* tl Attached version 7.01.3. * mel Attached version 3.2. * tm tm/tm-edit.el ---------------------------- revision 7.15 date: 1995/11/03 08:32:03; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +77 -9 Addition for image/tiff and text/x-rot13-47. ---------------------------- tm/tm-file.el ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 1995/11/06 16:05:29; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 (1) Function `mime/extract-file' was renamed to `mime-article/extract-file'. (2) took measure for jam-zcat and jka-compr. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 1995/11/03 08:32:58; author: morioka; state: Exp; It was created as a tm-view internal method module for file extraction. ---------------------------- tm/tm-mail.el ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 1995/11/04 08:22:24; author: morioka; state: Exp; It was created as a tm-view internal method module for message/rfc822 and text/x-rot13-47. ---------------------------- tm/tm-play.el ---------------------------- revision 4.0 date: 1995/11/04 07:51:22; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 Don't code convert when reading partial part files. ---------------------------- revision 3.0 date: 1995/11/03 08:53:58; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 Function `mime-article/decode-message/partial' was modified not to code convert when reading FULL file. ---------------------------- tm/tm-view.el ---------------------------- revision 7.22 date: 1995/11/03 09:05:23; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +21 -15 (1) New function `mime-preview/decode-text-region'. (2) use function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' as code converter for mime/show-message-mode. (3) Buffer local variable `mime/mother-buffer' was renamed to `mime::preview/mother-buffer'. ---------------------------- tm/tm-rmail.el ---------------------------- revision 7.12 date: 1995/11/02 12:20:51; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 In function `tm-rmail/view-message', fixed renaming mistake of `tm-rmail/preview-message'. ---------------------------- revision 7.11 date: 1995/11/02 07:03:01; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 Function `tm-rmail/preview-message' was modified to use function `rfc822/get-field-body' instead of function `mail-fetch-field'. (because of text property problem in Emacs 19.29) ---------------------------- revision 7.10 date: 1995/11/02 06:04:48; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 In function `tm-rmail/forward', fixed renaming mistake of `tm-edit/insert-tag' -> `mime-editor/insert-tag'. ---------------------------- revision 7.9 date: 1995/10/31 14:20:25; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Function `tm-rmail/forward-from-gnus' was renamed to `gnus-mail-forward-using-mail-mime'. ---------------------------- tm/mh-e Attached version 7.12. tm/mh-e/tm-mh-e.el ---------------------------- revision 7.12 date: 1995/10/31 15:27:51; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +1 -46 Function `gnus-mail-forward-using-mhe-mime' was moved to tm-gnus5.el again. ---------------------------- revision 7.11 date: 1995/10/31 14:17:09; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +47 -1 Insert (require 'mh-comp) in function `gnus-mail-forward-using-mhe-mime'. ---------------------------- tm/mh-e/tm-mh-e3.el ---------------------------- revision 6.0 date: 1995/10/31 14:24:41; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 Insert (provide 'mh-comp). ---------------------------- tm/gnus Attached version 7.13. tm/gnus/tm-gnus5.el ---------------------------- revision 7.7 date: 1995/10/31 15:24:49; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +58 -1 Function `gnus-mail-forward-using-mhe-mime' was defined in this module again. ---------------------------- revision 7.6 date: 1995/10/31 13:52:48; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +1 -47 Function `gnus-mail-forward-using-mhe-mime' was moved to tm-mh-e.el. ---------------------------- revision 7.5 date: 1995/10/31 13:45:21; author: morioka; state: Exp; lines: +108 -136 (1) automatic MIME preview support for original Gnus 5.0.x. (``with tm patch'' is regarded as original Gnus 5.0.x) (2) tm-gnus/decode-all was abolished and changed like tm-sgnus way. (3) setting for BBDB. (4) Function `gnus-mail-forward-using-mhe-mime' was modified. ----------------------------