[[R \title{tm-$<$MUA$>$ Manual (English Version)} \author{Morioka Tomohiko} \date{1994/7/22} \maketitle ]]R tm- is a MIME tools for GNU Emacs. * Files README-jp.ol README (Japanese) README-eng.ol README (English) tiny-mime.ol tiny-mime.el manual (Japanese) tm-body.ol tm-body manual (Japanese) tm-gnus-jp.ol tm-gnus manual (Japanese) tm-gnus-eng.ol tm-gnus manual (English) tm-mh-e-jp.ol tm-mh-e manual (Japanese) tm-mh-e-eng.ol tm-mh-e manual (English) decode-b.c Base64 decoder methods/* methods tiny-mime.el Multilingual MIME header encoder/decoder tm-body.el MIME body decoder tm-gnus.el tm- for GNUS tm-mh-e.el tm- for mh-e tm-mh-e3.el tm-mh-e's module for mh-e 3.x. tm-misc.el tm- library tl-*.el library modules mime-setup.el setup program signature.el signature selector ol2.c Emacs outline mode to plain text converter * How to install (1) Edit Makefile for your environment. (2) Edit methods in `methods/' directory for your environment. (3) Run `make all'. (4) Run `make install'. (5) Copy *.el to your emacs lisp directory. * How to use Please read tm-mh-e-eng.ol and tm-gnus-eng.ol.