Mon Jun 10 01:56:38 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.67 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.69 was released. Sun Jun 9 07:03:58 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/split-and-send): New implementation. Variable `mime-editor/message-default-sender-alist' was abolished. Variable `mime-editor/window-config-alist' was abolished. Sun Jun 9 04:13:53 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * MEL: Version 5.4 was released. * tm: Version 7.66.2 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.68 was released. Fri Jun 7 14:14:53 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm (install-elc): check `src-file' has existed yet. Thu Jun 6 15:03:38 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (mime/encode-field): fixed. * tm-parse.el (mime/Content-Transfer-Encoding): eliminate last linear-white-spaces. Mon Jun 3 14:52:18 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.29.1 was released. * MEL: Version 5.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.66.1 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.63 was released. * doc/Makefile (world): fixed. Mon Jun 3 14:33:35 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (mime/encode-field): must count a space after `:'. Mon Jun 3 14:31:15 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (tm-eword::encode-rwl): must insert a space between encoded-words. Fri May 31 14:51:49 Jens Lautenbacher * tm-def.el (tm:browse-url): If argument `URL' is exist, funcall `browse-url-browser-function' with `URL'. Tue May 28 03:40:11 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.29 was released. * MEL: Version 5.0 was released. * tm: Version 7.66 was released. * inst-tm (install-elc): modifies about error message. Tue May 28 03:06:10 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/insert-signature): Use variable `signature-file-name' instead of `signature'. * signature.el (insert-signature): local variable `signature' was renamed to `signature-file-name'. Mon May 27 17:33:03 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-edit.el (mime-file-types): New file type ".patch" was added. Mon May 27 15:14:29 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.27.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.65 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.63 was released. * README.en (4.1): add `EXEC_PREFIX'. September Gnus was renamed to Gnus 5.2. * TM-CFG (EXEC_PREFIX): new variable. (BINS): fixed. Mon May 27 14:56:29 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/lc-charset-alist): add "ISO-8859-6". * inst-tm (install-elc): use `condition-case' for delete-file. * tm-def.el (mime/lc-charset-alist): Use constants `charset-*'. Mon May 27 08:16:38 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. (mime-article/add-pgp-keys): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. * tm-text.el (mime-preview/decode-text-region): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. (mime-preview/filter-for-text/richtext): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. (mime-preview/filter-for-text/enriched): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. Mon May 27 08:08:00 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/filter-for-inline-image): renamed from function `mime-preview/filter-for-image/inline'. * tm-image.el (mime-preview/filter-for-image): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. (mime-preview/filter-for-image/inline): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. (mime-preview/filter-for-image/xbm): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. Mon May 27 08:00:50 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-html.el (mime-article/decode-html): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. Mon May 27 07:58:21 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-file.el (mime-article/extract-file): Use function `mime-decode-region' instead of `mime/decode-region'. Thu May 23 16:51:04 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/decode-message-header): doc string was modified. (vm-yank-message): modified for `tm-vm/yank-content'. (tm-vm/do-reply), (tm-vm/following-method), (tm-vm/yank-content): New functions; following method for VM. * tm-view.el (mime/viewer-mode-map): New keybind for `describe-mode'. was added. (mime/viewer-mode): doc string was modified. * tm-bbdb.el: (mime/viewer-mode-map): New keybinds for `tm-bbdb/edit-notes' and `tm-bbdb/show-sender' were added. Thu May 23 01:34:26 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.27 was released. * MEL: Version 4.7.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.64 was released. Wed May 22 02:26:49 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-preview/insert-content-button): fixed. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/yank-ignored-field-list): add "Replied"; remove "Sender". (mime-editor/insert-binary-buffer, mime-editor/normalize-body): Argument order of function `mime-encode-region' was changed. (mime-editor::edit-again): Argument order of function `mime-decode-region' was changed. Mon May 20 16:24:30 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.26 was released. * tm: Version 7.63 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.62 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.61 was released. * TM-CFG (default-load-path): New variable. (PREFIX): default value is got from variable `exec-directory' or `data-directory'. Variable `EMACS_PREFIX' and `DATA_PREFIX' were abolished. (LISPDIR): default value is searched from variable `default-load-path'. Mon May 20 14:56:33 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/visible-field-list): add "Message-Id". (mime-viewer/content-button-ignored-ctype-list): renamed from variable `mime-viewer/content-subject-omitting-Content-Type-list'. (mime-viewer/content-button-visible-ctype-list): renamed from variable `mime-viewer/content-subject-showing-Content-Type-list'. (mime-preview/insert-content-button): renamed from function `mime-preview/insert-content-subject'. (mime-preview/default-content-button-function): renamed from function `mime-preview/default-content-subject-function'. (mime-preview/content-button-function): renamed from variable `mime-preview/content-subject-function'. (mime-preview/display-content): fixed about renaming. Sun May 19 16:16:42 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): Decode contents by Content-Transfer-Encoding field if they have charset field or they are ``text'' types. Fri May 17 07:59:40 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.25 was released. * MEL: Version 4.7 was released. * tm: Version 7.62 was released. * tm-view.el (mime-preview/insert-content-subject): New implementation. (mime-preview/default-content-separator): renamed from `mime-viewer/default-content-separator'. Thu May 16 00:44:26 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: Unused variable `mime-signature-file' was abolished. (mime-editor/translate-hook): DOC string was modified. (mime/editor-mode): DOC string was modified. (mime-editor/insert-signature): DOC string was modified. Wed May 15 19:31:39 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.24 was released. * tm: Version 7.61 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.61.1 was released. * doc/tm_ja.texi, doc/tm_en.texi: Address of the tm ML administration was changed. * README.en: Address of the tm ML administration was changed. Wed May 15 16:52:21 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-preview/insert-content-subject): renamed from `mime-viewer/insert-content-subject'; new argument `encoding'. (mime-preview/default-content-subject-function): renamed from `mime-viewer/default-content-subject-function'; new argument `encoding'. (mime-preview/content-subject-function): renamed from `mime-viewer/content-subject-function'; new argument `encoding'. (mime-preview/display-message/partial): renamed from `mime-viewer/display-message/partial'; abolish argument `obuf'; initial buffer was changed to preview-buffer. (mime-preview/display-content): Variable `mime-viewer/content-subject-function' was renamed to `mime-preview/content-subject-function' and arguments was changed. Function `mime-viewer/insert-content-subject' was renamed to `mime-preview/insert-content-subject' and arguments was changed. Function `mime-viewer/display-message/partial' was renamed to `mime-preview/display-message/partial' and arguments was changed. Tue May 14 02:11:54 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22.5 was released. * MEL: Version 4.6 was released. * tm: Version 7.60 was released. * tm-view.el (mime-preview/display-body): renamed from `mime-viewer/display-body'; abolish argument `obuf'; initial buffer was changed to preview-buffer. (mime-preview/display-content): Function `mime-viewer/display-body' was renamed to `mime-preview/display-body'. Sun May 12 17:13:39 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): fixed to use function `character-decode-region' instead of `decode-coding-region'. Sat May 11 16:23:16 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22.4 was released. * MEL: Version 4.