;;; its.el --- Input Translation System AKA "ITS(uDekirunDa!)" ;; Copyright (C) 1999,2000 PFU LIMITED ;; Author: NIIBE Yutaka ;; KATAYAMA Yoshio ;; Maintainer: TOMURA Satoru ;; Keywords: mule, multilingual, input method ;; This file is part of EGG. ;; EGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; EGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'cl) (require 'egg-edep) (defgroup its nil "Input Translation System of Tamagotchy" :group 'egg) (defcustom its-enable-fullwidth-alphabet t "*Enable fullwidth symbol input." :group 'its :type 'boolean) (defcustom its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq nil "*Don't allow invalid key sequence in input buffer, if non-NIL." :group 'its :type 'boolean) (defcustom its-delete-by-keystroke nil "*Delete characters as if cancel input keystroke, if nin-NIL." :group 'its :type 'boolean) (defcustom its-fence-invisible nil "*Make fences invisible, if nin-NIL." :group 'its :type 'boolean) (defcustom its-fence-open "|" "*String of fence start mark. (should not be null string)" :group 'its :type '(string :valid-regexp ".+")) (defcustom its-fence-continue "+" "*String of fence start mark. (should not be null string)" :group 'its :type '(string :valid-regexp ".+")) (defcustom its-fence-close "|" "*String of fence end mark. (should not be null string)" :group 'its :type '(string :valid-regexp ".+")) (defcustom its-fence-face nil "*Face (or alist of languages and faces) of text in fences." :group 'its :type '(choice face (repeat :tag "Language-Face alist" (cons :tag "Language-Face" (choice :tag "Language" (const Japanese) (const Chinese-GB) (const Chinese-CNS) (const Korean) (const :tag "Default" t) (symbol :tag "Other")) face)))) (defvar its-current-map nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'its-current-map) (put 'its-current-map 'permanent-local t) (defvar its-current-select-func nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'its-current-select-func) (put 'its-current-select-func 'permanent-local t) (defvar its-previous-select-func nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'its-previous-select-func) (put 'its-previous-select-func 'permanent-local t) (defvar its-current-language) (make-variable-buffer-local 'its-current-language) (put 'its-current-language 'permanent-local t) ;; Data structure in ITS ;; (1) SYL and CURSOR ;; ;; "SYL" stands for something like a syllable. ;; ;; ::= ( . ( . )) ; Determined: DSYL ;; | ; Intermediate: ISYL ;; | ( . ) ; Verbatim: VSYL ;; | nil ; None ;; ;; ; ::= ;; ; ( . ( . )) ;; ;; ::= "string" of key sequence ;; ::= "string" ;; ;; ::= integer which specifies point ;; ;; ::= nil ; Previous SYL is active (input will go that SYL) ;; | t ; input makes new SYL. DEL deletes previous SYL ;; | its-cursor ; DEL breaks previous SYL, input makes new SYL ;; Data structures in ITS ;; (2) State machine which recognizes SYL ;; ;; ::= ( . ) ;; ;; ::= ; intermediate state ;; | ; terminal state ;; ;; ::= ( . ) ;; ::= ( ... ) ;; ::= ( . ) ;; ::= Positive INTEGER which specifies KEY STROKE ;; | -1 ; means END of key stroke ;; ;; Only applicable for last transition. ;; ::= ( ( . ( . ))... ) ;; ::= something like "[a-z]" which specifies class of key. ;; | NIL; means ANY of key (except END of the key stroke) ;; ;; ;; ::= "string" ;; ;; ::= nil ;; | ;; ;; ::= integer which specifies how many key strokes we go back ;; ;; ::= "string" ;; Data structure in ITS (3) Map ;; ;; ::= ( . ) ;; ::= "string" ;; ::= "string" ;; ::= "string" ;; ::= ;; (defsubst its-new-state (output keyseq back) (cons output (cons keyseq back))) (defsubst its-new-map (name indicator language) (cons name (cons indicator (cons language (its-new-state "" "" nil))))) (defsubst its-get-indicator (map) (nth 1 map)) (defsubst its-get-language (map) (nth 2 map)) (defsubst its-get-start-state (map) (nthcdr 3 map)) (defsubst its-get-kst/t (state) (cdr (cdr state))) (defsubst its-set-kst (state kst) (setcdr (cdr state) kst)) (defsubst its-get-keyseq (state) (car (cdr state))) (defsubst its-set-keyseq (state keyseq) (setcar (cdr state) keyseq)) (defun its-get-keyseq-cooked (state) (let ((keyseq (its-get-keyseq state)) (back (its-get-kst/t state))) (if back (substring keyseq 0 back) keyseq))) (defsubst its-kst-p (kst/t) (not (or (numberp kst/t) (null kst/t)))) (defsubst its-get-output (syl/state) (car syl/state)) (defsubst its-set-output (state output) (setcar state output)) (defsubst its-get-keyseq-syl (syl) (let ((l (cdr syl))) (cond ((stringp l) ; DSYL l) ((numberp l) ; VSYL (car syl)) ((numberp (cdr l)) (substring (car l) 0 (cdr l))) (t (car l))))) (defsubst its-eob-keyexpr (eob) (car (cdr eob))) (defsubst its-eob-back (eob) (cdr (cdr eob))) (defsubst its-make-class+back (class back) (cons class back)) (defsubst its-make-otherwise (output class+back) (cons output class+back)) (defsubst