfold-unstructured-field-body (string &optional start-column max-column) (eword-decode-string (decode-mime-charset-string (std11-unfold-string string) default-mime-charset) 'must-unfold)) (defun eword-decode-unfolded-unstructured-field-body (string &optional start-column max-column) (eword-decode-string (decode-mime-charset-string string default-mime-charset) 'must-unfold)) ;;; @ for region ;;; (defun eword-decode-region (start end &optional unfolding must-unfold) "Decode MIME encoded-words in region between START and END. If UNFOLDING is not nil, it unfolds before decoding. If MUST-UNFOLD is non-nil, it unfolds and eliminates line-breaks even if there are in decoded encoded-words (generated by bad manner MUA such as a version of Net$cape)." (interactive "*r") (save-excursion (save-restriction (narrow-to-region start end) (if unfolding (eword-decode-unfold) ) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward (concat "\\(" eword-encoded-word-regexp "\\)" "\\(\n?[ \t]\\)+" "\\(" eword-encoded-word-regexp "\\)") nil t) (replace-match "\\1\\7") (goto-char (point-min)) ) (while (re-search-forward eword-encoded-word-regexp nil t) (insert (eword-decode-encoded-word (prog1 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) ) must-unfold)) ) ))) (defun eword-decode-unfold () (goto-char (point-min)) (let (field beg end) (while (re-search-forward std11-field-head-regexp nil t) (setq beg (match-beginning 0) end (std11-field-end)) (setq field (buffer-substring beg end)) (if (string-match eword-encoded-word-regexp field) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (goto-char beg) end) (while (re-search-forward "\n\\([ \t]\\)" nil t) (replace-match (match-string 1)) ) (goto-char (point-max)) )) ))) ;;; @ for message header ;;; (defvar mime-field-decoder-alist nil) (defvar mime-field-decoder-cache nil) (defvar mime-update-field-decoder-cache 'mime-update-field-decoder-cache "*Field decoder cache update function.") ;;;###autoload (defun mime-set-field-decoder (field &rest specs) "Set decoder of FIELD. SPECS must be like `MODE1 DECODER1 MODE2 DECODER2 ...'. Each mode must be `nil', `plain', `wide', `summary' or `nov'. If mode is `nil', corresponding decoder is set up for every modes." (when specs (let ((mode (pop specs)) (function (pop specs))) (if mode (progn (let ((cell (assq mode mime-field-decoder-alist))) (if cell (setcdr cell (put-alist field function (cdr cell))) (setq mime-field-decoder-alist (cons (cons mode (list (cons field function))) mime-field-decoder-alist)) )) (apply (function mime-set-field-decoder) field specs) ) (mime-set-field-decoder field 'plain function 'wide function 'summary function 'nov function) )))) ;;;###autoload (defmacro mime-find-field-presentation-method (name) "Return field-presentation-method from NAME. NAME must be `plain', `wide', `summary' or `nov'." (cond ((eq name nil) `(or (assq 'summary mime-field-decoder-cache) '(summary)) ) ((and (consp name) (car name) (consp (cdr name)) (symbolp (car (cdr name))) (null (cdr (cdr name)))) `(or (assq ,name mime-field-decoder-cache) (cons ,name nil)) ) (t `(or (assq (or ,name 'summary) mime-field-decoder-cache) (cons (or ,name 'summary) nil)) ))) (defun mime-find-field-decoder-internal (field &optional mode) "Return function to decode field-body of FIELD in MODE. Optional argument MODE must be object of field-presentation-method." (cdr (or (assq field (cdr mode)) (prog1 (funcall mime-update-field-decoder-cache field (car mode)) (setcdr mode (cdr (assq (car mode) mime-field-decoder-cache))) )))) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-find-field-decoder (field &optional mode) "Return function to decode field-body of FIELD in MODE. Optional argument MODE must be object or name of field-presentation-method. Name of field-presentation-method must be `plain', `wide', `summary' or `nov'. Default value of MODE is `summary'." (if (symbolp mode) (let ((p (cdr (mime-find-field-presentation-method mode)))) (if (and p (setq p (assq field p))) (cdr p) (cdr (funcall mime-update-field-decoder-cache field (or mode 'summary))))) (inline (mime-find-field-decoder-internal field mode)) )) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-update-field-decoder-cache (field mode &optional function) "Update field decoder cache `mime-field-decoder-cache'." (cond ((eq function 'identity) (setq function nil) ) ((null function) (let ((decoder-alist (cdr (assq (or mode 'summary) mime-field-decoder-alist)))) (setq function (cdr (or (assq field decoder-alist) (assq t decoder-alist))))) )) (let ((cell (assq mode