;;; riece-mixi.el --- Riece integration for mixi ;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 OHASHI Akira ;; Author: OHASHI Akira ;; Keywords: IRC, riece ;; This file is *NOT* part of Riece. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; NOTE: This is an add-on module for Riece. ;; If you have bug reports and/or suggestions for improvement, please ;; send them via . ;;; Code: (require 'mixi) (require 'mixi-utils) (require 'timer) (require 'riece-message) (defgroup riece-mixi nil "Riece integration for mixi." :prefix "riece-" :group 'riece) (defcustom riece-mixi-regexp "\\(https?://\\([^.]+.\\)?mixi.jp[^ ]+\\)" "*Pattern of string to retrieving to mixi." :type 'string :group 'riece-mixi) (defcustom riece-mixi-reply-to-only-me nil "*If non-nil, reply to only my messages." :type 'boolean :group 'riece-mixi) (defcustom riece-mixi-check-alist nil "*An alist for checking to detect new articles. Each element looks like (CHANNEL . URL) or (CHANNEL . FUNCTION). CHANNEL is a channel name. URL is the URL for mixi access point of the channel. If URL is friend's, get his/her diaries as article. If community's, get its BBSes. If diary's or BBS's, get its comments. FUNCTION is the function which has one `range' argument and returns the list of mixi object." :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v" (string :tag "Channel") (radio (string :tag "URL") (function :tag "Other function")))) :group 'riece-mixi) (defcustom riece-mixi-check-range 1 "*The number of ranges that should be checked to detect new articles." :type 'integer :group 'riece-mixi) (defcustom riece-mixi-timer-step 3600 "*Seconds for checking to detect new articles." :type 'integer :group 'riece-mixi) (defvar riece-mixi-timer nil) (defvar riece-mixi-last-check nil) (defconst riece-mixi-description "Riece integration for mixi.") (defun riece-mixi-send-notice (target string) (riece-send-string (format "NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target) string)) (riece-display-message (riece-make-message (riece-current-nickname) target string 'notice))) (defun riece-mixi-send-object (target object) (condition-case nil (let ((string (concat (mixi-make-title object t) " [AR]"))) (riece-mixi-send-notice target string)) (error nil))) (defun riece-mixi-display-message-function (message) (when (and (get 'riece-mixi 'riece-addon-enabled) (or (riece-message-own-p message) (not riece-mixi-reply-to-only-me)) (string-match riece-mixi-regexp (riece-message-text message))) (let* ((url (match-string 1 (riece-message-text message))) (object (mixi-make-object-from-url url))) (when (mixi-object-p object) (let ((target (riece-message-target message))) (riece-mixi-send-object target object)))))) (defun riece-mixi-send-object-with-url (target object) (condition-case nil (let ((url (mixi-make-url object))) (riece-mixi-send-notice target url)) (error nil))) (defun riece-mixi-check () "Check to detect new articles. If they exist, send them as notice to the corresponding channel." (when (get 'riece-mixi 'riece-addon-enabled) (mapc (lambda (list) (let ((target (riece-parse-identity (car list))) (url-or-function (cdr list))) (when (member target riece-current-channels) (let ((objects (mixi-make-objects url-or-function riece-mixi-check-range))) (while objects (let ((object (car objects))) (when (mixi-parent-p object) (let ((comments (mixi-get-comments object riece-mixi-check-range))) (while comments (let ((time (mixi-object-time (car comments)))) (when (mixi-time-less-p riece-mixi-last-check time) (riece-mixi-send-object-with-url target (car comments)))) (setq comments (cdr comments))))) (let ((time (mixi-object-time object))) (when (mixi-time-less-p riece-mixi-last-check time) (riece-mixi-send-object-with-url target object)))) (setq objects (cdr objects))))))) riece-mixi-check-alist) (setq riece-mixi-last-check (current-time)))) (defun riece-mixi-message-filter (message) (when (and (get 'riece-mixi 'riece-addon-enabled) (riece-message-own-p message) (eq 'action (riece-message-type message))) (mixi-post-echo (riece-message-text message))) message) (defun riece-mixi-insinuate () (add-hook 'riece-after-display-message-functions 'riece-mixi-display-message-function) (add-hook 'riece-message-filter-functions 'riece-mixi-message-filter)) (defun riece-mixi-uninstall () (remove-hook 'riece-after-display-message-functions 'riece-mixi-display-message-function) (remove-hook 'riece-message-filter-functions 'riece-mixi-message-filter)) (defun riece-mixi-enable () (when riece-mixi-check-alist (setq riece-mixi-timer (run-at-time riece-mixi-timer-step riece-mixi-timer-step 'riece-mixi-check)) (setq riece-mixi-last-check (current-time)))) (defun riece-mixi-disable () (when (timerp riece-mixi-timer) (cancel-timer riece-mixi-timer) (setq riece-mixi-timer nil))) (provide 'riece-mixi) ;;; riece-mixi.el ends here