;;; mime-play.el --- Playback processing module for mime-view.el ;; Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, ;; 2004, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Created: 1995/9/26 (separated from tm-view.el) ;; Renamed: 1997/2/21 from tm-play.el ;; Keywords: MIME, multimedia, mail, news ;; This file is part of SEMI (Secretariat of Emacs MIME Interfaces). ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'mime-view) (require 'alist) (require 'filename) (eval-when-compile (condition-case nil (require 'bbdb) (error (defvar bbdb-buffer-name nil))) ) (defcustom mime-save-directory "~/" "*Name of the directory where MIME entity will be saved in. If t, it means current directory." :group 'mime-view :type '(choice (const :tag "Current directory" t) (directory))) (defcustom mime-play-delete-file-immediately t "If non-nil, delete played file immediately." :group 'mime-view :type 'boolean) (defvar mime-play-find-every-situations t "*Find every available situations if non-nil.") (defvar mime-play-messages-coding-system nil "Coding system to be used for external MIME playback method.") ;;; @ content decoder ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun mime-preview-play-current-entity (&optional ignore-examples mode) "Play current entity. It decodes current entity to call internal or external method. The method is selected from variable `mime-acting-condition'. If IGNORE-EXAMPLES (C-u prefix) is specified, this function ignores `mime-acting-situation-example-list'. If MODE is specified, play as it. Default MODE is \"play\"." (interactive "P") (let ((entity (get-text-property (point) 'mime-view-entity))) (if entity (let ((situation (get-text-property (point) 'mime-view-situation))) (or mode (setq mode "play")) (setq situation (if (assq 'mode situation) (put-alist 'mode mode (copy-alist situation)) (cons (cons 'mode mode) situation))) (if ignore-examples (setq situation (cons (cons 'ignore-examples ignore-examples) situation))) (mime-play-entity entity situation) )))) ;;;###autoload (defun mime-play-entity (entity &optional situation ignored-method) "Play entity specified by ENTITY. It decodes the entity to call internal or external method. The method is selected from variable `mime-acting-condition'. If MODE is specified, play as it. Default MODE is \"play\"." (let ((ret (mime-unify-situations (mime-entity-situation entity situation) mime-acting-condition mime-acting-situation-example-list 'method ignored-method mime-play-find-every-situations)) method) (setq mime-acting-situation-example-list (cdr ret) ret (car ret)) (cond ((cdr ret) (setq ret (mime-select-menu-alist "Methods" (mapcar (function (lambda (situation) (cons (format "%s" (cdr (assq 'method situation))) situation))) ret))) (setq ret (mime-sort-situation ret)) (add-to-list 'mime-acting-situation-example-list (cons ret 0)) ) (t (setq ret (car ret)) )) (setq method (cdr (assq 'method ret))) (cond ((and (symbolp method) (fboundp method)) (funcall method entity ret) ) ((stringp method) (mime-activate-mailcap-method entity ret) ) ;; ((and (listp method)(stringp (car method))) ;; (mime-activate-external-method entity ret) ;; ) (t (mime-show-echo-buffer "No method are specified for %s\n" (mime-type/subtype-string (cdr (assq 'type situation)) (cdr (assq 'subtype situation)))) (if (y-or-n-p "Do you want to save current entity to disk?") (mime-save-content entity situation)) )) )) ;;; @ external decoder ;;; (defvar mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist nil) (defun mime-activate-mailcap-method (entity situation) (let ((method (cdr (assoc 'method situation))) (name (mime-entity-safe-filename entity))) (setq name (expand-file-name (if (and name (not (string= name ""))) name (make-temp-name "EMI")) (make-temp-file "EMI" 'directory))) (mime-write-entity-content entity name) (message "External