;;; sasl-scram.el --- Compute SCRAM-MD5. ;; Copyright (C) 1999 Shuhei KOBAYASHI ;; Author: Shuhei KOBAYASHI ;; Kenichi OKADA ;; Keywords: SCRAM-MD5, HMAC-MD5, SASL, IMAP, POP, ACAP ;; This file is part of FLIM (Faithful Library about Internet Message). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This program is implemented from draft-newman-auth-scram-03.txt. ;; ;; It is caller's responsibility to base64-decode challenges and ;; base64-encode responses in IMAP4 AUTHENTICATE command. ;; ;; Passphrase should be longer than 16 bytes. (See RFC 2195) ;; Examples. ;; ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info nil t 0) ;; => "^A^@^@^@" ;; ;; (base64-encode-string ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-msg-2 ;; (base64-decode-string "dGVzdHNhbHQBAAAAaW1hcEBlbGVhbm9yLmlubm9zb2Z0LmNvbQBqaGNOWmxSdVBiemlGcCt2TFYrTkN3") ;; (base64-decode-string "AGNocmlzADx0NG40UGFiOUhCMEFtL1FMWEI3MmVnQGVsZWFub3IuaW5ub3NvZnQuY29tPg==") ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-salted-pass ;; "secret stuff" "testsalt") ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info nil t 0))) ;; => "AQAAAMg9jU8CeB4KOfk7sUhSQPs=" ;; ;; (base64-encode-string ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-server-msg-2 ;; (base64-decode-string "dGVzdHNhbHQBAAAAaW1hcEBlbGVhbm9yLmlubm9zb2Z0LmNvbQBqaGNOWmxSdVBiemlGcCt2TFYrTkN3") ;; (base64-decode-string "AGNocmlzADx0NG40UGFiOUhCMEFtL1FMWEI3MmVnQGVsZWFub3IuaW5ub3NvZnQuY29tPg==") ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info nil t 0) ;; "testsalt" ;; (sasl-scram-md5-make-salted-pass ;; "secret stuff" "testsalt"))) ;; => "U0odqYw3B7XIIW0oSz65OQ==" ;;; Code: (require 'sasl) (require 'hmac-md5) (defvar sasl-scram-md5-unique-id-function sasl-unique-id-function) (defconst sasl-scram-md5-steps '(ignore ;no initial response sasl-scram-md5-response-1 sasl-scram-md5-response-2 sasl-scram-md5-authenticate-server)) (defmacro sasl-scram-md5-security-info-no-security-layer (security-info) `(eq (logand (aref ,security-info 0) 1) 1)) (defmacro sasl-scram-md5-security-info-integrity-protection-layer (security-info) `(eq (logand (aref ,security-info 0) 2) 2)) (defmacro sasl-scram-md5-security-info-buffer-size (security-info) `(let ((ssecinfo ,security-info)) (+ (lsh (aref ssecinfo 1) 16) (lsh (aref ssecinfo 2) 8) (aref ssecinfo 3)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info (integrity-protection-layer no-security-layer buffer-size) (let ((csecinfo (make-string 4 0))) (when integrity-protection-layer (aset csecinfo 0 2)) (if no-security-layer (aset csecinfo 0 (logior (aref csecinfo 0) 1)) (aset csecinfo 1 (lsh (logand buffer-size (lsh 255 16)) -16)) (aset csecinfo 2 (lsh (logand buffer-size (lsh 255 8)) -8)) (aset csecinfo 3 (logand buffer-size 255))) csecinfo)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-unique-nonce () ; 8*OCTET, globally unique. ;; For example, concatenated string of process-identifier, system-clock, ;; sequence-number, random-number, and domain-name. (let* ((sasl-unique-id-function sasl-scram-md5-unique-id-function) (id (sasl-unique-id))) (unwind-protect (concat "<" id "@" (system-name) ">") (fillarray id 0)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-xor-string (str1 str2) ;; (length str1) == (length str2) == (length dst) == 16 (in SCRAM-MD5) (let* ((len (length str1)) (dst (make-string len 0)) (pos 0)) (while (< pos len) (aset dst pos (logxor (aref str1 pos) (aref str2 pos))) (setq pos (1+ pos))) dst)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-client-msg-1 (authenticate-id &optional authorize-id nonce) "Make an initial client message from AUTHENTICATE-ID and AUTHORIZE-ID. If AUTHORIZE-ID is the same as AUTHENTICATE-ID, it may be omitted." (concat authorize-id "\0" authenticate-id "\0" (or nonce (sasl-scram-md5-make-unique-nonce)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-parse-server-msg-1 (server-msg-1) "Parse SERVER-MSG-1 and return a list of (SALT SECURITY-INFO SERVICE-ID)." (if (and (> (length server-msg-1) 16) (eq (string-match "[^@]+@[^\0]+\0" server-msg-1 12) 12)) (list (substring server-msg-1 0 8) ; salt (substring server-msg-1 8 12) ; server-security-info (substring server-msg-1 ; service-id 12 (1- (match-end 0)))) (sasl-error (format "Unexpected response: %s" server-msg-1)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-server-salt (server-msg-1) (car (sasl-scram-md5-parse-server-msg-1 server-msg-1))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-salted-pass (passphrase salt) (hmac-md5 salt passphrase)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-client-key (salted-pass) (md5-binary salted-pass)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-client-verifier (client-key) (md5-binary client-key)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-shared-key (server-msg-1 client-msg-1 client-security-info client-verifier) (let (buff) (unwind-protect (hmac-md5 (setq buff (concat server-msg-1 client-msg-1 client-security-info)) client-verifier) (fillarray buff 0)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-client-proof (client-key shared-key) (sasl-scram-md5-xor-string client-key shared-key)) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-client-msg-2 (server-msg-1 client-msg-1 salted-pass client-security-info) (let (client-proof client-key shared-key client-verifier) (setq client-key (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-key salted-pass)) (setq client-verifier (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-verifier client-key)) (setq shared-key (unwind-protect (sasl-scram-md5-make-shared-key server-msg-1 client-msg-1 client-security-info client-verifier) (fillarray client-verifier 0))) (setq client-proof (unwind-protect (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-proof client-key shared-key) (fillarray client-key 0) (fillarray shared-key 0))) (unwind-protect (concat client-security-info client-proof) (fillarray client-proof 0)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-make-server-msg-2 (server-msg-1 client-msg-1 client-security-info salt salted-pass) (let ((server-salt (hmac-md5 salt salted-pass)) buff) (unwind-protect (hmac-md5 (setq buff (concat client-msg-1 server-msg-1 client-security-info)) server-salt) (fillarray server-salt 0) (fillarray buff 0)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-response-1 (client step) (sasl-client-set-property client 'client-msg-1 (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-msg-1 (sasl-client-name client) (sasl-client-property client 'authorize-id) (sasl-client-property client 'nonce)))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-response-2 (client step) (let* ((server-msg-1 (sasl-client-set-property client 'server-msg-1 (sasl-step-data step))) (salted-pass (sasl-client-set-property client 'salted-pass (sasl-scram-md5-make-salted-pass (sasl-read-passphrase (format "SCRAM-MD5 passphrase for %s: " (sasl-client-name client))) (sasl-scram-md5-server-salt server-msg-1))))) (sasl-client-set-property client 'client-msg-2 (sasl-scram-md5-make-client-msg-2 server-msg-1 (sasl-client-property client 'client-msg-1) salted-pass (or (sasl-client-property client 'client-security-info) (sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info nil t 0)))))) (defun sasl-scram-md5-authenticate-server (client step) (let ((server-msg-2 (sasl-client-set-property client 'server-msg-2 (sasl-step-data step))) (server-msg-1 (sasl-client-property client 'server-msg-1))) (if (string= server-msg-2 (sasl-scram-md5-make-server-msg-2 server-msg-1 (sasl-client-property client 'client-msg-1) (or (sasl-client-property client 'client-security-info) (sasl-scram-md5-make-security-info nil t 0)) (sasl-scram-md5-server-salt server-msg-1) (sasl-client-property client 'salted-pass))) " " (sasl-error "SCRAM-MD5: authenticate server failed.")))) (put 'sasl-scram 'sasl-mechanism (sasl-make-mechanism "SCRAM-MD5" sasl-scram-md5-steps)) (provide 'sasl-scram) ;;; sasl-scram.el ends here