* tm Fixed mk-tm. tm/tm-view.el ---------------------------- revision 6.76 date: 1995/08/31 15:05:50; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 Fixed function `mime-viewer/make-preview-buffer' about using of function `mime-viewer/get-subject'. ---------------------------- revision 6.75 date: 1995/08/31 14:10:04; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +81 -61 Show content-subject in body part of preview-buffer for single part hidden body message. So separated content-subject inserter from function `mime-viewer/default-content-subject-function' to function `mime-viewer/insert-content-subject'. ---------------------------- tm/tm-comp.el ---------------------------- revision 6.10 date: 1995/08/30 05:37:50; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 Rewrote regexps of constant `mime/message-nuke-headers' and constant `mime/message-blind-headers'. ---------------------------- revision 6.9 date: 1995/08/30 05:01:46; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +46 -1 Defined function `tm-comp::mime-insert-file' to expand parameter expression of variable `mime-file-types'. ---------------------------- * tm/gnus Attached version 6.17. Fixed mk-tgnus. tm/gnus/tm-dgnus.el ---------------------------- revision 6.17 date: 1995/08/31 05:55:52; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 According to Mr.Nishijima 's report, measured to (ding) GNUS 0.99.28 changes. ----------------------------