;;; mel.el --- A MIME encoding/decoding library. ;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Created: 1995/6/25 ;; Keywords: MIME, Base64, Quoted-Printable, uuencode, gzip64 ;; This file is part of FLIM (Faithful Library about Internet Message). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'mime-def) (require 'alist) (defcustom mime-encoding-list '("7bit" "8bit" "binary" "base64" "quoted-printable") "List of Content-Transfer-Encoding. Each encoding must be string." :group 'mime :type '(repeat string)) (defun mime-encoding-list (&optional service) "Return list of Content-Transfer-Encoding. If SERVICE is specified, it returns available list of Content-Transfer-Encoding for it." (if service (let (dest) (mapatoms (lambda (sym) (or (eq sym nil) (setq dest (cons (symbol-name sym) dest))) ) (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-obarray" service)))) (let ((rest mel-encoding-module-alist) pair) (while (setq pair (car rest)) (let ((key (car pair))) (or (member key dest) (<= (length key) 1) (setq dest (cons key dest)))) (setq rest (cdr rest))) ) dest) mime-encoding-list)) (defun mime-encoding-alist (&optional service) "Return table of Content-Transfer-Encoding for completion." (mapcar #'list (mime-encoding-list service))) (defsubst mel-use-module (name encodings) (while encodings (set-alist 'mel-encoding-module-alist (car encodings) (cons name (cdr (assoc (car encodings) mel-encoding-module-alist)))) (setq encodings (cdr encodings)))) (defsubst mel-find-function (service encoding) (mel-find-function-from-obarray (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-obarray" service))) encoding)) ;;; @ setting for modules ;;; (defun 8bit-insert-encoded-file (filename) "Insert file FILENAME encoded by \"7bit\" format." (let ((coding-system-for-read 'raw-text) format-alist) ;; Returns list of absolute file name and length of data inserted. (insert-file-contents filename))) (defun 8bit-write-decoded-region (start end filename) "Decode and write current region encoded by \"8bit\" into FILENAME." (let ((coding-system-for-write 'raw-text) format-alist) (write-region start end filename))) (mel-define-backend "8bit") (mel-define-method-function (mime-encode-string string (nil "8bit")) 'identity) (mel-define-method-function (mime-decode-string string (nil "8bit")) 'identity) (mel-define-method mime-encode-region (start end (nil "8bit"))) (mel-define-method mime-decode-region (start end (nil "8bit"))) (mel-define-method-function (mime-insert-encoded-file filename (nil "8bit")) '8bit-insert-encoded-file) (mel-define-method-function (mime-write-decoded-region start end filename (nil "8bit")) '8bit-write-decoded-region) (defalias '7bit-insert-encoded-file '8bit-insert-encoded-file) (defalias '7bit-write-decoded-region '8bit-write-decoded-region) (mel-define-backend "7bit" ("8bit")) (defun binary-write-decoded-region (start end filename) "Decode and write current region encoded by \"binary\" into FILENAME." (let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary) jka-compr-compression-info-list jam-zcat-filename-list) (write-region start end filename))) (defalias 'binary-insert-encoded-file 'insert-file-contents-literally) (defun binary-find-file-noselect (filename &optional nowarn rawfile) "Like `find-file-noselect', q.v., but don't code and format conversion." (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary) format-alist) (find-file-noselect filename nowarn rawfile))) (defun binary-funcall (name &rest args) "Like `funcall', q.v., but read and write as binary." (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary) (coding-system-for-write 'binary)) (apply name args))) (defun binary-to-text-funcall (coding-system name &rest args) "Like `funcall', q.v., but write as binary and read as text. Read text is decoded as CODING-SYSTEM." (let ((coding-system-for-read coding-system) (coding-system-for-write 'binary)) (apply name args))) (mel-define-backend "binary") (mel-define-method-function (mime-encode-string string (nil "binary")) 'identity) (mel-define-method-function (mime-decode-string string (nil "binary")) 'identity) (mel-define-method mime-encode-region (start end (nil "binary"))) (mel-define-method mime-decode-region (start end (nil "binary"))) (mel-define-method-function (mime-insert-encoded-file filename (nil "binary")) 'binary-insert-encoded-file) (mel-define-method-function (mime-write-decoded-region start end filename (nil "binary")) 'binary-write-decoded-region) (defvar mel-b-builtin (and (fboundp 'base64-encode-string) (subrp (symbol-function 'base64-encode-string)))) (when mel-b-builtin (mel-define-backend "base64") (mel-define-method-function (mime-encode-string string (nil "base64")) 'base64-encode-string) (mel-define-method-function (mime-decode-string string (nil "base64")) 'base64-decode-string) (mel-define-method-function (mime-encode-region start end (nil "base64")) 'base64-encode-region) (mel-define-method-function (mime-decode-region start end (nil "base64")) 'base64-decode-region) (mel-define-method mime-insert-encoded-file (filename (nil "base64")) "Encode contents of file FILENAME to base64, and insert the result. It calls external base64 encoder specified by `base64-external-encoder'. So you must install the program (maybe mmencode included in metamail or XEmacs package)." (interactive "*fInsert encoded file: ") (insert (base64-encode-string (with-temp-buffer (set-buffer-multibyte nil) (binary-insert-encoded-file filename) (buffer-string)))) (or (bolp) (insert ?