Mon Nov 20 02:48:34 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm 7.27 is released. * tm/mh-e: Attached version 7.25. * tm/gnus: Attached version 7.18. * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/preview-current-message' was fixed. (2) setting for BBDB was modified. * tm-edit.el: In function `mime-editor/enclose-region, interpretation mistake of RFC 1521 was fixed. Sun Nov 19 18:06:34 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: fixed problem of function `tm-vm/scroll-forward' and `tm-vm/scroll-backward'. * tm-vm.el: (1) insert (run-hooks 'tm-vm/vm-select-message-hook) into function `tm-vm/preview-current-message'. (2) setting for BBDB. (Please insert (load "tm-vm") after (bbdb-insinuate-vm)) * mime-setup.el: (add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'mime/editor-mode 'append) instead of (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'mime/editor-mode). * tm-vm.el: (1) fixed problem of function `mime::article/preview-buffer'. (2) Don't reset of hooks when mime-setup is loaded. Fri Nov 17 14:34:52 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: Oscar Figueiredo 's modification was applied. * tm-html.el: KOBAYASHI Shuuhei 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1117]) * tm-vm.el: changed Subject field decoding way when does not use tiny-mime patch. * tm-vm.el: SHIONO Jun'ichi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1120]) * tm-vm.el: SHIONO Jun'ichi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1119]) * mh-e/tm-mh-e.el: In function `tm-mh-e/forward', use forwcomps specified by variable `tm-mh-e/forwcomps' when variable `tm-mh-e/use-forwcomps' was non-nil. * mh-e/tm-mh-e.el: YAMAOKA Katsumi 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1116])