;;; smtp.el --- basic functions to send mail with SMTP server ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Tomoji Kagatani ;; Simon Leinen (ESMTP support) ;; Shuhei KOBAYASHI ;; Daiki Ueno ;; Keywords: SMTP, mail ;; This file is part of FLIM (Faithful Library about Internet Message). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'pces) (require 'pcustom) (require 'mail-utils) ; mail-strip-quoted-names (require 'sasl) (defgroup smtp nil "SMTP protocol for sending mail." :group 'mail) (defgroup smtp-extensions nil "SMTP service extensions (RFC1869)." :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-default-server nil "Specify default SMTP server." :type '(choice (const nil) string) :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-server (or (getenv "SMTPSERVER") smtp-default-server) "The name of the host running SMTP server. It can also be a function called from `smtp-via-smtp' with arguments SENDER and RECIPIENTS." :type '(choice (string :tag "Name") (function :tag "Function")) :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-service "smtp" "SMTP service port number. \"smtp\" or 25." :type '(choice (integer :tag "25" 25) (string :tag "smtp" "smtp")) :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-local-domain nil "Local domain name without a host name. If the function (system-name) returns the full internet address, don't define this value." :type '(choice (const nil) string) :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-fqdn nil "Fully qualified domain name used for Message-ID." :type '(choice (const nil) string) :group 'smtp) (defcustom smtp-use-8bitmime t "If non-nil, use ESMTP 8BITMIME (RFC1652) if available." :type 'boolean :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-use-size t "If non-nil, use ESMTP SIZE (RFC1870) if available." :type 'boolean :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-use-starttls nil "If non-nil, use STARTTLS (RFC2595) if available." :type 'boolean :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-use-sasl nil "If non-nil, use SMTP Authentication (RFC2554) if available." :type 'boolean :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-sasl-user-name (user-login-name) "Identification to be used for authorization." :type 'string :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-sasl-user-realm smtp-local-domain "Realm name to be used for authorization." :type 'string :group 'smtp-extensions) (defcustom smtp-sasl-mechanisms nil "List of authentication mechanisms." :type '(repeat string) :group 'smtp-extensions) (defvar sasl-mechanisms) (defvar smtp-open-connection-function #'open-network-stream) (defvar smtp-read-point nil) (defvar smtp-connection-alist nil) (defvar smtp-submit-package-function #'smtp-submit-package) ;;; @ SMTP package structure ;;; A package contains a mail message, an envelope sender address, ;;; and one or more envelope recipient addresses. In ESMTP model, ;;; we should guarantee the user to access the current sending package ;;; anywhere from the hook methods (or SMTP commands). (defmacro smtp-package-sender (package) "Return the sender of PACKAGE, a string." `(aref ,package 0)) (defmacro smtp-package-recipients (package) "Return the recipients of PACKAGE, a list of strings." `(aref ,package 1)) (defmacro smtp-package-buffer (package) "Return the data of PACKAGE, a buffer." `(aref ,package 2)) (defmacro smtp-make-package (sender recipients buffer) "Create a new package structure. A package is a unit of SMTP message which contains a mail message, an envelope sender address, and one or more envelope recipient addresses. SENDER specifies the package sender, a string. RECIPIENTS is a list of recipients. BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name which contains mail message." `(vector ,sender ,recipients ,buffer)) (defun smtp-package-buffer-size (package) "Return the size of PACKAGE, an integer." (save-excursion (set-buffer (smtp-package-buffer package)) (let ((size (+ (buffer-size) ;; Add one byte for each change-of-line ;; because or CR-LF representation: (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) ;; For some reason, an empty line is ;; added to the message. Maybe this ;; is a bug, but it can't hurt to add ;; those two bytes anyway: 2))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^\\." nil t) (setq size (1+ size))) size))) ;;; @ SMTP connection structure ;;; We should take care of a emulation for another network stream. ;;; They are likely to be implemented with a external program and the function ;;; `process-contact' returns the process ID instead of `(HOST SERVICE)' pair. (defmacro smtp-connection-process (connection) "Return the subprocess-object of CONNECTION." `(aref ,connection 0)) (defmacro smtp-connection-server (connection) "Return the server of CONNECTION, a string." `(aref ,connection 1)) (defmacro smtp-connection-service (connection) "Return the service of CONNECTION, a string or an integer." `(aref ,connection 2)) (defmacro smtp-connection-extensions (connection) "Return the SMTP extensions of CONNECTION, a list of strings." `(aref ,connection 3)) (defmacro smtp-connection-set-extensions (connection extensions) "Set the SMTP extensions of CONNECTION. EXTENSIONS is a list of cons cells of the form \(EXTENSION . PARAMETERS). Where EXTENSION is a symbol and PARAMETERS is a list of strings." `(aset ,connection 3 ,extensions)) (defmacro smtp-make-connection (process server service) "Create a new connection structure. PROCESS is an internal subprocess-object. SERVER is name of the host to connect to. SERVICE is name of the service desired." `(vector ,process ,server ,service nil)) (defun smtp-connection-opened (connection) "Say whether the CONNECTION to server has been opened." (let ((process (smtp-connection-process connection))) (if (memq (process-status process) '(open run)) t))) (defun smtp-close-connection (connection) "Close the CONNECTION to server." (let ((process (smtp-connection-process connection))) (delete-process process))) (defun smtp-make-fqdn () "Return user's fully qualified domain name." (if smtp-fqdn smtp-fqdn (let ((system-name (system-name))) (cond (smtp-local-domain (concat system-name "." smtp-local-domain)) ((string-match "[^.]