method is starting...") (let ((process (let ((command (mime-format-mailcap-command method (cons (cons 'filename name) situation))) (coding-system-for-read mime-play-messages-coding-system)) (start-process command mime-echo-buffer-name shell-file-name shell-command-switch command)))) (set-alist 'mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist process name) (set-process-sentinel process 'mime-mailcap-method-sentinel)))) (defun mime-mailcap-method-sentinel (process event) (when mime-play-delete-file-immediately (let ((file (cdr (assq process mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist)))) (when (file-exists-p file) (ignore-errors (delete-file file) (delete-directory (file-name-directory file))))) (remove-alist 'mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist process)) (message "%s %s" process event)) (defun mime-mailcap-delete-played-files () (dolist (elem mime-mailcap-method-filename-alist) (when (file-exists-p (cdr elem)) (ignore-errors (delete-file (cdr elem)) (delete-directory (file-name-directory (cdr elem))))))) (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'mime-mailcap-delete-played-files) (defvar mime-echo-window-is-shared-with-bbdb (module-installed-p 'bbdb) "*If non-nil, mime-echo window is shared with BBDB window.") (defvar mime-echo-window-height (function (lambda () (/ (window-height) 5) )) "*Size of mime-echo window. It allows function or integer. If it is function, `mime-show-echo-buffer' calls it to get height of mime-echo window. Otherwise `mime-show-echo-buffer' uses it as height of mime-echo window.") (defun mime-show-echo-buffer (&rest forms) "Show mime-echo buffer to display MIME-playing information." (get-buffer-create mime-echo-buffer-name) (let ((the-win (selected-window)) (win (get-buffer-window mime-echo-buffer-name))) (unless win (unless (and mime-echo-window-is-shared-with-bbdb (condition-case nil (setq win (get-buffer-window bbdb-buffer-name)) (error nil))) (select-window (get-buffer-window (or mime-preview-buffer (current-buffer)))) (setq win (split-window-vertically (- (window-height) (if (functionp mime-echo-window-height) (funcall mime-echo-window-height) mime-echo-window-height) ))) ) (set-window-buffer win mime-echo-buffer-name) ) (select-window win) (goto-char (point-max)) (if forms (let ((buffer-read-only nil)) (insert (apply (function format) forms)) )) (select-window the-win) )) ;;; @ file name ;;; (defvar mime-view-file-name-char-regexp "[A-Za-z0-9+_-]") (defvar mime-view-file-name-regexp-1 (concat mime-view-file-name-char-regexp "+\\." mime-view-file-name-char-regexp "+")) (defvar mime-view-file-name-regexp-2 (concat (regexp-* mime-view-file-name-char-regexp) "\\(\\." mime-view-file-name-char-regexp "+\\)*")) (defun mime-entity-safe-filename (entity) (let ((filename (or (mime-entity-filename entity) (let ((subj (or (mime-entity-read-field entity 'Content-Description) (mime-entity-read-field entity 'Subject)))) (if (and subj (or (string-match mime-view-file-name-regexp-1 subj) (string-match mime-view-file-name-regexp-2 subj))) (substring subj (match-beginning 0)(match-end 0)) ))))) (if filename (replace-as-filename filename) ))) ;;; @ file extraction ;;; (defun mime-save-content (entity situation) (let ((name (or (mime-entity-safe-filename entity) (format "%s" (mime-entity-media-type entity)))) (dir (if (eq t mime-save-directory) default-directory mime-save-directory)) filename) (setq filename (read-file-name (concat "File name: (default " (file-name-nondirectory name) ") ") dir (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) (file-name-nondirectory name)))) (if (file-directory-p filename) (setq filename (concat (file-name-as-directory filename) (file-name-nondirectory name)))) (if (file-exists-p filename) (or (yes-or-no-p (format "File %s exists. Save anyway? " filename)) (error ""))) (mime-write-entity-content entity (expand-file-name filename)) filename)) ;;; @ file detection ;;; (defvar mime-magic-type-alist '(("^\377\330\377[\340\356]..JFIF" image jpeg) ("^\211PNG" image png) ("^GIF8[79]" image gif) ("^II\\*\000" image tiff) ("^MM\000\\*" image tiff) ("^MThd" audio midi) ("^\000\000\001\263" video mpeg) ) "*Alist of regexp about magic-number vs. corresponding media-types. Each element looks like (REGEXP TYPE SUBTYPE). REGEXP is a regular expression to match against the beginning of the content of entity. TYPE is symbol to indicate primary type of media-type. SUBTYPE is symbol to indicate subtype of media-type.") (defun mime-detect-content (entity situation) (let (type subtype) (let ((mdata (mime-entity-content entity)) (rest mime-magic-type-alist)) (while (not (let ((cell (car rest))) (if cell (if (string-match (car cell) mdata) (setq type (nth 1 cell) subtype (nth 2 cell)) ) t))) (setq rest (cdr rest)))) (setq situation (del-alist 'method (copy-alist situation))) (mime-play-entity entity (if type (put-alist 'type type (put-alist 'subtype subtype situation)) situation) 'mime-detect-content))) ;;; @ mail/news message ;;; (defun mime-preview-quitting-method-for-mime-show-message-mode () "Quitting method for mime-view. It is registered to variable `mime-preview-quitting-method-alist'." (let ((mother mime-mother-buffer) (win-conf mime-preview-original-window-configuration)) (if (buffer-live-p mime-view-temp-message-buffer) (kill-buffer mime-view-temp-message-buffer)) (mime-preview-kill-buffer) (set-window-configuration win-conf) (pop-to-buffer mother))) (defun mime-view-message/rfc822 (entity situation) (let* ((new-name (format "%s-%s" (buffer-name) (mime-entity-number entity))) (mother (current-buffer)) (children (car (mime-entity-children entity))) (preview-buffer (mime-display-message children new-name mother nil (cdr (assq 'major-mode (get-text-property (point) 'mime-view-situation)))))) (or (get-buffer-window preview-buffer) (let ((m-win (get-buffer-window mother))) (if m-win (set-window-buffer m-win preview-buffer) (switch-to-buffer preview-buffer) ))))) ;;; @ message/partial ;;; (defun mime-require-safe-directory (dir) "Create a directory DIR safely. The permission of the created directory becomes `700' (for the owner only). If the directory already exists and is writable by other users, an error occurs." (let ((attr (file-attributes dir)) (orig-modes (default-file-modes))) (if (and attr (eq (car attr) t)) ; directory already exists. (unless (or (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos OS/2 emx)) (and (eq (nth 2 attr) (user-real-uid)) (eq (file-modes dir) 448))) (error "Invalid owner or permission for %s" dir)) (unwind-protect (progn (set-default-file-modes 448) (make-directory dir)) (set-default-file-modes orig-modes))))) (defvar mime-view-temp-message-buffer nil) ; buffer local variable (defun mime-store-message/partial-piece (entity cal) (let ((root-dir (expand-file-name (concat "m-prts-" (user-login-name)) temporary-file-directory)) (id (cdr (assoc "id" cal))) (number (cdr (assoc "number" cal))) (total (cdr (assoc "total" cal))) file (mother (current-buffer)) (orig-modes (default-file-modes))) (mime-require-safe-directory root-dir) (or (file-exists-p root-dir) (unwind-protect (progn (set-default-file-modes 448) (make-directory root-dir)) (set-default-file-modes orig-modes))) (setq id (replace-as-filename id)) (setq root-dir (concat root-dir "/" id)) (or (file-exists-p root-dir) (unwind-protect (progn (set-default-file-modes 448) (make-directory root-dir)) (set-default-file-modes orig-modes))) (setq file (concat root-dir "/FULL")) (if (file-exists-p file) (let ((full-buf (get-buffer-create "FULL")) (pwin (or (get-buffer-window mother) (get-largest-window))) pbuf) (save-window-excursion (set-buffer full-buf) (erase-buffer) (binary-insert-encoded-file