* tm tm/tm-parse.el ---------------------------- revision 5.0 date: 1995/10/12 14:29:30; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 In function `mime/parse-message', a bug about message/rfc822 was fixed. ---------------------------- tm/tm-view.el ---------------------------- revision 7.15 date: 1995/10/13 08:43:49; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 Eric Ding fixed function `mime-viewer/x-face-function'. ---------------------------- revision 7.14 date: 1995/10/13 07:19:52; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 In function `mime-viewer/display-content', I fixed to decode subject. ---------------------------- * tm/mh-e tm/mh-e/tm-mh-e.el ---------------------------- revision 7.3 date: 1995/10/13 08:15:17; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +20 -4 According to Eric Ding 's report, `,' problem was fixed. But it may have problems. ----------------------------