\n))) ;; (mel-define-method-function (encoded-text-encode-string string (nil "B")) ;; 'base64-encode-string) (mel-define-method encoded-text-decode-string (string (nil "B")) (if (string-match (eval-when-compile (concat "\\`" B-encoded-text-regexp "\\'")) string) (base64-decode-string string) (error "Invalid encoded-text %s" string))) ) (mel-use-module 'mel-b-el '("base64" "B")) (mel-use-module 'mel-q '("quoted-printable" "Q")) (mel-use-module 'mel-g '("x-gzip64")) (mel-use-module 'mel-u '("x-uue" "x-uuencode")) (defvar mel-b-ccl-module (and (featurep 'mule) (progn (require 'path-util) (module-installed-p 'mel-b-ccl)))) (defvar mel-q-ccl-module (and (featurep 'mule) (progn (require 'path-util) (module-installed-p 'mel-q-ccl)))) (when mel-b-ccl-module (mel-use-module 'mel-b-ccl '("base64" "B"))) (when mel-q-ccl-module (mel-use-module 'mel-q-ccl '("quoted-printable" "Q"))) (when base64-dl-module (mel-use-module 'mel-b-dl '("base64" "B"))) ;;; @ region ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun mime-encode-region (start end encoding) "Encode region START to END of current buffer using ENCODING. ENCODING must be string." (interactive (list (region-beginning)(region-end) (completing-read "Encoding: " (mime-encoding-alist) nil t "base64"))) (funcall (mel-find-function 'mime-encode-region encoding) start end)) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-decode-region (start end encoding) "Decode region START to END of current buffer using ENCODING. ENCODING must be string." (interactive (list (region-beginning)(region-end) (completing-read "Encoding: " (mime-encoding-alist 'mime-decode-region) nil t "base64"))) (funcall (mel-find-function 'mime-decode-region encoding) start end)) ;;; @ string ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun mime-decode-string (string encoding) "Decode STRING using ENCODING. ENCODING must be string. If ENCODING is found in `mime-string-decoding-method-alist' as its key, this function decodes the STRING by its value." (let ((f (mel-find-function 'mime-decode-string encoding))) (if f (funcall f string) string))) (mel-define-service encoded-text-encode-string) (defun encoded-text-encode-string (string encoding &optional mode) "Encode STRING as encoded-text using ENCODING. ENCODING must be string. Optional argument MODE allows `text', `comment', `phrase' or nil. Default value is `phrase'." (if (string= encoding "B") (base64-encode-string string 'no-line-break) (let ((f (mel-find-function 'encoded-text-encode-string encoding))) (if f (funcall f string mode) string)))) (mel-define-service encoded-text-decode-string (string encoding) "Decode STRING as encoded-text using ENCODING. ENCODING must be string.") (defun base64-encoded-length (string) (* (/ (+ (length string) 2) 3) 4)) (defsubst Q-encoding-printable-char-p (chr mode) (and (not (memq chr '(?= ?? ?_))) (<= ?\ chr)(<= chr ?~) (cond ((eq mode 'text) t) ((eq mode 'comment) (not (memq chr '(?\( ?\) ?\\)))) (t (string-match "[A-Za-z0-9!*+/=_---]" (char-to-string chr)))))) (defun Q-encoded-text-length (string &optional mode) (let ((l 0)(i 0)(len (length string)) chr) (while (< i len) (setq chr (aref string i)) (if (or (Q-encoding-printable-char-p chr mode) (eq chr ? )) (setq l (+ l 1)) (setq l (+ l 3))) (setq i (+ i 1))) l)) ;;; @ file ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun mime-insert-encoded-file (filename encoding) "Insert file FILENAME encoded by ENCODING format." (interactive (list (read-file-name "Insert encoded file: ") (completing-read "Encoding: " (mime-encoding-alist) nil t "base64"))) (funcall (mel-find-function 'mime-insert-encoded-file encoding) filename)) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-write-decoded-region (start end filename encoding) "Decode and write current region encoded by ENCODING into FILENAME. START and END are buffer positions." (interactive (list (region-beginning)(region-end) (read-file-name "Write decoded region to file: ") (completing-read "Encoding: " (mime-encoding-alist 'mime-write-decoded-region) nil t "base64"))) (funcall (mel-find-function 'mime-write-decoded-region encoding) start end filename)) ;;; @ end ;;; (provide 'mel) ;;; mel.el ends here.