\\.[^.]" system-name) system-name) (t (error "Cannot generate valid FQDN")))))) (defun smtp-find-connection (buffer) "Find the connection delivering to BUFFER." (let ((entry (assq buffer smtp-connection-alist)) connection) (when entry (setq connection (nth 1 entry)) (if (smtp-connection-opened connection) connection (setq smtp-connection-alist (delq entry smtp-connection-alist)) nil)))) (eval-and-compile (autoload 'starttls-open-stream "starttls") (autoload 'starttls-negotiate "starttls")) (defun smtp-open-connection (buffer server service) "Open a SMTP connection for a service to a host. Return a newly allocated connection-object. BUFFER is the buffer to associate with the connection. SERVER is name of the host to connect to. SERVICE is name of the service desired." (let ((process (as-binary-process (funcall smtp-open-connection-function "SMTP" buffer server service))) connection) (when process (setq connection (smtp-make-connection process server service)) (set-process-filter process 'smtp-process-filter) (setq smtp-connection-alist (cons (list buffer connection) smtp-connection-alist)) connection))) ;;;###autoload (defun smtp-via-smtp (sender recipients buffer) (condition-case nil (progn (smtp-send-buffer sender recipients buffer) t) (smtp-error))) (make-obsolete 'smtp-via-smtp "It's old API.") ;;;###autoload (defun smtp-send-buffer (sender recipients buffer) (let ((server (if (functionp smtp-server) (funcall smtp-server sender recipients) smtp-server)) (package (smtp-make-package sender recipients buffer)) (smtp-open-connection-function (if smtp-use-starttls #'starttls-open-stream smtp-open-connection-function))) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*trace of SMTP session to %s*" server))) (erase-buffer) (buffer-disable-undo) (unless (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer)) (smtp-open-connection (current-buffer) server smtp-service)) (make-local-variable 'smtp-read-point) (setq smtp-read-point (point-min)) (funcall smtp-submit-package-function package)))) (defun smtp-submit-package (package) (unwind-protect (progn (smtp-primitive-greeting package) (condition-case nil (smtp-primitive-ehlo package) (smtp-response-error (smtp-primitive-helo package))) (if smtp-use-starttls (smtp-primitive-starttls package)) (if smtp-use-sasl (smtp-primitive-auth package)) (smtp-primitive-mailfrom package) (smtp-primitive-rcptto package) (smtp-primitive-data package)) (let ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer)))) (when (smtp-connection-opened connection) ;; QUIT (smtp-primitive-quit package) (smtp-close-connection connection))))) ;;; @ hook methods for `smtp-submit-package' ;;; (defun smtp-primitive-greeting (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (response (smtp-read-response (smtp-connection-process connection)))) (if (/= (car response) 220) (smtp-response-error response)))) (defun smtp-primitive-ehlo (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) response) (smtp-send-command process (format "EHLO %s" (smtp-make-fqdn))) (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 250) (smtp-response-error response)) (smtp-connection-set-extensions connection (mapcar (lambda (extension) (let ((extensions (split-string extension))) (setcar extensions (car (read-from-string (downcase (car extensions))))) extensions)) (cdr response))))) (defun smtp-primitive-helo (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) response) (smtp-send-command process (format "HELO %s" (smtp-make-fqdn))) (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 250) (smtp-response-error response)))) (defun smtp-primitive-auth (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) (mechanisms (cdr (assq 'auth (smtp-connection-extensions connection)))) (sasl-mechanisms (or smtp-sasl-mechanisms sasl-mechanisms)) (mechanism (sasl-find-mechanism mechanisms)) client name step response) (unless mechanism (error "No authentication mechanism available")) (setq client (sasl-make-client mechanism smtp-sasl-user-name "smtp" (smtp-connection-server connection))) (if smtp-sasl-user-realm (sasl-client-set-property client 'realm smtp-sasl-user-realm)) (setq name (sasl-mechanism-name mechanism) ;; Retrieve the initial response step (sasl-next-step client nil)) (smtp-send-command process (if (sasl-step-data step) (format "AUTH %s %s" name (base64-encode-string (sasl-step-data step) t)) (format "AUTH %s" name))) (catch 'done (while t (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (when (= (car response) 235) ;; The authentication process is finished. (setq step (sasl-next-step client step)) (if (null step) (throw 'done nil)) (smtp-response-error response)) ;Bogus server? (if (/= (car response) 334) (smtp-response-error response)) (sasl-step-set-data step (base64-decode-string (nth 1 response))) (setq step (sasl-next-step client step)) (smtp-send-command process (if (sasl-step-data step) (base64-encode-string (sasl-step-data step) t) "")))))) (defun smtp-primitive-starttls (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) response) ;; STARTTLS --- begin a TLS negotiation (RFC 2595) (smtp-send-command process "STARTTLS") (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 220) (smtp-response-error