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.59 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.61 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.60 was released. * tm-view.el (mime-preview/display-header): renamed from `mime-viewer/display-header'; abolish argument `obuf'; initial buffer was changed to preview-buffer. * TM-CFG: eliminate last `/' for directory. Sat May 11 10:09:00 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-play.el: Add `mime-viewer/external-progs' to `exec-path'. * tm-play.el (mime-article/start-external-method-region): New implementation. Thu May 9 18:47:32 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-text.el (mime-viewer/default-code-convert-region): fixed. Thu May 9 18:46:18 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-text.el: Function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-decode-region'. * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/view-application/pgp): Function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-decode-region'. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/normalize-body): Function `mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-encode-region'. (mime-editor::edit-again): Function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-decode-region'. * tm-def.el (mime-charset-decode-region): renamed from `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs'. * tm-def.el (mime-charset-encode-region): renamed from `mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs'. Thu May 9 18:18:51 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-d.el (mime/decode-encoded-text): Use function `string-equal' instead of `string='. Thu May 9 18:14:16 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-d.el (mime/decode-encoded-text): Function `mime/convert-string-to-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-decode-string'. * tm-def.el (mime-charset-decode-string): renamed from `mime/convert-string-to-emacs'. Thu May 9 18:08:47 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (tm-eword::encoded-word-length): Function `mime/convert-string-from-emacs' was renamed to `mime-charset-encode-string'. * tm-def.el (mime-charset-encode-string): renamed from `mime/convert-string-from-emacs'. Thu May 9 16:05:49 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el, tm-bbdb.el: Pekka Marjola's address was changed. Thu May 9 13:53:15 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/convert-string-from-emacs): Use function `character-encode-string' instead of `encode-coding-string'. (mime/convert-string-to-emacs): Use function `character-decode-string' instead of `decode-coding-string'. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): Use function `character-decode-region' instead of `decode-coding-region'. * tm-def.el (mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs): Use function `character-encode-region' instead of `encode-coding-region'. (mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs): Use function `character-decode-region' instead of `decode-coding-region'. Wed May 8 15:40:58 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22.3 was released. * tm: Version 7.58 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.57 was released. * Makefile: tm/tm-rich.el was renamed to tm/tm-text.el. * README.en: tm-rich.el was renamed to tm-text.el. Add tm-image.el. Wed May 8 15:21:41 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el: Variable `mime-viewer/code-converter-alist' and function `mime-viewer/default-code-convert-region', `mime-preview/decode-text-region' and `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain' were moved to tm-text.el. Function `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain' was renamed to `mime-preview/filter-for-text/plain' Function `mime-viewer/default-content-filter' was abolished. (`t' of `mime-viewer/content-filter-alist' means default content-filter) (mime-viewer/content-filter-alist): setting for text/enriched and text/richtext. Use function `mime-preview/filter-for-text/plain' as default content-filter. Wed May 8 15:05:03 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm: tm-rich.el was abolished. * TM-ELS: tm-rich.el was renamed to tm-text.el. * tm-setup.el: Delete setting code for tm-rich.el. Wed May 8 14:46:39 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-text.el (mime-preview/filter-for-text/plain): renamed from `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain'. (mime-preview/filter-for-text/richtext): renamed from `mime-viewer/filter-text/richtext'. (mime-preview/filter-for-text/enriched): renamed from `mime-viewer/filter-text/enriched'. * tm-text.el (mime-preview/decode-text-region): New implementation. * tm-text.el (mime-viewer/code-converter-alist): moved from tm-view.el. (mime-viewer/default-code-convert-region): moved from tm-view.el. (mime-preview/decode-text-region): moved from tm-view.el. (mime-viewer/filter-text/plain): moved from tm-view.el. * tm-text.el: tm-rich.el was renamed to tm-text.el. Wed May 8 12:48:42 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.57 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.55 was released. Tue May 7 06:28:36 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-rich.el: Version dependent code was moved to emu.el. Sun May 5 16:40:31 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/normalize-body): call function `enriched-encode' for text/enriched part. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/process-multipart-1): didn't refer variable `mime-editor/encrypting-type'. * tm-edit.el: Function `mime-editor/process-pgp-kazu' was abolished. (mime-editor/sign-pgp-kazu): New function. (mime-editor/encrypt-pgp-kazu): New function. (mime-editor/process-multipart-1): Use function `mime-editor/sign-pgp-kazu' and `mime-editor/encrypt-pgp-kazu'. Sat May 4 09:08:49 1996 Hiroshi Ueno * TM-CFG (TM_GNUS_COMPILE, MAKE): New variable. * inst-tm (compile-tm): Use variable `TM_GNUS_COMPILE' and `MAKE'. Sat May 4 04:58:37 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (tm-eword::encode-string-1): fixed (cf.[tm-ja:1818]) Mon Apr 29 13:42:15 1996 Kevin Broadey * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/make-preview-buffer): fixed (cf.[tm-en:480]) Mon Apr 29 02:29:21 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.56 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.54 was released. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): Use function `decode-coding-region' instead of `code-convert-region'. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/make-preview-buffer): use `make-list' and `setcar'. (mime-preview/display-content): renamed from `mime-viewer/display-content'. Sat Apr 27 15:32:23 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * README.en: typo was fixed. (cf. [tm-ja:1807]) Sat Apr 27 15:30:29 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): initial setting was modified for XEmacs 20 with Mule. Sat Apr 27 13:17:56 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/view-application/pgp): fixed about code-converting. Fri Apr 26 05:31:57 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.22 was released. * tm: Version 7.54 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.59 was released. * tm-rich.el (tm-rich/richtext-module): Version check for enriched.el was fixed for XEmacs 19.14. Fri Apr 26 04:20:52 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function): Use function `bitmap-decode-x-face' when running Mule. Thu Apr 25 22:17:47 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/follow-content): New implementation; interface of `mime-viewer/following-method-alist' was changed. * tm-def.el (mime/convert-string-to-emacs): fixed. (mime/convert-string-from-emacs): fixed. Thu Apr 25 12:10:01 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.19.3 was released. * tm: Version 7.52.2 