Mon Dec 4 00:24:19 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.28 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.40 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.20 was released. * tm-view.el: setting for external method ``tm-html''. * tm-html.el: setting for "extract" mode. * README.eng: rewrote for tm 7.*. * Makefile: tm/richtext.el and tm/tinyrich.el were moved to tl package. * mk-tm: richtext.el and tinyrich.el were moved to tl package. Sun Dec 3 14:09:18 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: modified to use tm-mail. * tm-rmail.el: Setting for `mime-editor/message-inserter-alist' using tm-mail.el. * tm-mail.el: New module: for mail-mode. Fri Dec 1 17:11:01 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-ew-e.el: fixed problem of exceptional case of encoding. Wed Nov 29 21:51:05 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * mime-setup.el: According to Steven L. Baur , (setq mail-signature nil) when `mime-setup-use-signature' is t. (cf. [tm-eng:176]) * tm-vm.el: (1) fixed problem in function `tm-vm/preview-current-message'. (2) New function `tm-vm/visit-folder-function'. It is set to `vm-visit-folder-hook' instead of `tm-vm/preview-current-message' directly. It is bug fix for getting new mail when visit to a folder. * tm-vm.el: Shuhei KOBAYASHI 's patch was applied. (cf. [tm-ja:1164]) Sat Nov 25 02:14:25 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-edit.el: Function `mime-editor/enclose-region' was fixed not to insert "text/plain" tag when end of enclosure is end of buffer.