response)) (starttls-negotiate process))) (defun smtp-primitive-mailfrom (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) (extensions (smtp-connection-extensions connection)) (sender (smtp-package-sender package)) extension response) ;; SIZE --- Message Size Declaration (RFC1870) (if (and smtp-use-size (assq 'size extensions)) (setq extension (format "SIZE=%d" (smtp-package-buffer-size package)))) ;; 8BITMIME --- 8bit-MIMEtransport (RFC1652) (if (and smtp-use-8bitmime (assq '8bitmime extensions)) (setq extension (concat extension " BODY=8BITMIME"))) (smtp-send-command process (if extension (format "MAIL FROM:<%s> %s" sender extension) (format "MAIL FROM:<%s>" sender))) (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 250) (smtp-response-error response)))) (defun smtp-primitive-rcptto (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) (recipients (smtp-package-recipients package)) response) (while recipients (smtp-send-command process (format "RCPT TO:<%s>" (pop recipients))) (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (unless (memq (car response) '(250 251)) (smtp-response-error response))))) (defun smtp-primitive-data (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) response) (smtp-send-command process "DATA") (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 354) (smtp-response-error response)) (save-excursion (set-buffer (smtp-package-buffer package)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (smtp-send-data process (buffer-substring (point) (progn (end-of-line)(point)))) (forward-char))) (smtp-send-command process ".") (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 250) (smtp-response-error response)))) (defun smtp-primitive-quit (package) (let* ((connection (smtp-find-connection (current-buffer))) (process (smtp-connection-process connection)) response) (smtp-send-command process "QUIT") (setq response (smtp-read-response process)) (if (/= (car response) 221) (smtp-response-error response)))) ;;; @ low level process manipulating function ;;; (defun smtp-process-filter (process output) (save-excursion (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert output))) (put 'smtp-error 'error-message "SMTP error") (put 'smtp-error 'error-conditions '(smtp-error error)) (put 'smtp-response-error 'error-message "SMTP response error") (put 'smtp-response-error 'error-conditions '(smtp-response-error smtp-error error)) (defun smtp-response-error (response) (signal 'smtp-response-error response)) (defun smtp-read-response (process) (let (case-fold-search (response-continue t) response) (while response-continue (goto-char smtp-read-point) (while (not (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)) (accept-process-output process) (goto-char smtp-read-point)) (setq response (nconc response (list (buffer-substring (+ 4 smtp-read-point) (- (point) 2))))) (goto-char (prog1 smtp-read-point (setq smtp-read-point (point)))) (if (looking-at "[1-5][0-9][0-9] ") (setq response (cons (read (point-marker)) response) response-continue nil))) response)) (defun smtp-send-command (process command) (save-excursion (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert command "\r\n") (setq smtp-read-point (point)) (process-send-string process command) (process-send-string process "\r\n"))) (defun smtp-send-data (process data) (save-excursion (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (goto-char (point-max)) (setq smtp-read-point (point)) ;; Escape "." at start of a line. (if (eq (string-to-char data) ?.) (process-send-string process ".")) (process-send-string process data) (process-send-string process "\r\n"))) (defun smtp-deduce-address-list (smtp-text-buffer header-start header-end) "Get address list suitable for smtp RCPT TO:
." (let ((simple-address-list "") this-line this-line-end addr-regexp (smtp-address-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *smtp-mail*"))) (unwind-protect (save-excursion ;; (set-buffer smtp-address-buffer) (setq case-fold-search t) (erase-buffer) (insert (save-excursion (set-buffer smtp-text-buffer) (buffer-substring-no-properties header-start header-end))) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; RESENT-* fields should stop processing of regular fields. (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward "^RESENT-TO:" header-end t) (setq addr-regexp "^\\(RESENT-TO:\\|RESENT-CC:\\|RESENT-BCC:\\)") (setq addr-regexp "^\\(TO:\\|CC:\\|BCC:\\)"))) (while (re-search-forward addr-regexp header-end t) (replace-match "") (setq this-line (match-beginning 0)) (forward-line 1) ;; get any continuation lines. (while (and (looking-at "^[ \t]+") (< (point) header-end)) (forward-line 1)) (setq this-line-end (point-marker)) (setq simple-address-list (concat simple-address-list " " (mail-strip-quoted-names (buffer-substring this-line this-line-end))))) (erase-buffer) (insert-string " ") (insert-string simple-address-list) (insert-string "\n") ;; newline --> blank (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) 10 ? t) ;; comma --> blank (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?, ? t) ;; tab --> blank (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) 9 ? t) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; tidyness in case hook is not robust when it looks at this (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+" header-end t) (replace-match " ")) (goto-char (point-min)) (let (recipient-address-list) (while (re-search-forward " \\([^ ]+\\) " (point-max) t) (backward-char 1) (setq recipient-address-list (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) recipient-address-list))) recipient-address-list)) (kill-buffer smtp-address-buffer)))) (provide 'smtp) ;;; smtp.el ends here