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.53 was released. Wed Apr 24 12:57:47 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * doc/tm_en.texi, doc/tm_ja.texi: fixed bug-tm addresses. Wed Apr 24 11:30:54 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (tm-eword::encode-string-1): use function `sref'. * tm-ew-e.el (tm-eword::parse-lc-word): New implementation. Tue Apr 23 22:52:55 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/content-filter-alist): set nil as initial value. (mime-viewer/default-content-filter): Use function `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain'. Tue Apr 23 06:34:57 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-bbdb.el (tm-bbdb/extract-address-components): If address is null string, return nil. Tue Apr 23 00:15:47 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/lc-charset-alist): add "BIG5". (mime/charset-type-list): add "BIG5". (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): add "BIG5". Mon Apr 22 21:43:44 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/content-filter-alist): use `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain' for "application/octet-stream". Mon Apr 22 12:40:55 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.52.1 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.58 was released. * tm-def.el (mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs): use function `code-convert-region' instead of `code-convert'. (mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs): use function `code-convert-region' instead of `code-convert'. (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): fixed. Sun Apr 21 19:57:22 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/start-external-method-region): display message ``External method is starting...''. Sun Apr 21 19:42:23 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm (make-mime-setup): setting for variable `mime-viewer/external-progs'. * tm-play.el (mime-viewer/external-progs): New variable. (mime-article/start-external-method-region): use variable `mime-viewer/external-progs'. Sun Apr 21 18:10:08 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm (compile-tm): modified about tm-gnus compiling. (compile-tm-gnus): abolished. * TM-CFG: Variable `TM_GNUS_COMPILE_FORMAT' was abolished. * Makefile (elc): use .gnus-compile. Sun Apr 21 17:08:16 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/following-method-alist): New variable. (mime-viewer/follow-content): New function; it is bound to `a' key. (mime-preview/get-original-major-mode): New function. (mime/viewer-mode-map): Key of function `mime-viewer/display-x-face' was changed to `x'; `f' is reserved to forwarding command. Sat Apr 20 12:35:34 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.19.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.52 was released. * tm-def.el (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): add "X-ISO-2022-JP-2" for old mime.el. Sat Apr 20 12:17:27 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-message): use `1+' * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-message): use `string-equal' instead of `string=' * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-multipart): use `string-equal' instead of `string=' * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-multipart): use `nreverse' * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-multipart): fixed Fri Apr 19 18:49:19 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el: Oscar Figueiredo 's patch was applied; require vm-reply and add comments to vm-yank-message. (tm-vm/enclose-messages): Don't make nested multipart/digest. (tm-vm/send-digest): "preamble" code was moved to `tm-vm/enclose-messages'. Fri Apr 19 18:12:43 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * signature.el (signature/get-signature-file-name): string check for `field' Fri Apr 19 17:29:32 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * README.en: tm/tm-nemacs, tm/tm-orig.el and tm/tm-mule.el was abolished. Fri Apr 19 13:40:55 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/insert-signature): Modified for new implementation of signature.el; Use `signature-insert-hook'. * tm-bbdb.el (signature/get-bbdb-sigtype), (signature/set-bbdb-sigtype), (signature/get-sigtype-from-bbdb): New implementation of `signature-check-in-bbdb'. * signature.el (signature-load-hook), (signature-insert-hook): New hooks. (signature-use-bbdb): New variable. (signature/get-sigtype-interactively), (insert-signature): New implementation of `insert-signature'; signature/insert-signature-at-(point|eof) were merged. Fri Apr 19 08:47:44 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/normalize-body): use function `mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs' and `mime-encode-region' instead of `mime-editor/encode-string'. Function `mime-editor/encode-string' and `mime-encode-string' was abolished. Fri Apr 19 08:11:30 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-ew-d.el (mime/decode-encoded-text): arguments order of function `mime/convert-string-to-emacs' was changed. * tm-def.el (mime/convert-string-to-emacs): order of arguments was changed. Fri Apr 19 07:59:28 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/lc-charset-alist): use function `foldr'. Fri Apr 19 07:29:13 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): use function `foldr' Fri Apr 19 06:57:56 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/code-convert-region-from-emacs): New function Fri Apr 19 06:54:11 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * TM-ELS, Makefile, tm-def.el: tm/tm-nemacs.el was abolished. * TM-ELS, Makefile, tm-def.el: tm/tm-orig.el was abolished. * TM-ELS, Makefile, tm-def.el: tm/tm-mule.el was abolished. * tm-def.el (mime/lc-charset-alist, mime/unknown-charset): New variable Fri Apr 19 05:36:03 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs): New implementation Fri Apr 19 04:48:48 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/up-content): Extra `setq' was removed. Wed Apr 17 14:51:25 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el: Function `mime/convert-string-to-emacs', `mime/convert-string-from-emacs' and `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' were moved from tm-mule.el. Wed Apr 17 14:50:33 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-mule.el: Function `mime/convert-string-to-emacs', `mime/convert-string-from-emacs' and `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' were moved to tm-def.el. Wed Apr 17 14:30:12 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): New variable. * tm-mule.el: Variable `mime/charset-coding-system-alist' was deleted. Wed Apr 17 14:05:10 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/code-converter-alist): set `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' for `mime/temporary-message-mode'. (for `mime-editor/preview-message') Wed Apr 17 09:20:42 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * README.en: KOBAYASHI Shuhei's address was changed. Tue Apr 16 18:26:13 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.50 was released. * tm-file.el, tm-bbdb.el, tm-rmail.el, tm-mail.el, tm-vm.el: KOBAYASHI Shuhei's address was changed. Tue Apr 16 14:32:43 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: use `running-xemacs' to check XEmacs. (mime-editor/normalize-body): nil check for encoded result. * tm-mule.el (mime/charset-coding-system-alist): add ``KOI8-R'' Tue Apr 16 12:42:35 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * insert `;;; End:'. (cf. [tm-ja:1731]) Mon Apr 15 09:10:01 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.19.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.49 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.49.2 was released. Sun Apr 14 15:42:14 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-Content-Disposition): use function `nreverse' instead of `reverse'. Sun Apr 14 15:16:25 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-Content-Type): use function `nreverse' instead of `reverse'. Sun Apr 14 00:21:21 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-vm.el (vm-yank-message): use variable `running-xemacs' * tm-view.el, tm-image.el, tm-mail.el, tm-setup.el: use variable `running-xemacs' Sat Apr 13 23:32:26 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/make-preview-buffer): use `while' instead of mapcar. * tm-vm.el (vm-yank-message): redefine for MIME preview buffer. Sat Apr 13 04:04:12 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * (message-header-hook): add function `mime/encode-message-header' (cf.