its-DSYL-with-back-p (syl) (and (consp (cdr syl)) (numberp (its-get-kst/t syl)))) (defsubst its-concrete-DSYL-p (syl) (stringp (cdr syl))) (defsubst its-make-concrete-DSYL (syl) (if (consp (cdr syl)) (cons (its-get-output syl) (its-get-keyseq-syl syl)) syl)) ;; ;; (require 'its-keydef) (defvar its-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (i 33)) (define-key map "\C-a" 'its-beginning-of-input-buffer) (define-key map "\C-b" 'its-backward-SYL) (define-key map "\C-c" 'its-cancel-input) (define-key map "\C-d" 'its-delete-SYL) (define-key map "\C-e" 'its-end-of-input-buffer) (define-key map "\C-f" 'its-forward-SYL) (define-key map "\C-g" 'its-select-previous-mode) (define-key map "\C-]" 'its-cancel-input) (define-key map "\C-h" 'its-mode-help-command) (define-key map "\C-k" 'its-kill-line) ;; (define-key map "\C-l" 'its-exit-mode) (define-key map "\C-m" 'its-exit-mode) ; RET (define-key map [return] 'its-exit-mode) (define-key map "\C-t" 'its-transpose-chars) (define-key map "\C-w" 'its-kick-convert-region) (define-key map "\C-y" 'its-yank) (define-key map "\M-y" 'its-yank-pop) (define-key map [backspace] 'its-delete-backward-SYL) (define-key map [delete] 'its-delete-backward-SYL) (define-key map [M-backspace] 'its-delete-backward-SYL-by-keystroke) (define-key map [M-delete] 'its-delete-backward-SYL-by-keystroke) (define-key map [right] 'its-forward-SYL) (define-key map [left] 'its-backward-SYL) (while (< i 127) (define-key map (vector i) 'its-self-insert-char) (setq i (1+ i))) (define-key map " " 'its-kick-convert-region-or-self-insert) (define-key map "\177" 'its-delete-backward-SYL) ;; (define-key map "\M-p" 'its-previous-map) (define-key map "\M-n" 'its-next-map) (define-key map "\M-h" 'its-hiragana) ; hiragana-region for input-buffer (define-key map "\M-k" 'its-katakana) (define-key map "\M-<" 'its-hankaku) (define-key map "\M->" 'its-zenkaku) map) "Keymap for ITS mode.") (fset 'its-mode-map its-mode-map) (defconst its-setup-fence-before-insert-SYL nil) (defun its-get-fence-face (lang) (if (null (consp its-fence-face)) its-fence-face (cdr (or (assq lang its-fence-face) (assq t its-fence-face))))) (defun its-put-cursor (cursor) (if (null (eq its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq 'its-keyseq-test)) (let ((p (point)) (str (copy-sequence "!"))) (set-text-properties 0 1 (list 'local-map 'its-mode-map 'read-only t 'invisible t 'intangible 'its-part-2 'its-cursor cursor) str) (insert str) (goto-char p)))) (defun its-set-cursor-status (cursor) (delete-region (point) (1+ (point))) (its-put-cursor cursor) cursor) (defvar its-context nil) ;; ;; +-- START property ;; | --- CURSOR Property ;; | / ;; v v v-- END Property ;; |SYL SYL ^ SYL| ;; ^^^ ^^^ ^^^------ SYL Property ;; <-------><----> ;; intangible intangible ;; 1 2 ;; (defun its-setup-fence-mode () (let ((open-props '(its-start t intangible its-part-1)) (close-props '(rear-nonsticky t its-end t intangible its-part-2)) (p (point)) p1) (if (or (null (stringp its-fence-open)) (zerop (length its-fence-open)) (null (stringp its-fence-continue)) (zerop (length its-fence-continue)) (null (stringp its-fence-close)) (zerop (length its-fence-close))) (error "invalid fence")) ;; Put open-fence before inhibit-read-only to detect read-only (insert (if its-context its-fence-continue its-fence-open)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (setq p1 (point)) (add-text-properties p p1 open-props) (if its-context (put-text-property p p1 'its-context its-context)) (insert its-fence-close) (add-text-properties p1 (point) close-props) (if its-fence-invisible (put-text-property p (point) 'invisible t)) (put-text-property p (point) 'read-only t) (goto-char p1) (its-define-select-keys its-mode-map t) (its-put-cursor t)))) (defun its-start (key context) (let ((its-setup-fence-before-insert-SYL t) (its-context context)) (its-input nil key))) (defun its-restart (str set-prop beginning context) (let ((its-context context) p) (its-setup-fence-mode) (setq p (point)) (put-text-property 0 (length str) 'intangible 'its-part-1 str) (insert str) (if set-prop (progn (delete-region (point) (1+ (point))) (its-setup-yanked-portion p (point)))) (if beginning (its-beginning-of-input-buffer)))) (defun its-self-insert-char () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (key last-command-char) (cursor (get-text-property (point) 'its-cursor)) (syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl))) (cond ((or (eq cursor t) (not (eq (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-map) its-current-map))) (put-text-property (- (point) (length (its-get-output syl))) (point) 'its-syl (its-make-concrete-DSYL syl)) (setq syl nil)) (cursor (setq syl nil))) (its-input syl key))) (defun its-current-language-length () (+ (if (eq (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'egg-lang) its-current-language) (- (point) (previous-single-property-change (point) 'egg-lang)) 0) (if (eq (get-text-property (1+ (point)) 'egg-lang) its-current-language) (- (next-single-property-change (1+ (point)) 'egg-lang) (point) 1) 0))) (defun its-initial-ISYL () (its-get-start-state (symbol-value its-current-map))) (defun its-make-VSYL (keyseq) (cons keyseq (length keyseq))) (defun its-input-error () (error "Invalid Romaji Sequence")) (defvar its-stroke-input-alist nil) (defun its-input (syl key) (let ((output (car syl)) (k/kk/s (cdr syl)) (stroke (assq its-current-language its-stroke-input-alist))) (or syl (setq syl (its-initial-ISYL))) (cond ((numberp k/kk/s) ;; k/kk/s is "point in keyseq" (its-input-to-vsyl syl key k/kk/s output)) ((and (or its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq stroke) (null (its-keyseq-acceptable-p (vector key) syl))) ;; signal before altering (its-input-error)) (t ;; It's ISYL (its-state-machine syl key 'its-buffer-ins/del-SYL) (if (and stroke (>= (its-current-language-length) (cdr stroke))) (its-kick-convert-region)))))) (defun its-input-to-vsyl (syl key point output) (if (< key 0) (its-set-cursor-status t) (let ((len (length output))) (if (= len point) ;; point is at end of VSYL. Don't need to call state machine. (its-buffer-ins/del-SYL (its-make-VSYL (concat output (vector key))) syl nil) ;; point is at middle of VSYL. (let ((new-keyseq (concat (substring output 0 point) (vector key) (substring output point)))) (its-state-machine-keyseq new-keyseq 'its-buffer-ins/del-SYL)))))) ;;; ;;; ITS State Machine ;;; (defvar its-disable-special-action nil) ;; Return CURSOR (defun its-state-machine (state key emit) (let ((next-state (its-get-next-state state key)) expr-output-back kst/t output keyseq back) (cond ;; proceed to next status ((and next-state (not (and its-disable-special-action (eq (its-get-kst/t next-state) t)))) (setq kst/t (its-get-kst/t next-state) output (its-get-output next-state) keyseq (its-get-keyseq next-state)) (cond ;; Special actions. ((eq kst/t t) (if (stringp output) (let ((its-current-language t)) (funcall emit (cons output keyseq) state 'its-cursor)) (funcall emit (cons "" keyseq) state 'its-cursor) (apply (car output) (cdr output)))) ;; Still, it's a intermediate state. ((its-kst-p kst/t) (funcall emit next-state state nil)) ;; It's negative integer which specifies how many ;; characters we go backwards (kst/t (funcall emit next-state state 'its-cursor) (its-state-machine-keyseq (substring keyseq kst/t) emit (< key 0))) ;; Here we arrive to a terminal state. ;; Emit a DSYL, and go ahead. (t (funcall emit next-state state 'its-cursor)))) ;; push back by otherwise status ((and (>= key 0) (setq expr-output-back (its-get-otherwise state key))) (setq keyseq (concat (its-get-keyseq state) (vector key)) back (its-eob-back expr-output-back)) (funcall emit (cons (or (its-get-output expr-output-back) (its-get-output (its-goto-state (substring keyseq 0 back)))) (cons keyseq back)) state t) (its-state-machine-keyseq (substring keyseq back) emit)) ((eq its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq 'its-keyseq-test) 'its-keyseq-test-failed) ;; No next state for KEY. It's invalid sequence. (its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq (its-input-error)) (t ;; XXX Should make DSYL (instead of VSYL)? (setq keyseq (concat (its-get-keyseq state) (if (> key 0) (vector key)))) (funcall emit (its-make-VSYL keyseq) state nil))))) (defvar its-latest-SYL nil "The latest SYL inserted.") (defsubst its-update-latest-SYL (syl) (setq its-latest-SYL syl)) ;; Return CURSOR (defun its-state-machine-keyseq (keyseq emit &optional eol) (let ((i 0) (len (length keyseq)) (syl (its-initial-ISYL)) cursor) (while (< i len) (cond ((numberp (cdr syl)) ;; VSYL - no need looping (funcall emit (its-make-VSYL (concat (car syl) (substring keyseq i))) syl nil) (setq cursor nil i len)) (t (setq cursor (its-state-machine syl (aref keyseq i) emit)))) (if (eq cursor 'its-keyseq-test-failed) (setq i len) (setq syl (if cursor (its-initial-ISYL) its-latest-SYL) i (1+ i)))) (if (and eol (not (eq cursor 'its-keyseq-test-failed))) (its-state-machine syl -1 emit) cursor))) (defun its-buffer-ins/del-SYL (newsyl oldsyl cursor) (if its-setup-fence-before-insert-SYL (progn (setq its-setup-fence-before-insert-SYL nil) (its-setup-fence-mode))) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (output (copy-sequence (its-get-output newsyl))) (face (its-get-fence-face its-current-language))) (its-buffer-delete-SYL oldsyl) (its-update-latest-SYL newsyl) (add-text-properties 0 (length output) (list 'its-map its-current-map 'its-syl newsyl 'egg-lang its-current-language 'read-only t 'intangible 'its-part-1) output) (if face (egg-set-face 0 (length output) face output)) (insert output) (its-set-cursor-status cursor))) (defun its-buffer-delete-SYL (syl) (let ((len (length (its-get-output syl)))) (delete-region (- (point) len) (point)))) (defun its-get-next-state (state key) (let ((kst/t (its-get-kst/t state))) (and (listp kst/t) (cdr (assq key (car kst/t)))))) ;; XXX XXX XXX (defun its-otherwise-match (expr key) (or (null expr) ; ::= NIL means "ANY" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (string-match expr (char-to-string key))))) (defun its-get-otherwise (state key) (let* ((kst/t (its-get-kst/t state)) (ebl (cdr kst/t)) expr-output-back) (while ebl (setq expr-output-back (car ebl)) (let ((expr (its-eob-keyexpr expr-output-back))) (if (its-otherwise-match expr key) (setq ebl nil) (setq ebl (cdr ebl))))) expr-output-back)) (defun its-keyseq-acceptable-p (keyseq &optional syl eol) (let ((i 0) (len (length keyseq)) (its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq 'its-keyseq-test) (its-latest-SYL nil) (emit (lambda (nsyl osyl cursor) (its-update-latest-SYL nsyl) cursor)) (its-current-map its-current-map) (its-current-select-func its-current-select-func) (its-current-language its-current-language) (its-zhuyin its-zhuyin) (its-previous-select-func its-previous-select-func) cursor) (if (null syl) (setq syl (its-initial-ISYL))) (if (numberp (cdr syl)) nil (while (and syl (< i len)) (setq cursor (its-state-machine syl (aref keyseq i) emit)) (cond ((eq cursor 'its-keyseq-test-failed) (setq syl nil)) (cursor (setq syl (its-initial-ISYL))) (t its-latest-SYL)) (setq i (1+ i))) (if (and syl eol) (setq cursor (its-state-machine syl -1 emit))) (not (eq cursor 'its-keyseq-test-failed))))) ;;; ;;; Name --> map ;;; ;;; ITS name: string (defvar its-map-alist nil) (defun its-get-map (name) (assoc name its-map-alist)) (defun its-register-map (map) (let* ((name (car map)) (place (assoc name its-map-alist))) (if place (setcdr place (cdr map)) (setq its-map-alist (cons map its-map-alist))) map)) (defmacro define-its-state-machine (map name indicator lang doc &rest exprs) (let ((its-current-map map)) (set map (its-new-map name indicator (if (eq (car-safe lang) 'quote) (nth 1 lang) lang))) (eval (cons 'progn exprs)) (set map (its-map-compaction (symbol-value map)))) `(defconst ,map (its-map-rebuild ',(symbol-value map)) ,doc)) (defmacro define-its-state-machine-append (map &rest exprs) `(let ((func (lambda () (let ((its-current-map ',map)) ,@exprs))) (hook ',(intern (concat (symbol-name map) "-hook")))) (if (null (boundp ',map)) (add-hook hook func t) (funcall func) (run-hooks hook) (setq hook nil)))) ;; Data structure for map compaction ;; ::= ( ) ; atom ;; | ( ( . )) ; cons cell ;; ;; ::= integer ; 0 or negative - usage count ;; ; psotive - generated common sub-tree ;; ;; ::= integer ; subject to compaction ;; | nil ; not subject to compaction (defvar its-compaction-enable nil) (defvar its-compaction-hash-table) (defvar its-compaction-integer-table) (defvar its-compaction-counter-1) (defvar its-compaction-counter-2) (defvar its-compaction-list) (defun its-map-compaction (map) (if its-compaction-enable (let ((its-compaction-hash-table (make-vector 1000 nil)) (its-compaction-integer-table (make-vector 138 nil)) (its-compaction-counter-1 1) (its-compaction-counter-2 0) (its-compaction-list nil)) (its-map-compaction-internal map nil nil) (cons (vconcat (nreverse its-compaction-list)) map)) map)) (defmacro its-compaction-set-lr (node lr val) `(if (eq ,lr 'car) (setcar ,node ,val) (setcdr ,node ,val))) (defmacro its-compaction-new-node () '(1- (setq its-compaction-counter-1 (1+ its-compaction-counter-1)))) (defmacro its-compaction-new-cse (node) `(1- (setq its-compaction-list (cons ,node its-compaction-list) its-compaction-counter-2 (1+ its-compaction-counter-2)))) (defmacro its-compaction-hash (name node parent lr type) (if (null type) `(let ((hash (intern (concat ,@name) its-compaction-hash-table))) (if (null (boundp hash)) (car (set hash (list* (its-compaction-new-node) ,parent ,lr))) (setq hash (symbol-value hash)) (if (consp (cdr hash)) (setcdr hash (its-compaction-set-lr (cadr hash) (cddr hash) (its-compaction-new-cse ,node)))) (its-compaction-set-lr ,parent ,lr (cdr hash)) (car hash))) `(let ((hash ,(if (eq type 'integer) `(intern (concat ,@name) its-compaction-hash-table) `(aref its-compaction-integer-table (+ ,node 10))))) (if (null ,(if (eq type 'integer) '(boundp hash) 'hash)) (setq hash (,@(if (eq type 'integer) '(set hash) `(aset its-compaction-integer-table (+ ,node 10))) (cons (its-compaction-new-node) (its-compaction-new-cse ,node)))) ,(if (eq type 'integer) '(setq hash (symbol-value hash)))) (its-compaction-set-lr ,parent ,lr (cdr hash)) (car hash)))) (defun its-map-compaction-internal (map parent lr) (cond ((consp map) (let ((candidate (or (null (stringp (car map))) (cdr map))) (l (its-map-compaction-internal (car map) map 'car)) (r (its-map-compaction-internal (cdr map) map 