* tl Attached version 6.6.8. - tl-822.el was created as new RFC 822 parser. - tl-cite.el was created as a citation utility. * tm tm/mime-setup.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:27:39; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ---------------------------- tm/tm-def.el ---------------------------- revision 6.9 date: 1995/10/03 04:30:57; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Function `tm:browse-url' was modified to call variable `tm:mother-button-dispatcher' interactively. ---------------------------- tm/tm-ew-d.el ---------------------------- revision 7.1 date: 1995/10/03 04:34:26; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +24 -33 It was separated from tiny-mime.el as MIME encoded-word decoder. A lot of parts were changed. ---------------------------- tm/tm-ew-e.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:35:11; author: morioka; state: Exp; It was created as MIME encoded-word encoder. It was wrote from scratch. ---------------------------- tm/tm-eword.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:40:06; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +28 -549 (1) tiny-mime.el was renamed to tm-eword.el. (2) decoder was moved to tm-ew-d.el. (3) major parts of encoder were erased, tm-ew-e.el was used. ---------------------------- tm/tm-mule.el ---------------------------- revision 7.1 date: 1995/10/03 04:49:53; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 comment was modified. ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:44:11; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +59 -24 Definitions for tm-ew-e.el were added. ---------------------------- tm/tm-nemacs.el ---------------------------- revision 7.1 date: 1995/10/03 04:51:07; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 comment was modified. ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:44:50; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 Definitions for tm-ew-e.el were added. ---------------------------- tm/tm-orig.el ---------------------------- revision 7.1 date: 1995/10/03 04:52:16; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 comment was modified. ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 04:45:50; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3 Definitions for tm-ew-e.el were added. ---------------------------- tm/tm-view.el ---------------------------- revision 7.9 date: 1995/10/03 04:56:10; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ---------------------------- revision 7.8 date: 1995/09/26 16:04:39; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 In function `mime-viewer/display-content', problems of getting subject was fixed. ---------------------------- revision 7.7 date: 1995/09/26 14:49:23; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 In function `mime-viewer/display-content', problem of single-part message which has hidden body was fixed. ---------------------------- tm/tm-rmail.el ---------------------------- revision 6.7 date: 1995/09/28 06:05:20; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +18 -10 encoded-word decoder was set to variable `rmail-message-filter' again. ---------------------------- tm/tm-vm.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 05:04:35; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +22 -9 Comment was modified because tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ---------------------------- * tm/gnus Version 7.0 を添付した。 tm/gnus/tm-gnus.el ---------------------------- revision 6.5 date: 1995/09/28 02:20:46; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 modified to support ``Gnus 5.* with September patch''. ---------------------------- tm/gnus/tm-gnus5.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 05:07:54; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +31 -22 tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ---------------------------- tm/gnus/tm-ognus.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 05:08:59; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +20 -5 tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ---------------------------- tm/gnus/tm-sgnus.el ---------------------------- revision 7.0 date: 1995/10/03 05:09:53; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +27 -14 tm-eword.el was used instead of tiny-mime.el. ----------------------------