mime-field-decoder-cache)) ret) (if cell (if (setq ret (assq field (cdr cell))) (setcdr ret function) (setcdr cell (cons (setq ret (cons field function)) (cdr cell)))) (setq mime-field-decoder-cache (cons (cons mode (list (setq ret (cons field function)))) mime-field-decoder-cache))) ret)) ;; ignored fields (mime-set-field-decoder 'Archive nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Content-Md5 nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Control nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Date nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Distribution nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Followup-Host nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Followup-To nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Lines nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Message-Id nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Newsgroups nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Nntp-Posting-Host nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Path nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Posted-And-Mailed nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Received nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Status nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Face nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Face-Version nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Info nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Pgp-Key-Info nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Pgp-Sig nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'X-Pgp-Sig-Version nil nil) (mime-set-field-decoder 'Xref nil nil) ;; structured fields (let ((fields '(Reply-To Resent-Reply-To From Resent-From Sender Resent-Sender To Resent-To Cc Resent-Cc Bcc Resent-Bcc Dcc Mail-Followup-To Mime-Version Content-Type Content-Transfer-Encoding Content-Disposition User-Agent)) field) (while fields (setq field (pop fields)) (mime-set-field-decoder field 'plain #'eword-decode-structured-field-body 'wide #'eword-decode-and-fold-structured-field-body 'summary #'eword-decode-and-unfold-structured-field-body 'nov #'eword-decode-and-unfold-structured-field-body) )) ;; unstructured fields (default) (mime-set-field-decoder t 'plain #'eword-decode-unstructured-field-body 'wide #'eword-decode-unstructured-field-body 'summary #'eword-decode-and-unfold-unstructured-field-body 'nov #'eword-decode-unfolded-unstructured-field-body) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-decode-field-body (field-body field-name &optional mode max-column) "Decode FIELD-BODY as FIELD-NAME in MODE, and return the result. Optional argument MODE must be `plain', `wide', `summary' or `nov'. Default mode is `summary'. If MODE is `wide' and MAX-COLUMN is non-nil, the result is folded with MAX-COLUMN. Non MIME encoded-word part in FILED-BODY is decoded with `default-mime-charset'." (let (field-name-symbol len decoder) (if (symbolp field-name) (setq field-name-symbol field-name len (1+ (string-width (symbol-name field-name)))) (setq field-name-symbol (intern (capitalize field-name)) len (1+ (string-width field-name)))) (setq decoder (mime-find-field-decoder field-name-symbol mode)) (if decoder (funcall decoder field-body len max-column) ;; Don't decode (if (eq mode 'summary) (std11-unfold-string field-body) field-body) ))) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-decode-header-in-region (start end &optional code-conversion) "Decode MIME encoded-words in region between START and END. If CODE-CONVERSION is nil, it decodes only encoded-words. If it is mime-charset, it decodes non-ASCII bit patterns as the mime-charset. Otherwise it decodes non-ASCII bit patterns as the default-mime-charset." (interactive "*r") (save-excursion (save-restriction (narrow-to-region start end) (let ((default-charset (if code-conversion (if (mime-charset-to-coding-system code-conversion) code-conversion default-mime-charset)))) (if default-charset (let ((mode-obj (mime-find-field-presentation-method 'wide)) beg p end field-name len field-decoder) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward std11-field-head-regexp nil t) (setq beg (match-beginning 0) p (match-end 0) field-name (buffer-substring beg (1- p)) len (string-width field-name) field-name (intern (capitalize field-name)) field-decoder (inline (mime-find-field-decoder-internal field-name mode-obj))) (when field-decoder (setq end (std11-field-end)) (let ((body (buffer-substring p end)) (default-mime-charset default-charset)) (delete-region p end) (insert (funcall