* tm/Makefile Not only do `make mule2' or `make orig19' compile normal tm modules but also tm-mh-e and tm-gnus. Similarly, not only do `make install-mule2' or `make install-orig19' install normal tm modules but also tm-mh-e and tm-gnus. * tm-comp ** message/rfc822 We add a message/rfc822 style message inserting command. Its function name is `tm-comp/insert-message', standard key bind is `C-c C-x m'. Function `tm-comp/insert-message' requires message-inserter function for your MUA. message-inserter functions are registerd at variable `tm-comp/message-inserter-alist' which is a assoc-list whose element is a pair that major-mode is key and message-inserter function is value. Now, tm-mh-e is a only implementation for this function. * changed points of tm-view Internal structure of tm-view 6.* is changed from tm-view 5.21, such as, data structures, symbol names. I write main differences between tm 5.21. ** internal structure *** content-info Buffer local variable of article buffer `mime/content-list', which memorizes content structres of message in article buffer, is renamed to `mime::article/content-info', and data structure is changed. Old data structure ``content-list'' used in buffer local variable `mime/content-list' was a following list: content-list = (Ba Ea children) Ba: point-min of this content in article buffer Ea: point-max of this content in article buffer children: content-list's list of contents included in this content. nil when this content is not multipart New data structure ``content-info'' used in buffer local variable `mime::article/content-info' is following vector: content-info = [point-min point-max type parameters encoding children] point-min: point-min of this content in article buffer point-max: point-max of this content in article buffer (This value is not equal Ea. point-max = Ea + 1) type: content-type/subtype of this content parameters: assoc-list which represents parameters of Content-Type field of this content encoding: Content-Transfer-Encoding of this content children: content-info's list of contents included in this content. nil when this content is not multipart In tm-view 5.21, this data structure was generated and referenced by list processing functions (basic lisp functions) dynamically. In tm-view 6.*, however, it is generated by generator function `mime::make-content-info', and it is referenced by reference functions mime::content-info/FOO (FOO = { point-min | point-max | type | parameters | encoding | children }). *** preview-content-info Buffer local variable of preview buffer `mime/preview-flat-content-list', which memorizes content structres of message in preview buffer, is renamed to `mime::preview/content-list, and data structure is changed. Old data structure used in buffer local variable `mime/preview-flat-content-list' was a list which elements are following list: (Bp Ep buf Ba Ea) Bp: point-min of this content in preview buffer Ep: point-max of this content in preview buffer buf: article buffer for this content Ba: point-min of this content in article buffer Ea: point-max of this content in article buffer New data structure ``preview-content-info'' used in buffer local variable `mime::preview/content-list'' is a list which elements are following vector: [Bp Ep buf cinfo] Bp: point-min of this content in preview buffer Ep: point-max of this content in preview buffer buf: article buffer for this content cinfo: content-info which represents this content In tm-view 5.21, this data structure was generated and referenced by list processing functions (basic lisp functions) dynamically. In tm-view 6.*, however, it is generated by generator function `mime::make-preview-content-info', and it is referenced by reference functions mime::preview-content-info/FOO (FOO = { Bp | Ep | buf | cinfo }). *** etc - parser is changed - naming rule is changed - buffer local variable in article buffer `mime/preview-buffer' is renamed to `mime::article/preview-buffer' - function `mime/exit-view-mode' is renamed to `mime-viewer/kill-buffer' - command functions of mime/viewer-mode are renamed from mime/FOO to mime-viewer/FOO. (ex. `mime/up-content' --> `mime-viewer/up-content') - command function `mime/quit-view-mode' is renamed to `mime-viewer/quit' - etc... ** variables (1) variable `mime/content-filter-alist' is renamed to `mime-viewer/content-filter-alist' (2) variable `mime/make-content-subject-function' is renamed to `mime-viewer/content-subject-function' and arguments are changed (3) variable `mime/make-content-header-filter' is renamed to `mime-viewer/content-header-filter-function' (4) variable `mime/default-showing-Content-Type-list' is renamed to `mime-viewer/default-showing-Content-Type-list' (5) variable `mime/go-to-top-node-method-alist' is renamed to `mime-viewer/quitting-method-alist' and changed initial value because of changes between tm-view 5.21 and tm-view 6.*. ** new variables *** mime-viewer/childrens-header-showing-Content-Type-list list of content-type/subtype whose children's header should be displayed. This variable is used in function `mime-viewer/default-content-header-filter-function' which defined as default value of variable `mime-viewer/content-header-filter-function'. Therefore if you set another function, it may not work this variable. *** mime-viewer/ignored-field-list list of field-name which is not displayed when header is displayed. This variable is used in function `mime-viewer/default-content-header-filter-function' which defined as default value of variable `mime-viewer/content-header-filter-function'. Therefore if you set another function, it may not work this variable.