[tm-ja: * tm-ew-e.el (mime/encode-message-header): regard `(point-max)' as end of message header if variable `mail-header-separator' is not found. Thu Apr 11 17:24:11 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * doc/tm_en.texi: fixed problem about top node. * doc/tm-mh-e_en.texi: fixed problem about top node. * doc/tm-gnus_en.texi: fixed problem about top node. * doc/tm-edit=en.texi: fixed problem in TeX compiling. * doc/tm-edit=ja.texi: fixed problem in TeX compiling. Thu Apr 11 16:20:20 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * (message-forward-start-separator): Function `mime-make-tag' must be called after tm-edit is loaded. * setting for variable `message-forward-start-separator'. setting for variable `message-forward-end-separator'. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/encode-string): New function. Variable `mime-string-encoder' and its implementations were deleted. Wed Apr 10 02:06:30 1996 Katsumi Yamaoka * doc/tm_ja.texi: fixed problem about top node. (cf. [tm-ja:1706]) * doc/tm-mh-e_ja.texi: fixed problem about top node. (cf. [tm-ja:1706]) * doc/tm-gnus_ja.texi: fixed problem about top node. (cf. [tm-ja:1706]) Tue Apr 9 17:28:49 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * Makefile (GOMI): add mime-setup.el, mime-setup.el~ and #mime-setup.el#; remove load-path. Tue Apr 9 17:13:36 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm (compile-tm): call `make gnus3' for Emacs 18. Mon Apr 8 12:28:17 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * inst-tm (make-mime-setup): check unnecessary add-path. Sun Apr 7 20:12:27 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-view.el: (mime-viewer/default-showing-Content-Type-list): "message/delivery-status" was added to default value. Wed Apr 3 15:35:44 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-image.el: add-hook only if variable `mime-preview/x-face-function' is not nil. (cf. [tm-en:416]) Thu Mar 28 18:55:18 1996 Oscar Figueiredo * tm-vm.el (vm-yank-message): redefine for MIME preview buffer. Thu Mar 28 08:42:34 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.48.3 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.49.1 was released. * If `mime-setup-use-signature' is not nil, set `message-signature' to nil. * setting for message.el. Wed Mar 27 23:06:07 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * doc/tm-mh-e_ja.texi, doc/tm-mh-e_en.texi: Insert `This file documents ...' into @ifinfo. (cf. [tm-en:403]) * doc/tm-gnus_ja.texi, doc/tm-gnus_en.texi: Insert `This file documents ...' into @ifinfo. (cf. [tm-en:403]) * doc/tm_ja.texi, doc/tm_en.texi: Insert `This file documents ...' into @ifinfo. (cf. [tm-en:403]) Wed Mar 27 19:38:12 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * TM-CFG: rearrangement Tue Mar 26 08:07:24 1996 Pekka Marjola * tm-bbdb.el (tm-bbdb/update-record): In XEmacs, mail-extract-address-components still doesn't handle nil argument. (cf. [tm-ja:396]) Mon Mar 25 13:30:53 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.19 was released. * tm: Version 7.48.2 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.57 was released. Wed Mar 20 13:00:06 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-file.el (mime-article/extract-file): Confirm before overwriting an existing file. (cf. [tm-ja:1674]) Thu Mar 14 13:39:57 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * signature.el: Function `signature-check-in-bbdb' was moved to tm-bbdb.el. * tm-bbdb.el (signature-check-in-bbdb): New function; moved from signature.el. Wed Mar 13 18:05:28 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.18 was released. * MEL: Version 3.5 was released. * tm: Version 7.48 was released. Wed Mar 13 17:55:33 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/translate-buffer-hook): New hook. (mime-editor/translate-buffer): New implementation; use `mime-editor/translate-buffer-hook'. * signature.el (signature-check-in-bbdb): require bbdb-com. Wed Mar 13 16:23:26 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-bbdb.el: fixed problem for wrong From field, such as ``From: <>''. (cf.[tm-ja:1663]) Tue Mar 12 19:37:54 1996 Artur Pioro * signature.el (signature-file-prefix): New variable. (signature/get-signature-file-name): support `signature-file-prefix' and method function. (signature-check-in-bbdb): New function. Mon Mar 11 15:19:15 1996 MORIOKA Tomohiko * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/use-original-url-button): New variable. (tm-vm/preview-current-message): Check `tm-vm/use-original-url-button'. Mon Mar 10 23:07:42 1996 Rob Kooper * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/preview-current-message): VM does it's own highlighting of URL's. Following is a patch to tm/tm-vm.el that will make the highlighting work under tm. (cf.[bug-tm-en:373]) Mon Mar 10 04:16:59 1996 Hiroshi Ueno * TM-CFG (SHELLOPTION): New variable. (LISPDIR): Use `defvar' instead of `setq'. (TM_GNUS_COMPILE_FORMAT): New variable. (TM_GNUS_INSTALL_FORMAT): New variable. (BIN_SRC_DIR): New variable. (METHOD_SRC_DIR): New variable. (BIN_DIR): Use `defvar' instead of `setq'. * inst-tm (compile-tm-gnus): Use variable `SHELLOPTION'. (install-tm-gnus): Use variable `SHELLOPTION'. (install-execs): Use variable `BIN_SRC_DIR' and `METHOD_SRC_DIR'. Mon Mar 8 19:15:33 1996 Oscar Figueiredo * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/scroll-forward): when you go to a message with the cursor keys in VM's summary buffer and press space to select the message, the Preview buffer is scrolled forward instead of simply displaying the new message which prevents you from seeing the beginning of the new message. Wed Mar 6 12:26:20 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/up-content): New implementation; bug fixed. (cf. [tm-ja:1652]) * inst-tm (compile-tm): fixed to judge XEmacs. Wed Mar 6 02:12:36 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.15 was released. * tm: Version 7.47 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.56 was released. * README.en: tm-cfg was renamed to TM-CFG. * inst-tm: tm-cfg was renamed to TM-CFG. * inst-tm: tm-els was renamed to TM-ELS. Tue Mar 5 23:19:05 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: Function `replace-space-with-underline' was moved to tl-str.el. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/transfer-level): changed to buffer local variable. (mime-editor/transfer-level-string): changed to buffer local variable. (mime-editor/charset-default-encoding-alist): changed to buffer local variable. Tue Mar 5 21:22:46 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/toggle-transfer-level): Function `mime-editor/text-toggle-transfer-level' was renamed to `mime-editor/toggle-transfer-level'. Tue Mar 5 21:19:21 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/transfer-level, mime-editor/text-toggle-transfer-level, mime/editor-mode): Variable `mime/default-transfer-level' was renamed to `mime-editor/transfer-level'. Tue Mar 5 21:13:58 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime/default-transfer-level): moved from tm-edit.el. * tm-def.el: Variable `mime/default-transfer-level' was moved to tm-edit.el. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/text-toggle-transfer-level, mime-editor/menu-list): Function `mime-editor/text-toggle-transfer-level' was renamed to `mime-editor/text-toggle-transfer-level'. Tue Mar 5 21:00:07 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/transfer-level-string, mime/text-toggle-transfer-level, mime/editor-mode): use function `mime/encoding-name'. * tm-def.el (mime/encoding-name): add optional argument `not-omit'. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/transfer-level-string, mime/text-toggle-transfer-level, `mime/editor-mode-flag' of `minor-mode-alist', mime/editor-mode): Variable `mime/trlevel-string' was renamed to `mime-editor/transfer-level-string'. Tue Mar 5 20:42:24 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/charset-default-encoding-alist, mime/text-toggle-transfer-level, mime-editor/normalize-body): Variable `mime/charset-default-encoding-alist' was renamed to `mime-editor/charset-default-encoding-alist'. Tue Mar 5 20:34:27 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime/charset-default-encoding-alist): moved from tm-def.el. (mime/trlevel-string): moved from tm-def.el. (mime/text-toggle-transfer-level): moved from tm-def.el. * tm-def.el (mime/charset-default-encoding-alist): moved to tm-edit.el. (mime/trlevel-string): moved to tm-edit.el. (mime/text-toggle-transfer-level): moved to tm-edit.el. * tm-def.el (mime/trlevel-string): Initial value was modified. Tue Mar 5 07:52:39 1996 Steinar Bang * tm-def.el (mime/trlevel-string): New variable. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/menu-list): add `mime/text-toggle-transfer-level'. (mime/editor-mode): modified for transfer-level. Mon Mar 4 09:24:23 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.14 was released. * MEL: Version 3.3.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.46.1 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.55 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.49 was released. * Makefile: Installer was changed. * inst-tm: New file. * tm-els: New file. * tm-cfg: New file. * tm-ew-e.el (mime/encode-field): check encoded result. Mon Mar 4 01:57:11 1996 KON-NO Yoichi * tm-bbdb.el: insert `(require 'tm-view)'. (cf. [tm-ja:1646]) Wed Feb 28 13:13:27 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.13 was released. * tm: Version 7.46 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.48 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.52 was released. * tm/doc/tm-edit=en.texi: New file. Wed Feb 28 01:35:22 1996 Dan Rich * tm-image.el: allow tm to display inline images using the native gif/jpg/png support (if available) (for XEmacs 19.14 or later). (cf.[tm-en:351]) Tue Feb 27 21:37:35 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function-for-mule): fixed to check whether matched or not. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): New implementation. (mime/edit-again): Arguments were changed. Wed Feb 27 19:56:26 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * mk-tm: Typo fixed. Tue Feb 26 20:04:34 1996 Neal Becker * tm-mail.el: fixed problem in XEmacs 19.14. (cf.[tm-en:349]) Mon Feb 26 08:43:36 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.11.3 was released. * tm: Version 7.45 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.50 was released. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor::edit-again): New function. (mime/edit-again): New function. Fri Feb 23 22:00:46 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/preview-current-message): widen all headers before call `mime/viewer-mode'. * tm-image.el (mime-viewer/use-highlight-headers): New variable for XEmacs. (mime-preview/x-face-function-use-highlight-headers): New function. (mime-preview/x-face-function): Default value was changed. Sat Feb 23 17:55:12 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.11.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.44 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.49 was released. Fri Feb 23 03:43:22 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-bbdb.el (bbdb-extract-field-value): use `tm:bbdb-extract-field-value' instead of `rfc822/get-field-body'. (cf. [tm-en:340]) Fri Feb 22 16:45:37 1996 Pekka Marjola * tm-edit.el: As of tm7.43.1/September Gnus 0.39, tm-edit still does not properly restore keymap in XEmacs. (cf. [tm-en:337]) Fri Feb 16 08:53:13 1996 Oscar Figueiredo * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/preview-current-message): XEmacs highlight-headers package to fontify MIME preview buffers in the same way normal VM buffers are. This makes MIME preview even more transparent for VM users and also has the benefit to display the XFace in the same place as in normal VM with no additional code nor effort. Wed Feb 14 09:15:36 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.11.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.43.1 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.48 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.45 was released. * mime-setup.el: lambda functions are defined by defun. (mime-setup-decode-message-header): New function. (mime-setup-set-signature-key): New function. (mime-setup-mh-draft-setting): New function. * mime-setup.el: insert `(setq buffer-read-only nil)' into `mh-letter-mode-hook' (cf. [tm-ja:1576]) Tue Feb 13 17:56:43 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function-for-xemacs): New function. (bitmap-read-xbm): New implementation for XEmacs. Tue Feb 13 14:00:02 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el: typo was fixed. Tue Feb 13 13:53:06 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function): New variable. Function `mime-preview/x-face-function' was renamed to `mime-preview/x-face-function-for-mule'. * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function): fixed problem to indent. * tm-image.el (mime-preview/x-face-function): New function for Mule. (mime-viewer/x-face-to-xbm-command): New variable. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/x-face-to-pbm-command): New variable. (mime-viewer/ignored-field-list): "X-Face" was deleted. Mon Feb 12 16:02:05 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-mule.el: "SHIFT_JIS" and "X-SHIFTJIS" were added to `mime/charset-coding-system-alist'. Mon Feb 12 13:05:02 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el (mime-preview/filter-for-image): protect for error when file deleting (cf. [tm-en:317]) Fri Feb 9 06:57:20 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.43 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.43 was released. * tm-edit.el: (mime-editor/encrypt-pgp-elkins): (1) insert ``From'', ``To'' and ``Cc'' fields into encrypted message. (2) call `mc-pgp-encrypt-region' directory; it is enclosed by `(let ((mc-pgp-always-sign 'never)) ...)'. Fri Feb 8 08:24:18 1996 SHIONO Jun'ichi * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/beginning-of-message, tm-vm/end-of-message): set to `this-command' (cf. [tm-en:311]) Thu Feb 8 06:36:25 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.42.1 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.41 was released. Tue Feb 6 02:43:06 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/encoding-name): new function. (mime/make-charset-default-encoding-alist): call `mime/encoding-name' if not encoded. Mon Feb 5 05:00:27 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/get-original-filename): return nil if file name is not exist. Sat Feb 3 21:28:47 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/charset-type-list): new variable. (mime/make-charset-default-encoding-alist): new function. (mime/default-transfer-level): new variable. (mime/text-toggle-transfer-level): new function. Sat Feb 3 00:56:20 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (tm-pgp::good-signature-regexp): new variable * tm-pgp.el (tm-pgp::key-expected-regexp): new variable * tm-pgp.el (mime::article/call-pgp-to-check-signature): modified to use variable `tm-pgp::good-signature-regexp' * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): modified to use variable `tm-pgp::key-expected-regexp' Fri Feb 2 23:07:13 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime::article/call-pgp-to-check-signature): new function * tm-pgp.el: (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): fetch public key if it is not found Sat Feb 2 17:29:01 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.11 was released. * tm: version 7.42 was released Fri Feb 2 17:20:00 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: new implementation about PGP processing for message * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/pgp-enclose-buffer): new function * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/set-sign): check variable `mime-editor/signing-type' * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/set-encrypt): check variable `mime-editor/encrypting-type' Fri Feb 2 17:04:16 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/decode-content): check beginning/ending of region for VM Wed Jan 31 17:15:55 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el: xbm support in Mule: It requires bitmap package. * tm-image.el (mime-viewer/graphic-converter-alist): use `defvar' instead of `setq' Fri Jan 26 02:49:06 1996 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-bbdb.el (tm-bbdb/update-record): fixed problem in VM * tm-bbdb.el (tm-bbdb/extract-address-components): modified to support `If no name can be extracted, FULL-NAME will be nil.' (cf. [tm-ja:1531]) Thu Jan 25 08:29:22 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/make-method-args): modified to use "7bit" if 'encoding is not found Thu Jan 25 06:36:44 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-d.el (mime-eword/decode-string): set to `end' just string-matched. Thu Jan 25 06:22:17 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-d.el (mime-eword/decode-string): fixed about linear-while-space (cf. [tm-ja:1518]) * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/quit-view-message): Typo was fixed. (cf. [tm-en:281]) Thu Jan 25 03:24:35 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.10 was released. * tm: Version 7.41.2 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.37 was released. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/ignored-field-list): default value was changed. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/visible-field-regexp): default value was changed. Thu Jan 25 02:32:26 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-mule.el: Definition of variable `mime/default-coding-system' was moved to tm-def.el. * tm-def.el (mime/default-coding-system): not only define for MULE Wed Jan 24 02:20:25 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-bbdb.el (tm-bbdb/use-mail-extr): new variable Tue Jan 23 13:00:44 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/view-application/pgp): fixed about character code conversion. Tue Jan 23 05:38:46 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.41.1 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.46 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.34 was released. * tm-view.el: declare `(defvar mime::preview/article-buffer nil)' for XEmacs Tue Jan 23 04:49:16 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el: (require 'tm-bbdb) if bbdb is provided. * tm-vm.el: Shuhei KOBAYASHI 's new implementation * tm-bbdb.el: new module: about BBDB Sat Jan 20 13:23:47 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.09 was released. * tm: Version 7.41 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.33.1 was released. Thu Jan 18 17:49:17 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/insert-file): File name is wrapped as quoted-string. * tm-edit.el (mime-file-types): Some file types were added. Thu Jan 18 01:55:25 1996 Yoshiyuki Yamagami * Makefile: specify `-no-site-file' option (cf. [tm-ja:1474]) Wed Jan 17 08:27:26 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: version 7.08 was released. * tm: version 7.40 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.33 was released. Sun Jan 14 05:52:49 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/choose-charset): New implementation: use function `mime/find-charset-region' instead of `mime-body-charset-chooser'. * tm-edit.el: Variable `mime-body-charset-chooser' and its implementations were deleted. * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/normalize-body): use variable `mime/charset-default-encoding-alist' instead of function `mime-editor/choose-encoding'. * tm-edit.el: Function `mime-editor/choose-encoding' was deleted. Fri Jan 12 13:59:13 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/find-charset-region): New function * tm-def.el (mime/charset-default-encoding-alist): New variable Thu Jan 11 18:31:43 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el: Variable `mime/default-charset-encoding-alist' was renamed to `mime-eword/charset-encoding-alist'. * tm-ew-e.el: Constant `mime/eword-encoder-version' was renamed to `mime-eword/encoder-version'. * tm-ew-e.el: Variable `mime/default-charset-encoding-alist' was moved from tm-def.el. * tm-def.el: Variable `mime/default-charset-encoding-alist' was moved to tm-ew-e.el. * tm-ew-e.el: Function `mime/find-charset-rule' was renamed to `tm-eword::find-charset-rule'. * tm-ew-e.el (mime/find-charset-rule): modified to use function `mime/find-charset' * tm-def.el (mime/find-charset): new function Thu Jan 11 05:33:53 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el (mime/find-charset-rule): new implementation * tm-orig.el: Variable `mime/decoding-charset-list' was deleted. Thu Jan 11 05:12:50 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-nemacs.el, tm-orig.el: Variable `mime/lc-charset-rule-list' was deleted. * tm-mule.el: Variable `mime/lc-charset-rule-list' and `mime/unknown-charset-rule' were deleted. Thu Jan 11 05:09:28 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/default-charset-encoding-alist): new variable Thu Jan 11 04:56:08 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-orig.el, tm-nemacs.el, tm-mule.el (mime/lc-charset-alist, mime/unknown-charset): new variable Wed Jan 10 00:07:57 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: (mime-editor/translate-body, mime-editor/translate-region): Spaces in boundary are replaced by underlines. (cf. [tm-en:255,258]) Tue Jan 9 19:08:21 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-mule.el: Obsolete definitions were deleted. Tue Jan 9 18:43:12 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-orig.el, tm-nemacs.el, tm-mule.el: Variable `mime/latin-lc-list' was deleted. Tue Jan 9 16:28:44 1996 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-orig.el, tm-nemacs.el, tm-mule.el: Variable `mime/lc-charset-and-encoding-alist' was deleted. Mon Dec 25 10:43:59 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.39 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.30 was released. * README.en: Sample of hilit19 was changed. Mon Dec 25 09:08:50 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el: fixed to work in Emacs 18.*, but some problems are rest. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/redisplay): New variable: for redisplay Mon Dec 25 05:43:05 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * Makefile (19_29): `make gnus5' was commented out. Mon Dec 25 05:40:42 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el (tm-rmail/preview-message): New implementation * tm-rmail.el (rmail-summary-rmail-update): redefined * tm-rmail.el: `mime-viewer/show-summary-method' was set. Mon Dec 25 05:31:33 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * mk-tm (compile-tm): `(load "rmailsum")' was added. Mon Dec 25 03:20:41 1995 OKABE Yasuo * signature.el (signature-delete-blank-lines-at-eof): New variable Sat Dec 23 12:43:20 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (tm:browse-url): argument was fixed. * README.en: fixed about PGP Sat Dec 23 09:32:27 1995 Tanaka Shinichiro * tm-pgp.el, README.en: Typos were fixed. (cf. [tm-ja:1419], [tm-ja:1421]) Fri Dec 22 09:00:20 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.38 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.28 was released. Thu Dec 21 18:27:09 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-file-types): format was changed. (0) filename pattern (1) primary type (2) sub type (3) parameters of Content-Type field (4) Content-Transfer-Encoding (5) disposition-type (6) parameters of Content-Disposition field * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/insert-file): modified for new `mime-file-types' format. Thu Dec 21 18:17:03 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el (mime/disposition-type-regexp): New constant * tm-parse.el (mime/parse-Content-Disposition): New function * tm-parse.el (mime/Content-Disposition): New function * tm-view.el (mime-article/get-subject): function `mime-viewer/get-subject' was renamed to it. * tm-view.el (mime-article/get-uu-filename): New function: it was separated from function `mime-article/get-subject'. * tm-play.el (mime-article/get-original-filename): New function * tm-play.el (mime-article/get-filename): Function `mime-article/get-name' was renamed to it. It was modified to use `mime-article/get-original-filename' instead of `mime-article/get-subject'. * tm-file.el (mime-article/extract-file): modified to use `mime-article/get-filename' Wed Dec 20 15:27:35 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-setup.el: According to Shuhei KOBAYASHI , `(require 'tm-gnus)' is add-hooked as append mode. (cf. [tm-ja:1391]) Thu Dec 20 05:48:56 1995 UENO Hiroshi * tm-pgp.el: (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): fixed to treat signed part as binary. (to fix problem in OS/2) Wed Dec 20 13:05:06 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.03.4 was released. * tm: Version 7.37 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.26 was released. Tue Dec 19 18:06:49 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: draft-elkins-pem-pgp-01.txt was renewed to draft-elkins-pem-pgp-02.txt. Tue Dec 19 17:50:09 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * Makefile: tm/src/tmpgp was abolished. Tue Dec 19 17:47:16 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: pgp-elkins spec was renewed to draft-elkins-pem-pgp-02.txt. Tue Dec 19 17:13:19 