field-decoder body (1+ len))) )) )) (eword-decode-region (point-min) (point-max) t) ))))) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-decode-header-in-buffer (&optional code-conversion separator) "Decode MIME encoded-words in header fields. If CODE-CONVERSION is nil, it decodes only encoded-words. If it is mime-charset, it decodes non-ASCII bit patterns as the mime-charset. Otherwise it decodes non-ASCII bit patterns as the default-mime-charset. If SEPARATOR is not nil, it is used as header separator." (interactive "*") (mime-decode-header-in-region (point-min) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward (concat "^\\(" (regexp-quote (or separator "")) "\\)?$") nil t) (match-beginning 0) (point-max) )) code-conversion)) (defalias 'eword-decode-header 'mime-decode-header-in-buffer) (make-obsolete 'eword-decode-header 'mime-decode-header-in-buffer) ;;; @ encoded-word decoder ;;; (defvar eword-decode-encoded-word-error-handler 'eword-decode-encoded-word-default-error-handler) (defvar eword-warning-face nil "Face used for invalid encoded-word.") (defun eword-decode-encoded-word-default-error-handler (word signal) (and (add-text-properties 0 (length word) (and eword-warning-face (list 'face eword-warning-face)) word) word)) (defun eword-decode-encoded-word (word &optional must-unfold) "Decode WORD as an encoded-word. If charset is unknown or unsupported, return WORD. If encoding is unknown, or some error occurs while decoding, `eword-decode-encoded-word-error-handler' is called with WORD and an error condition. If MUST-UNFOLD is non-nil, unfold decoded WORD." (or (and (string-match eword-encoded-word-regexp word) (condition-case err (eword-decode-encoded-text ;; charset (substring word (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1)) ;; language (when (match-beginning 2) (intern (downcase (substring word (1+ (match-beginning 2))(match-end 2))))) ;; encoding (upcase (substring word (match-beginning 3)(match-end 3))) ;; encoded-text (substring word (match-beginning 4)(match-end 4)) must-unfold) (error (funcall eword-decode-encoded-word-error-handler word err)))) word)) ;;; @ encoded-text decoder ;;; (defun eword-decode-encoded-text (charset language encoding string &optional must-unfold) "Decode STRING as an encoded-text. If your emacs implementation can not decode CHARSET, it returns nil. If LANGUAGE is non-nil, it is put to `mime-language' text-property. If ENCODING is not \"B\" or \"Q\", it occurs error. So you should write error-handling code if you don't want break by errors. If MUST-UNFOLD is non-nil, it unfolds and eliminates line-breaks even if there are in decoded encoded-text (generated by bad manner MUA such as a version of Net$cape)." (when (mime-charset-to-coding-system charset) (let ((dest (encoded-text-decode-string string encoding))) (when dest (setq dest (decode-mime-charset-string dest charset)) (when must-unfold (mapconcat (function (lambda (chr) (cond ((eq chr ?\n) "") ((eq chr ?\t) " ") (t (char-to-string chr))))) (std11-unfold-string dest) "")) (when language (put-text-property 0 (length dest) 'mime-language language dest)) dest)))) ;;; @ lexical analyze ;;; (defvar eword-lexical-analyze-cache nil) (defvar eword-lexical-analyze-cache-max 299 "*Max position of eword-lexical-analyze-cache. It is max size of eword-lexical-analyze-cache - 1.") (defvar mime-header-lexical-analyzer '(eword-analyze-quoted-string eword-analyze-domain-literal eword-analyze-comment eword-analyze-spaces eword-analyze-special eword-analyze-encoded-word eword-analyze-atom) "*List of functions to return result of lexical analyze. Each function must have three arguments: STRING, START and MUST-UNFOLD. STRING is the target string to be analyzed. START is start position of STRING to analyze. If MUST-UNFOLD is not nil, each function must unfold and eliminate bare-CR and bare-LF from the result even if they are included in content of the encoded-word. Each function must return nil if it can not analyze STRING as its format. Previous function is preferred to next function. If a function returns nil, next function is used. Otherwise the return value will be the result.") (defun eword-analyze-quoted-string (string start &optional must-unfold) (let ((p (std11-check-enclosure string ?\" ?\" nil start))) (if p (cons (cons 'quoted-string (decode-mime-charset-string (std11-strip-quoted-pair (substring string (1+ start) (1- p))) default-mime-charset)) ;;(substring string p)) p) ))) (defun eword-analyze-domain-literal (string start &optional must-unfold) (std11-analyze-domain-literal string start)) (defun eword-analyze-comment (string from &optional must-unfold) (let ((len (length string)) (i (or from 0)) dest last-str chr ret) (when (and (> len i) (eq (aref string i) ?