'cdr))) (if (and candidate l r) (its-compaction-hash (l " " r) map parent lr nil)))) ((stringp map) (its-compaction-hash ("STR" map) map parent lr nil)) ((integerp map) (if (and (>= map -10) (< map 128)) (its-compaction-hash nil map parent lr small-int) (its-compaction-hash ("INT" map) map parent lr integer))) ((null map) 0))) (defvar its-map-rebuild-subtrees) (defun its-map-rebuild (map) (if (vectorp (car map)) (let ((its-map-rebuild-subtrees (car map)) (len (length (car map))) (i 0) node) (while (< i len) (setq node (aref its-map-rebuild-subtrees i)) (if (consp node) (its-map-rebuild-1 node)) (setq i (1+ i))) (its-map-rebuild-1 (cdr map)) (cdr map)) map)) (defun its-map-rebuild-1 (map) (let (lr) (while (consp map) (if (consp (setq lr (car map))) (its-map-rebuild-1 lr) (if (integerp lr) (setcar map (aref its-map-rebuild-subtrees lr)))) (setq lr map map (cdr map))) (if (integerp map) (setcdr lr (aref its-map-rebuild-subtrees map))))) ;; ;; Construct State Machine ;; (defun its-defrule (input output &optional back enable-overwrite) "入力 INPUT を認識し, OUTPUT を出力するようにステートマシンを構成する。 BACK が(負の)整数の時は, OUTPUT を出力した後, BACK の分 key stroke を 戻って動くものとする。変換規則はもっとも最近に its-define-state-machine された変換表に登録される。 Return last state." (let ((state (its-goto-state input (if enable-overwrite t 'dup-check)))) (its-set-output state output) (its-set-kst state back) state)) (defun its-defrule* (input output &optional interim-output enable-overwrite) (let* ((state (its-goto-state input (if enable-overwrite t 'dup-check)))) (its-set-kst state nil) (its-set-interim-terminal-state state output) (if interim-output (its-set-output state interim-output)) state)) (defvar its-parent-states) (defun its-goto-state (input &optional build-if-none) (let ((len (length input)) (i 0) (state (its-initial-ISYL)) brand-new next-state key) (setq its-parent-states nil) (while (< i len) (setq its-parent-states (cons state its-parent-states) key (aref input i) i (1+ i) next-state (its-get-next-state state key)) (cond (next-state (setq state next-state)) ((null build-if-none) (error "No such state (%s)" input)) (t (if (not (or brand-new (= i 1) (its-get-kst/t state))) (its-set-interim-terminal-state state)) (setq state (its-make-next-state state key (concat (its-get-output state) (list key))) brand-new t)))) (if (and (eq build-if-none 'dup-check) (null brand-new)) (error "Duplicated definition (%s)" input)) state)) (defun its-set-interim-terminal-state (state &optional output) (its-make-next-state state -1 (or output (its-get-output state))) (its-defrule-otherwise state output)) (defun its-defoutput (input display) (let ((state (its-goto-state input))) (its-set-output state display))) (defun its-define-otherwise (state otherwise) (let ((kst (its-get-kst/t state))) (if kst (setcdr kst (cons otherwise (cdr kst))) (its-set-kst state (cons nil (cons otherwise nil)))))) (defun its-defrule-otherwise (state output &optional class back) (its-define-otherwise state (its-make-otherwise output (its-make-class+back class (or back -1))))) (defun its-make-next-state (state key output &optional back) (let ((next-state (its-new-state output (concat (its-get-keyseq state) (if (> key 0) (list key))) back)) (kst (its-get-kst/t state))) (cond ((null kst) (its-set-kst state (list (list (cons key next-state))))) ((consp kst) (setcar kst (cons (cons key next-state) (car kst)))) (t (error "Can't make new state after %S" (its-get-keyseq state)))) next-state)) (defmacro its-defrule-select-mode-temporally (input select-func) `(its-defrule ,input '(its-select-mode-temporally ,(intern (concat "its-select-" (symbol-name select-func)))) t)) ;;; (defun its-set-part-1 (beg end) (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t) (str (buffer-substring beg end))) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (put-text-property 0 (- end beg) 'intangible 'its-part-1 str) (insert str))) (defun its-set-part-2 (beg end) (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t) (str (buffer-substring beg end))) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (put-text-property 0 (- end beg) 'intangible 'its-part-2 str) (insert str))) (defun its-search-beginning () (if (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-start) (point) (previous-single-property-change (point) 'its-start))) (defun its-search-end () (if (get-text-property (point) 'its-end) (point) (next-single-property-change (point) 'its-end))) (defun its-beginning-of-input-buffer () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (let ((begpos (its-search-beginning))) (its-set-part-2 begpos (point)) (goto-char begpos)) (its-put-cursor t))) (defun its-end-of-input-buffer () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (let ((endpos (its-search-end))) (its-set-part-1 (point) endpos) (goto-char endpos)) (its-put-cursor t))) (defun its-kill-line (n) (interactive "p") (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (if (> n 0) (if (= (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-cancel-input) (delete-region (its-search-end) (point)) (its-put-cursor t)) (if (= (its-search-end) (point)) (its-cancel-input) (delete-region (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-put-cursor t))))) (defun its-cancel-input () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (delete-region (its-search-beginning) (its-search-end)) (its-put-cursor t) (its-exit-mode-internal))) ;; TODO: move in VSYL (defun its-backward-SYL (n) (interactive "p") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) syl p old-point) (its-input-end) (setq syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl) p (point) old-point (point)) (while (and syl (> n 0)) (setq p (- p (length (its-get-output syl)))) (setq syl (get-text-property (1- p) 'its-syl)) (setq n (1- n))) ;; Make SYLs have property of "part 2" (its-set-part-2 p old-point) (goto-char p) (its-put-cursor t) (if (> n 0) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil)))) ;; TODO: move in VSYL (defun its-forward-SYL (n) (interactive "p") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) syl p old-point) (its-input-end) (setq syl (get-text-property (point) 'its-syl) p (point) old-point (point)) (while (and syl (> n 0)) (setq p (+ p (length (its-get-output syl)))) (setq syl (get-text-property p 'its-syl)) (setq n (1- n))) ;; Make SYLs have property of "part 1" (its-set-part-1 old-point p) (goto-char p) (its-put-cursor t) (if (> n 0) (signal 'end-of-buffer nil)))) ;; TODO: handle VSYL. KILLFLAG (defun its-delete-SYL (n killflag) (interactive "p\nP") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) syl p) (its-input-end) (setq syl (get-text-property (point) 'its-syl) p (point)) (while (and syl (> n 0)) (setq p (+ p (length (its-get-output syl)))) (setq syl (get-text-property p 'its-syl)) (setq n (1- n))) (if (> n 0) (progn (its-put-cursor t) (signal 'end-of-buffer nil)) (delete-region (point) p) (its-put-cursor t) (its-exit-mode-if-empty)))) ;; TODO: killflag (defun its-delete-backward-SYL (n killflag) (interactive "p\nP") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl)) (cursor (get-text-property (point) 'its-cursor))) (if (null syl) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil) (if (eq cursor t) (its-delete-backward-SYL-internal n killflag) (its-delete-backward-within-SYL syl n killflag))))) ;; TODO: killflag (defun its-delete-backward-SYL-internal (n killflag) (let ((syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl)) (p (point))) (while (and syl (> n 0)) (setq p (- p (length (its-get-output syl)))) (setq syl (get-text-property (1- p) 'its-syl)) (setq n (1- n))) (if (> n 0) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil) (delete-region p (1+ (point))) ; also delete cursor (its-put-cursor t) (its-exit-mode-if-empty)))) (defun its-delete-backward-SYL-by-keystroke (n killflag) (interactive "p\nP") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (its-delete-by-keystroke t)) (its-delete-backward-SYL n killflag))) ;; TODO: killflag (defun its-delete-backward-within-SYL (syl n killflag) (let* ((keyseq (its-get-keyseq-syl syl)) (len (length keyseq)) (p (- (point) (length (its-get-output syl)))) (its-current-map (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-map)) (its-current-language (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'egg-lang)) back pp) (if (< n 0) (signal 'args-out-of-range (list (- (point) n) (point)))) (if its-delete-by-keystroke (while (null (or (eq p pp) (its-concrete-DSYL-p syl))) (setq pp p) (while (and (setq syl (get-text-property (1- p) 'its-syl)) (its-DSYL-with-back-p syl) (<= (setq back (- (its-get-kst/t syl))) len) (> back (- len n)) (equal (substring (its-get-keyseq syl) (- back)) (substring keyseq 0 back))) (setq keyseq (concat (its-get-keyseq-syl syl) keyseq) len (length keyseq) p (- p (length (its-get-output syl))))) (if (and (eq p pp) syl (> n len)) (setq n (- n len) keyseq (its-get-keyseq-syl syl) len (length keyseq) p (- p (length (its-get-output syl)))))) (if (and (> n len) (its-concrete-DSYL-p syl)) (setq len 1))) (if (> n len) (setq n (- n len) len 0)) (while (and (> n len) (setq syl (get-text-property (1- p) 'its-syl))) (setq n (1- n) p (- p (length (its-get-output syl))))) (if (> n len) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil)) (delete-region p (point)) (if (> len n) (its-state-machine-keyseq (substring keyseq 0 (- len n)) 'its-buffer-ins/del-SYL) (its-set-cursor-status (if (or (null its-delete-by-keystroke) (its-concrete-DSYL-p (get-text-property (1- p) 'its-syl))) t 'its-cursor)))) ;; exit its mode after unbind variables (its-exit-mode-if-empty)) (defun its-transpose-chars (n) (interactive "p") (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl)) (cursor (get-text-property (point) 'its-cursor)) keyseq len) (cond ((null syl) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil)) ((eq cursor t) (if (and (= n 1) (get-text-property (1+ (point)) 'its-end)) (progn (its-backward-SYL 1) (setq syl (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl)) (if (null syl) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil)))) (its-buffer-delete-SYL syl) (while (> n 0) (if (get-text-property (1+ (point)) 'its-end) (progn (its-buffer-ins/del-SYL syl nil t) (signal 'end-of-buffer nil))) (its-forward-SYL 1) (setq n (1- n))) (while (< n 0) (if (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-start) (progn (its-buffer-ins/del-SYL syl nil t) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil))) (its-backward-SYL 1) (setq n (1+ n))) (its-buffer-ins/del-SYL syl nil t)) (t (setq keyseq (its-get-keyseq-syl syl) len (length keyseq)) (cond ((or (> n 1) (<= len 1)) (signal 'end-of-buffer nil)) ((>= (- n) len) (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil)) (t (setq n (if (> n 0) (- -1 n) (1- n))) (setq keyseq (concat (substring keyseq 0 n) (substring keyseq -1) (substring keyseq n -1))) (if (and its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq (null (its-keyseq-acceptable-p keyseq))) (its-input-error)) (delete-region (- (point) (length (its-get-output syl))) (point)) (its-state-machine-keyseq keyseq 'its-buffer-ins/del-SYL))))))) (defun its-yank (&optional arg) (interactive "*P") (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (yank arg) (its-setup-yanked-portion (region-beginning) (region-end)))) (defun its-yank-pop (arg) (interactive "*p") (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (yank-pop arg) (its-setup-yanked-portion (region-beginning) (region-end)))) (defun its-setup-yanked-portion (start end) (let ((yank-before (eq (point) end)) syl face lang source no-prop-source len i j l) (setq source (buffer-substring start end) no-prop-source (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) len (length source)) (remove-text-properties 0 len '(intangible nil) source) (egg-separate-languages source (get-text-property (1- start) 'egg-lang)) (setq i 0) (while (< i len) (setq lang (get-text-property i 'egg-lang source)) (if (and (or (eq lang 'Chinese-GB) (eq lang 'Chinese-CNS)) (setq l (egg-chinese-syllable source i))) (setq j (+ i l)) (setq j (+ i (egg-char-bytes (egg-string-to-char-at source i))))) (setq syl (substring no-prop-source i j)) (put-text-property i j 'its-syl (cons syl syl) source) (setq i j)) (if its-fence-face (progn (setq i 0) (while (< i len) (setq j (egg-next-single-property-change i 'egg-lang source len) face (its-get-fence-face (get-text-property i 'egg-lang source))) (if face (egg-set-face i j face source)) (setq i j)))) (delete-region start end) (if yank-before (progn (add-text-properties 0 len '(read-only t intangible its-part-1) source) (insert source)) (add-text-properties 0 len '(read-only t intangible its-part-2) source) (insert source) (set-marker (mark-marker) (point) (current-buffer)) (goto-char start)) (its-put-cursor t))) ;; Return VOID (defun its-input-end () (if (null (eq its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq 'its-keyseq-test)) (let ((cursor (get-text-property (point) 'its-cursor))) ;; key "END" (if (null cursor) (let ((its-current-language (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'egg-lang))) (its-input (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl) -1))) (delete-region (point) (1+ (point)))))) (defun its-exit-mode () "Exit ITS mode." (interactive) (if (its-in-fence-p) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-put-cursor t) (its-exit-mode-internal)) (its-select-previous-mode t))) (defun its-exit-mode-if-empty () (and (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-start) (get-text-property (1+ (point)) 'its-end) (its-exit-mode-internal))) ;; TODO: handle overwrite-mode, insertion-hook, fill... (defun its-exit-mode-internal (&optional proceed-to-conversion n) (let (start end s context) (its-select-previous-mode t) ;; Delete CURSOR (delete-region (point) (1+ (point))) ;; Delete open fence (setq s (its-search-beginning) start (previous-single-property-change s 'its-start nil (point-min)) context (get-text-property start 'its-context)) (delete-region start s) ;; Delete close fence (setq end (its-search-end)) (delete-region end (next-single-property-change end 'its-end nil (point-max))) (if proceed-to-conversion (egg-convert-region start end context n) ;; Remove all properties (goto-char start) (insert (prog1 (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) (delete-region start end))) (egg-do-auto-fill) (run-hooks 'input-method-after-insert-chunk-hook)))) (defun its-kick-convert-region (&optional n) (interactive "P") (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-put-cursor