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): treats encoding * tm-edit.el: `(autoload 'mc-pgp-lookup-key "mc-pgp")' was added. Tue Dec 18 03:52:48 1995 Katsumi Yamaoka * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/filter-text/plain): put URL into text-property. (cf. [tm-ja:1367]) Mon Dec 15 21:32:16 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el (tm-vm-load-hook): New hook * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/preview-current-message): fixed to end as current-buffer is folder buffer. Some problem is still rest. (cf. [tm-ja:1348]) Mon Dec 18 11:16:18 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.36 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.25 was released. * methods/tm-au: new implementation Mon Dec 18 10:45:02 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/quit): New implementation * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/show-summary): New function: it is bound with `h' key. * tm-view.el (mime-viewer/show-summary-method): New variable Mon Dec 18 01:32:23 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * methods/tmdecode, methods/tm-plain: replaced by NAGIRA Naoki 's code. Sun Dec 17 14:35:01 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el: setting for "image/x-mag" Sun Dec 17 14:29:17 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: application/pgp-encrypted support * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): bug fix * tm-pgp.el: setting for "text/x-pgp" * tm-setup.el: setting for tm-image.el when XEmacs is running. * tm-image.el: Filters were merged to function `mime-preview/filter-for-image'. Sat Dec 16 14:59:29 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-image.el: Initial revision Sat Dec 15 16:16:32 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.35 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.24 was released. Fri Dec 15 15:40:10 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: According to Shuhei KOBAYASHI , `(autoload 'mc-snarf-keys "mc-toplev")' was added. (cf. [tm-ja:1345]) * tm-view.el: (1) Popup menu for Emacs 19.* was deleted. (2) MIME-View menu was defined for Emacs 19.*. In Emacs 19.29 or later, system popup menu is available. Fri Dec 15 15:02:14 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime/editor-mode): DOC string was fixed. Fri Dec 15 13:58:51 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: (1) New variable `tm-vm/use-xemacs-popup-menu'. (2) popup menu of MIME-Edit minor mode became sub menu. Fri Dec 15 13:56:51 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el: Setting was modified to load tm-mail after tm-edit is loaded. * tm-mail.el: (1) New variable `tm-mail/use-xemacs-popup-menu'. (2) popup menu of MIME-Edit minor mode became sub menu. * tm-def.el (tm:set-fields): New function Fri Dec 15 12:00:23 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): fixed problem of binary declarations * tm-file.el: delete unnecessary `(file-coding-system *noconv*)' Thu Dec 14 17:03:27 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.34 was released. * Makefile: New file tm/src/tmpgp: it is used to sign by pgp-elkins style. Thu Dec 14 15:49:00 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: (1) `pgp-elkins' style PGP signature was implemented. (2) New function `mime-editor/insert-key': It is based on draft-elkins-pem-pgp-01.txt. Thu Dec 14 15:41:18 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: New function `mime-article/add-pgp-keys' Thu Dec 14 15:37:13 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/decode-caesar): encoding field is symbol, not string. * tm-html.el: encoding field is symbol, not string. Thu Dec 14 15:17:56 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el(tm-vm/scroll-forward, tm-vm/scroll-backward): According to AKITO Ishihara 's report, `vm-scroll-(forward|backward)' was enclosed by `(let ((vm-inhibit-startup-message t)) ...)'. (cf. [tm-ja:1313], [tm-ja:1314]) Thu Dec 14 06:22:20 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * signature.el (signature/insert-signature-at-eof): `(delete-blank-lines)' was commented out. Thu Dec 13 15:37:16 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/scroll-forward, tm-vm/scroll-backward): It might be better to treat `vm-honor-page-delimiters' (and `vm-auto-next-message' too) in tm-vm. (cf. [tm-ja:1292]) Wed Dec 13 13:40:58 1995 AKITO Ishihara * tm-vm.el (tm-vm/scroll-backward): fixed to comment out `(goto-char (point-max))'. (cf. [tm-ja:1289]) Wed Dec 13 13:10:27 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/process-pgp-kazu): fixed to insert dummy mail-header-separator before calling mailcrypt function. Wed Dec 13 05:46:06 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.03.3 was released. * tm: Version 7.33 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.44 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.22 was released. * tm-view.el: (1) New field variable `mime-viewer/visible-field-list' (2) New function `mime-preview/cut-header' * tm-view.el: (mime-viewer/default-content-header-filter): New implementation Tue Dec 11 15:31:29 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-file.el: comment was fixed. * methods/tm-html, methods/tm-image: fixed to insert spaces previous and next of "=" (cf. [tm-ja:1262]) Mon Dec 11 18:02:36 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.03.2 was released. * tm: Version 7.32 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.21.2 was released. Sun Dec 10 20:33:48 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el, tm-play.el: Function `mime::point-preview-content' was renamed to `mime-preview/point-pcinfo'. * tm-edit.el: does not exit from MIME editor mode if function `mime-editor/pgp-processing' is fail. * tm-edit.el: (1) New variable `mime-editor/signing-type' and `mime-editor/encrypting-type': their types are pgp-elkins, pgp-kazu or nil. pgp-elkins is not supported yet. (2) New function `mime-editor/enclose-signed-region' and `mime-editor/enclose-encrypted-region' for new enclosure `signed' and `encrypted'. (3) New function `mime-editor/process-pgp-kazu': to process `signed' and `encrypted' enclosure as application/pgp. (4) New function `mime-editor/set-split' Sat Dec 9 08:37:21 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el (mime-article/check-pgp-signature): Status does not work. Sat Dec 9 08:32:56 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el (mime-editor/process-multipart-1): Boundary is folded. * tm-edit.el: rearrangement Sat Dec 9 04:58:16 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el (mime-article/show-output-buffer): `(get-buffer-create mime/output-buffer-name)' was inserted. Sat Dec 9 04:51:49 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: application/pgp-signature support. * tm-play.el: Function `mime-article/decode-message/partial' was modified not to use `find-file'. Sat Dec 9 04:11:11 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el: Constant `mime/decoding-buffer-name' was deleted (because it seems not be used). * tm-edit.el: application/pgp support Sat Dec 9 03:42:47 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-file.el: setting for another variables to regard as binary. Sat Dec 9 02:04:41 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el: Function `mime-viewer/display-content' was fixed about judgement of root content. Sat Dec 9 01:56:28 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-parse.el: Function `mime/parse-multipart' was fixed about point-max slot of content-info. Sat Dec 9 01:41:18 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-def.el: New constant `mime/temp-buffer-name'. * tm-play.el: Function `mime-article/decode-message/partial' was modified to use `mime/temp-buffer-name'. Fri Dec 8 23:27:19 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-pgp.el: Initial revision Fri Dec 8 22:32:55 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: According to Junya Watanabe , fixed problem about XEmacs menu in Emacs and Mule. (cf. [tm-ja:1249]) Fri Dec 8 22:29:27 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el: New variable `mime-viewer/content-subject-showing-Content-Type-list' Sat Dec 8 18:29:51 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-file.el(mime-article/extract-file): Variable `require-final-newline' should be nil. Thu Dec 7 12:07:47 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tl: Version 7.03.1 was released. * tm: Version 7.31 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.21.1 was released. * Makefile: tl/README.eng was renamed to tl/README.en. Thu Dec 7 10:23:55 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: vm-mail-mode pop up menu setting for XEmacs. * tm-mail.el: pop up menu setting for XEmacs. * tm-edit.el: MUA depended codes about XEmacs pop up menu were moved to tm-MUAs. * tm-view.el: defvar `mime::article/preview-buffer' and `mime::article/code-converter' for XEmacs. * tm-edit.el: some comments are modified. Thu Dec 7 09:10:28 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * Makefile: (1) drives `make gnus5' and `make sgnus' for xemacs and 19_29. (2) README.eng was rename to README.en. Thu Dec 7 08:01:31 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-play.el: Function `mime-article/view-message/rfc822' was modified to set buffer local variable `mime::article/code-converter'. * tm-view.el: New buffer local variable `mime::article/code-converter': It specifies code-converter. If it is nil, `mime-viewer/code-converter-alist' is used. Thu Dec 7 06:18:21 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-view.el: pop up menu support by mouse-button-3 for Emacs 19 and XEmacs. Thu Dec 7 06:10:32 1995 Steven L. Baur * tm-edit.el: pop up menu for XEmacs. (cf. [tm-en:209]) Thu Dec 7 04:55:49 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el: version variables were added. * tm-rmail.el: Shuhei KOBAYASHI 's patch was applied to fix problem of function `tm-rmail/forward' in *mail* buffer. (and some extensions) (cf. [tm-ja:1225]) Thu Dec 6 23:16:14 1995 Steven L. Baur * tm-view.el: mouse-button-3 menu for XEmacs. (cf. [tm-en:206]) Thu Dec 6 15:53:54 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * README.eng: fixed typo about VM (cf. [tm-ja:1224]) * tm-file.el: fix and extend. (cf. [tm-ja:1224]) Wed Dec 6 15:35:52 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-rmail.el: `(substitute-key-definition 'rmail-forward 'tm-rmail/forward rmail-mode-map)' should be enclosed by (call-after-loaded 'mime-setup ..). Wed Dec 6 12:52:53 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.30 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.43 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.21 was released. * tl: Version 7.03 was released. * tm-edit.el: In function `mime-editor/split-and-send', to `(make-variable-buffer-local 'mail-header-separator)' was changed to `(make-local-variable 'mail-header-separator)'. * tm-play.el: In function `mime-article/decode-caesar', `(setq buffer-read-only nil)' was inserted before `(erase-buffer)'. (cf. [tm-ja:1214]) Wed Dec 6 09:21:07 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * README.eng: According to Shuhei KOBAYASHI , added and rewrote about VM. Wed Dec 6 08:49:15 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/over-to-previous' was renamed to `tm-vm/over-to-previous-method'. (2) Function `tm-vm/over-to-next was renamed to `tm-vm/over-to-next-method'. Wed Dec 6 06:55:07 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el: - Variable `tm-vm/automatic-mime-preview' was changed to user variable. - Names of tm-vm hooks were unified to `tm-vm/xxx-hook' from `vm-xxx-hook'. - New function `tm-vm/over-to-previous' and `tm-vm/over-to-next': they are over-to-previous-method and over-to-next-method. They are not only set for vm-mode, but also vm-virtual-mode. - add-hook to `tm-vm/update-record' was fixed to `tm-vm/bbdb-update-record'. It is typo. Wed Dec 6 08:20:02 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-eword.el, tm-ew-d.el: comment was modified. * README.eng: New section `How to get new version'. * tm-view.el, tm-play.el: (1) buffer local variable `mime/show-mode-old-window-configuration' was renamed to `mime::article/preview-buffer'. (2) modified about window configuration. * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/preview-current-message' was modified. (2) over-to-previous-method and over-to-next-method are modified. Wed Dec 6 04:18:23 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-nemacs.el: Function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' was modified to use function `code-convert-region'. (cf. [tm-ja:1204]) Wed Dec 5 18:52:52 1995 (Steven L. Baur) * bindir declaration was fixed. Tue Dec 5 07:58:52 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.29 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.41 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.20.1 was released. * tl: Version 7.02 was released. * tm-edit.el: Setting for ISO-2022-KR. Mon Dec 4 20:33:11 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el: setting for mime-viewer/over-to-(previous|next)-method-alist. (cf. [tm-ja:1195]) * tm-view.el: New keybind "<" and ">" (cf. [tm-ja:1195]) Mon Dec 4 00:24:19 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.28 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.40 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.20 was released. * tm-view.el: setting for external method ``tm-html''. * tm-html.el: setting for "extract" mode. * README.eng: rewrote for tm 7.*. * Makefile: tm/richtext.el and tm/tinyrich.el were moved to tl package. * mk-tm: richtext.el and tinyrich.el were moved to tl package. Sun Dec 3 14:09:18 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: modified to use tm-mail. * tm-rmail.el: Setting for `mime-editor/message-inserter-alist' using tm-mail.el. * tm-mail.el: New module: for mail-mode. Fri Dec 1 17:11:01 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el: fixed problem of exceptional case of encoding. Wed Nov 29 21:51:05 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * mime-setup.el: According to Steven L. Baur , (setq mail-signature nil) when `mime-setup-use-signature' is t. (cf. [tm-eng:176]) * tm-vm.el: (1) fixed problem in function `tm-vm/preview-current-message'. (2) New function `tm-vm/visit-folder-function'. It is set to `vm-visit-folder-hook' instead of `tm-vm/preview-current-message' directly. It is bug fix for getting new mail when visit to a folder. * tm-vm.el: Shuhei KOBAYASHI 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1164]) Sat Nov 25 02:14:25 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: Function `mime-editor/enclose-region' was fixed not to insert "text/plain" tag when end of enclosure is end of buffer. Thu Nov 23 10:21:05 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm 7.27.1 was released. * tm-view.el: ".*Received" was inserted into default value of variable `mime-viewer/ignored-field-list'. * mime-setup.el: autoload setting for function `mime/decode-message-header'. Tue Nov 21 09:43:00 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: fixed problem of function `tm-vm/quit'. Mon Nov 20 23:54:54 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: Function `tm-vm/preview-current-message' was modified. Mon Nov 20 02:48:34 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm 7.27 is released. * tm/mh-e: Attached version 7.25. * tm/gnus: Attached version 7.18. * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/preview-current-message' was fixed. (2) setting for BBDB was modified. * tm-edit.el: In function `mime-editor/enclose-region, interpretation mistake of RFC 1521 was fixed. Sun Nov 19 18:06:34 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: fixed problem of function `tm-vm/scroll-forward' and `tm-vm/scroll-backward'. * tm-vm.el: (1) insert (run-hooks 'tm-vm/vm-select-message-hook) into function `tm-vm/preview-current-message'. (2) setting for BBDB. (Please insert (load "tm-vm") after (bbdb-insinuate-vm)) * mime-setup.el: (add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'mime/editor-mode 'append) instead of (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'mime/editor-mode). * tm-vm.el: (1) fixed problem of function `mime::article/preview-buffer'. (2) Don't reset of hooks when mime-setup is loaded. Fri Nov 17 14:34:52 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: Oscar Figueiredo 's modification was applied. * tm-html.el: KOBAYASHI Shuuhei 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1117]) * tm-vm.el: changed Subject field decoding way when does not use tiny-mime patch. * tm-vm.el: SHIONO Jun'ichi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1120]) * tm-vm.el: SHIONO Jun'ichi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1119]) * mh-e/tm-mh-e.el: In function `tm-mh-e/forward', use forwcomps specified by variable `tm-mh-e/forwcomps' when variable `tm-mh-e/use-forwcomps' was non-nil. * mh-e/tm-mh-e.el: YAMAOKA Katsumi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1116])