* tl Attached version 7.01.1. tl/mu-cite.el ---------------------------- revision 3.3 date: 1995/10/20 10:43:28; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 Fixed function `mu-cite/cite-original'. ---------------------------- * mel Attached Version 2.1. mel/mel.el ---------------------------- revision 2.1 date: 1995/10/20 10:51:39; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 Function `mime/encode-region' was created. ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 1995/10/20 10:38:08; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +27 -1 Function `mime/decode-region' was created. ---------------------------- * tm tm/tm-rich.el ---------------------------- revision 7.1 date: 1995/10/20 10:40:06; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +3 -15 Use function `mime/decode-region'. ---------------------------- tm/tm-view.el ---------------------------- revision 7.18 date: 1995/10/20 10:41:59; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +3 -9 Function `mime-viewer/filter-text/plain' was modified: (1) Use function `mime/decode-region'. (2) Unnecessary goto-char was deleted. (3) Unnecessary save-excursion was deleted. ---------------------------- tm/tm-w3.el ---------------------------- revision 3.0 date: 1995/10/20 10:42:41; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 Use function `mime/decode-region'. ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 1995/10/19 07:57:57; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 Decode base64 or quoted-printable. ---------------------------- * tm/gnus Attached Version 7.5. tm/tm-sgnus.el ---------------------------- revision 7.5 date: 1995/10/19 14:22:47; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 Not support gnus-5.0.6-nnheader.diff. (^_^; ---------------------------- * tm/mh-e Attached Version 7.7. tm/mh-e/tm-mh-e.el ---------------------------- revision 7.7 date: 1995/10/20 10:54:27; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 (1) In automatic MIME preview mode, if `,' key is pressed, it displays preview buffer which has all fields of message header. (2) Raw message displaying function is bound to `ESC ,'. ----------------------------