Wed Dec 6 12:52:53 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm: Version 7.30 was released. * tm/mh-e: Version 7.43 was released. * tm/gnus: Version 7.21 was released. * tl: Version 7.03 was released. * tm-edit.el: In function `mime-editor/split-and-send', to `(make-variable-buffer-local 'mail-header-separator)' was changed to `(make-local-variable 'mail-header-separator)'. * tm-play.el: In function `mime-article/decode-caesar', `(setq buffer-read-only nil)' was inserted before `(erase-buffer)'. (cf. [tm-ja:1214]) Wed Dec 6 09:21:07 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * README.eng: According to Shuhei KOBAYASHI , added and rewrote about VM. Wed Dec 6 08:49:15 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/over-to-previous' was renamed to `tm-vm/over-to-previous-method'. (2) Function `tm-vm/over-to-next was renamed to `tm-vm/over-to-next-method'. Wed Dec 6 06:55:07 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-vm.el: - tm-vm/automatic-mime-preview を user variable に。私は tm-vm/automatic-mime-preview は user variable と思っていたのです が、"*" がついていないみたいなのでつけてみました。 #VM の場合は user variable でいいんですよね? - VM の hook を代用する tm-vm の hook の名前を vm-xxx-hook -> tm-vm/xxx-hook で統一。 BBDB が動いていなかった原因その 1 です。 - mime-viewer/over-to-(previous|next)-method-alist に vm-virtual-mode 用の method も登録。 vm-mode 用に書いたものを独立した関数にして vm-virtual-mode 用に も登録しました。 - BBDB 対応部分で tm-vm/bbdb-update-record ではなく tm-vm/update-record が add-hook されていたのを修正。 BBDB が動いていなかった原因その 2 です。 #まだ BBDB は ";" や ":" で動作がおかしい気がする... Wed Dec 6 08:20:02 1995 Morioka Tomohiko * tm-eword.el, tm-ew-d.el: comment was modified. * README.eng: New section `How to get new version'. * tm-view.el, tm-play.el: (1) buffer local variable `mime/show-mode-old-window-configuration' was renamed to `mime::article/preview-buffer'. (2) modified about window configuration. * tm-vm.el: (1) Function `tm-vm/preview-current-message' was modified. (2) over-to-previous-method and over-to-next-method are modified. Wed Dec 6 04:18:23 1995 Shuhei KOBAYASHI * tm-nemacs.el: Function `mime/code-convert-region-to-emacs' was modified to use function `code-convert-region'. (cf. [tm-ja:1204]) Wed Dec 5 18:52:52 1995 (Steven L. Baur) * bindir declaration was fixed.