-*- mode: text; left-margin: 2; fill-column: 70; -*- This program is in very early developing stage. Please use at your own risk. * Requirements Liece works under following environment at least. - Emacs 20.7 - XEmacs 21.1 or later This package uses following libraries. - APEL 10.2 or later (stands for - "A Portable Emacs Library") ftp://ftp.m17n.org/pub/mule/apel/ * Quick installation (Install APEL, then) % ./configure % make % su Password: # make install If you are not able to become super-user, you may specify local directory to install. % ./configure --prefix=~/ --with-lispdir=~/elisp * Configuration and running ** Setting up your ~/.emacs If you are using Emacs 20.7, prepare `subdirs.el' with following contents, Emacs will find and append each substantial directory to `load-path' automagically. ex: (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path) If you have never been using liece and/or its variants, add an autoload setting into your `~/.emacs'. ex: (autoload 'liece "liece" nil t) If you are using Emacs 20.7 and have never run Liece, run `etc/gnu-emacs-user-config' to prepare initial settings. * Optional packages Following packages are optional. If install script of this package found them, it would use various functionality provided by them. custom http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~abraham/custom/ X-Face utility ftp://ftp.jpl.org/pub/elisp/ bitmap-mule ftp://ftp.jpl.org/pub/elisp/bitmap/ (for GNU Emacs only)