t) (its-exit-mode-internal t n))) (defun its-kick-convert-region-or-self-insert (&optional n) (interactive "P") (let ((syl (and (null (get-text-property (point) 'its-cursor)) (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'its-syl)))) (if (its-keyseq-acceptable-p (vector last-command-char) syl) (its-self-insert-char) (its-kick-convert-region n)))) (defun its-in-fence-p () (eq (get-text-property (point) 'intangible) 'its-part-2)) (defvar its-translation-result "" "") (defun its-ins/del-SYL-batch (newsyl oldsyl cursor) (its-update-latest-SYL newsyl) (if (and newsyl (consp (cdr newsyl)) (not (its-kst-p (its-get-kst/t newsyl)))) ;; DSYL (let ((output (its-get-output newsyl)) (oldlen (length its-translation-result))) (setq its-translation-result (concat its-translation-result output)) (put-text-property oldlen (length its-translation-result) 'egg-lang its-current-language its-translation-result))) cursor) (defun its-translate-region (start end) (interactive "r") (its-translate-region-internal start end) (set-text-properties start (point) nil)) (defun its-translate-region-internal (start end) (setq its-translation-result "") (goto-char start) (let ((i 0) (syl (its-initial-ISYL)) ;; temporally enable DING (its-barf-on-invalid-keyseq t) cursor) (while (< (point) end) (let ((key (following-char))) (setq cursor (its-state-machine syl key 'its-ins/del-SYL-batch)) (forward-char 1) (if cursor (setq syl (its-initial-ISYL)) (setq syl its-latest-SYL)))) (if (eq syl its-latest-SYL) (its-state-machine syl -1 'its-ins/del-SYL-batch)) (delete-region start end) (insert its-translation-result))) (defun its-set-mode-line-title () (let ((title (its-get-indicator (symbol-value its-current-map)))) (setq current-input-method-title (if its-previous-select-func (concat "<" title ">") title)) (force-mode-line-update))) (defun its-select-mode-temporally (func) (let ((select-func its-current-select-func)) (let ((its-previous-select-func t)) (funcall func)) (if (null its-previous-select-func) (setq its-previous-select-func select-func)) (its-set-mode-line-title))) (defun its-select-previous-mode (&optional quiet) (interactive) (if (null its-previous-select-func) (if (null quiet) (beep)) (funcall its-previous-select-func) (setq its-previous-select-func nil) (its-set-mode-line-title))) (defun its-set-stroke-input (alist) (let ((a alist)) (while a (setq its-stroke-input-alist (delq (assq (caar a) its-stroke-input-alist) its-stroke-input-alist)) (setq a (cdr a))) (setq its-stroke-input-alist (append alist its-stroke-input-alist)))) ;;; its-hiragana : hiragana-region for input-buffer (defun its-hiragana () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-set-part-1 (point) (its-search-end)) (its-convert 'japanese-hiragana (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-put-cursor t))) ;;; its-katakana : katanaka-region for input-buffer (defun its-katakana () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-set-part-1 (point) (its-search-end)) (its-convert 'japanese-katakana (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-put-cursor t))) ;;; its-hankaku : hankaku-region for input-buffer (defun its-hankaku () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-set-part-1 (point) (its-search-end)) (its-convert 'its-japanese-hankaku (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-put-cursor t))) (defun its-japanese-hankaku (obj) (japanese-hankaku obj 'ascii-only)) ;;; its-zenkaku : zenkaku-region for input-buffer (defun its-zenkaku () (interactive) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (its-input-end) (its-set-part-1 (point) (its-search-end)) (its-convert 'japanese-zenkaku (its-search-beginning) (point)) (its-put-cursor t))) (defun its-convert (func start end) (let* ((goto-start (eq (point) start)) (old-str (buffer-substring start end)) (new-str "") (len (length old-str)) (p 0) old new syl q) (while (< p len) (setq q (next-single-property-change p 'its-syl old-str len) old (substring old-str p q) new (copy-sequence old)) (set-text-properties 0 (- q p) nil new) (setq new (funcall func new)) (if (equal new old) (setq new-str (concat new-str old)) (setq syl (cons (copy-sequence new) (copy-sequence new))) (set-text-properties 0 (length new) (text-properties-at 0 old) new) (put-text-property 0 (length new) 'its-syl syl new) (setq new-str (concat new-str new))) (setq p q)) (delete-region start end) (insert new-str) (if goto-start (goto-char start)))) (defun its-mode () "\\{its-mode-map}" ;; dummy function to get docstring ) (defun its-mode-help-command () "Display documentation for ITS mode." (interactive) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*" (princ "ITS mode:\n") (princ (documentation 'its-mode)) (help-setup-xref (cons #'help-xref-mode (current-buffer)) (interactive-p)))) (provide 'its) ;;; its.el ends here.