file) (setq major-mode 'mime-show-message-mode) (mime-view-buffer (current-buffer) nil mother) (setq pbuf (current-buffer)) (make-local-variable 'mime-view-temp-message-buffer) (setq mime-view-temp-message-buffer full-buf)) (set-window-buffer pwin pbuf) (select-window pwin)) (setq file (concat root-dir "/" number)) (mime-write-entity-body entity file) (let ((total-file (concat root-dir "/CT"))) (setq total (if total (progn (or (file-exists-p total-file) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create mime-temp-buffer-name)) (erase-buffer) (insert total) (write-region (point-min)(point-max) total-file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) )) (string-to-number total) ) (and (file-exists-p total-file) (save-excursion (set-buffer (find-file-noselect total-file)) (prog1 (and (re-search-forward "[0-9]+" nil t) (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))) ) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) ))) ))) (if (and total (> total 0) (>= (length (directory-files root-dir nil "^[0-9]+$" t)) total)) (catch 'tag (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create mime-temp-buffer-name)) (let ((full-buf (current-buffer))) (erase-buffer) (let ((i 1)) (while (<= i total) (setq file (concat root-dir "/" (int-to-string i))) (or (file-exists-p file) (throw 'tag nil) ) (binary-insert-encoded-file file) (goto-char (point-max)) (setq i (1+ i)))) (binary-write-decoded-region (point-min)(point-max) (expand-file-name "FULL" root-dir)) (let ((i 1)) (while (<= i total) (let ((file (format "%s/%d" root-dir i))) (and (file-exists-p file) (delete-file file))) (setq i (1+ i)))) (let ((file (expand-file-name "CT" root-dir))) (and (file-exists-p file) (delete-file file))) (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (pwin (or (get-buffer-window mother) (get-largest-window))) (pbuf (mime-display-message (mime-open-entity 'buffer (current-buffer)) nil mother nil 'mime-show-message-mode))) (with-current-buffer pbuf (make-local-variable 'mime-view-temp-message-buffer) (setq mime-view-temp-message-buffer buf)) (set-window-buffer pwin pbuf) (select-window pwin) ))))) ))) ;;; @ message/external-body ;;; (defvar mime-raw-dired-function (if (and (>= emacs-major-version 19) window-system) (function dired-other-frame) (function mime-raw-dired-function-for-one-frame) )) (defun mime-raw-dired-function-for-one-frame (dir) (let ((win (or (get-buffer-window mime-preview-buffer) (get-largest-window)))) (select-window win) (dired dir) )) (defun mime-view-message/external-anon-ftp (entity cal) (let* ((site (cdr (assoc "site" cal))) (directory (cdr (assoc "directory" cal))) (name (cdr (assoc "name" cal))) (pathname (concat "/anonymous@" site ":" directory))) (message "%s" (concat "Accessing " (expand-file-name name pathname) "...")) (funcall mime-raw-dired-function pathname) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward name) )) (defvar mime-raw-browse-url-function mime-browse-url-function) (defun mime-view-message/external-url (entity cal) (let ((url (cdr (assoc "url" cal)))) (message "%s" (concat "Accessing " url "...")) (funcall mime-raw-browse-url-function url))) ;;; @ rot13-47 ;;; (defun mime-view-caesar (entity situation) "Internal method for mime-view to display ROT13-47-48 message." (let ((buf (get-buffer-create (format "%s-%s" (buffer-name) (mime-entity-number entity))))) (with-current-buffer buf (setq buffer-read-only nil) (erase-buffer) (mime-insert-text-content entity) (mule-caesar-region (point-min) (point-max)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) ) (let ((win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))) (or (eq (selected-window) win) (select-window (or win (get-largest-window))) )) (view-buffer buf) (goto-char (point-min)) )) ;;; @ end ;;; (provide 'mime-play) ;;; mime-play.el ends here