\()) (setq i (1+ i) from i) (catch 'tag (while (< i len) (setq chr (aref string i)) (cond ((eq chr ?\\) (setq i (1+ i)) (if (>= i len) (throw 'tag nil) ) (setq last-str (concat last-str (substring string from (1- i)) (char-to-string (aref string i))) i (1+ i) from i) ) ((eq chr ?\)) (setq ret (concat last-str (substring string from i))) (throw 'tag (cons (cons 'comment (nreverse (if (string= ret "") dest (cons (eword-decode-string (decode-mime-charset-string ret default-mime-charset) must-unfold) dest) ))) (1+ i))) ) ((eq chr ?\() (if (setq ret (eword-analyze-comment string i must-unfold)) (setq last-str (concat last-str (substring string from i)) dest (if (string= last-str "") (cons (car ret) dest) (list* (car ret) (eword-decode-string (decode-mime-charset-string last-str default-mime-charset) must-unfold) dest) ) i (cdr ret) from i last-str "") (throw 'tag nil) )) (t (setq i (1+ i)) )) ))))) (defun eword-analyze-spaces (string start &optional must-unfold) (std11-analyze-spaces string start)) (defun eword-analyze-special (string start &optional must-unfold) (std11-analyze-special string start)) (defun eword-analyze-encoded-word (string start &optional must-unfold) (if (and (string-match eword-encoded-word-regexp string start) (= (match-beginning 0) start)) (let ((end (match-end 0)) (dest (eword-decode-encoded-word (match-string 0 string) must-unfold)) ) ;;(setq string (substring string end)) (setq start end) (while (and (string-match (eval-when-compile (concat "[ \t\n]*\\(" eword-encoded-word-regexp "\\)")) string start) (= (match-beginning 0) start)) (setq end (match-end 0)) (setq dest (concat dest (eword-decode-encoded-word (match-string 1 string) must-unfold)) ;;string (substring string end)) start end) ) (cons (cons 'atom dest) ;;string) end) ))) (defun eword-analyze-atom (string start &optional must-unfold) (if (and (string-match std11-atom-regexp string start) (= (match-beginning 0) start)) (let ((end (match-end 0))) (cons (cons 'atom (decode-mime-charset-string (substring string start end) default-mime-charset)) ;;(substring string end) end) ))) (defun eword-lexical-analyze-internal (string start must-unfold) (let ((len (length string)) dest ret) (while (< start len) (setq ret (let ((rest mime-header-lexical-analyzer) func r) (while (and (setq func (car rest)) (null (setq r (funcall func string start must-unfold))) ) (setq rest (cdr rest))) (or r (cons (cons 'error (substring string start)) (1+ len))) )) (setq dest (cons (car ret) dest) start (cdr ret)) ) (nreverse dest) )) (defun eword-lexical-analyze (string &optional start must-unfold) "Return lexical analyzed list corresponding STRING. It is like std11-lexical-analyze, but it decodes non us-ascii characters encoded as encoded-words or invalid \"raw\" format. \"Raw\" non us-ascii characters are regarded as variable `default-mime-charset'." (let ((key (substring string (or start 0))) ret cell) (set-text-properties 0 (length key) nil key) (if (setq ret (assoc key eword-lexical-analyze-cache)) (cdr ret) (setq ret (eword-lexical-analyze-internal key 0 must-unfold)) (setq eword-lexical-analyze-cache (cons (cons key ret) eword-lexical-analyze-cache)) (if (cdr (setq cell (nthcdr eword-lexical-analyze-cache-max eword-lexical-analyze-cache))) (setcdr cell nil)) ret))) (defun eword-decode-token (token) (let ((type (car token)) (value (cdr token))) (cond ((eq type 'quoted-string) (std11-wrap-as-quoted-string value)) ((eq type 'comment) (let ((dest "")) (while value (setq dest (concat dest (if (stringp (car value)) (std11-wrap-as-quoted-pairs (car value) '(?( ?))) (eword-decode-token (car value)) )) value (cdr value)) ) (concat "(" dest ")") )) (t value)))) (defun eword-extract-address-components (string &optional start) "Extract full name and canonical address from STRING. Returns a list of the form (FULL-NAME CANONICAL-ADDRESS). If no name can be extracted, FULL-NAME will be nil. It decodes non us-ascii characters in FULL-NAME encoded as encoded-words or invalid \"raw\" string. \"Raw\" non us-ascii characters are regarded as variable `default-mime-charset'." (let* ((structure (car (std11-parse-address (eword-lexical-analyze (std11-unfold-string string) start 'must-unfold)))) (phrase (std11-full-name-string structure)) (address (std11-address-string structure)) ) (list phrase address) )) ;;; @ end ;;; (provide 'eword-decode) ;;; eword-decode.el ends here