1999-05-18 Tsunehiko Baba * New File: [ChangeLog.en]. 1999-05-18 A. SAGATA * Fix: mouse-2 does not work in Message buffer. 1999-05-18 Yuuichi Teranishi * 1.0.0 pre2 - "Kokomo-pre2". * Fix: region of hilighting varies when the number of unread messages is decreased. (pointed out by Toshihiko Koadama ). * Change: C-cC-s in draft and keybind of menubar is set as local-set-key in each draft bufer. * Fix: wl-summary-mark-as-read-all does not work well when target messages is hidden in close threads. (pointed out by Hajime Ohsawa ). 1999-05-18 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: insert mail body into a different position from position specified by wl-draft-prepared-config-alist in wl-summary-reply-with-citation. 1999-05-17 Ken'ichi OKADA * Change: [bbdb-wl.el]. corresponding to change from wl-folder-exit-hook to wl-exit-hook. 1999-05-17 Yuuichi Teranishi * pre 1.0.0 - "Kokomo-pre". * Change: not use replace-match(). 1999-05-17 Ken'ichi OKADA * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about POP-before-SMTP. * Change: corresponding to POP-before-SMTP. 1999-05-17 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: add elmo-multi-get-msg-filename(). * Change: wl-message-refer-article-or-url() corresponds to "mailto:". 1999-05-17 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not change wl-folder-buffer-cur-{path|entity-id}, when wl-summary-goto-folder is executed at interactive. * Change: not expire when, 2nd and 3rd elements of wl-expire-alist is nil. 1999-05-17 Ken'ichi OKADA * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about AUTHINFO. 1999-05-17 A.SAGATA * Fix: hilighting at a line pointed by a mouse. 1999-05-17 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: remove BETA. * Fix: toobar is not available at Folders on XEmacs. * Fix: merging partial does not work well when Subjects are written in Japanese. * 0.10.3 - "Jumpin' Jack Flash". 1999-05-16 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: not consider WL_PREFIX, ELMO_PREFIX when doing "make uninstall". * Change: not use (point-at-bol), (point-at-eol) for Mule2.3. * Change: wl-folder-exit-hook -> wl-exit-hook。 * Change: rename wl-folder-exit -> wl-exit。 * Change: update ja.Emacs. * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about wl-summary-print-message. 1999-05-16 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not delete a message buffer when there are no unread messages, even if wl-auto-select-first is t. 1999-05-15 Yuuichi Teranishi * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about highlight、internal Folder. * Change: defvars in wl-highlight move into wl-vars, and is set as defcustom. * Fix: error happens when selecting nntp Folder in unplugged. (pointed out by MARUYAMA Yoshio ). * Fix: some inconvinience related to Stick Summary happen when wl-stay-folder-window is t. * Change: hilighting a line pointed by a mouse on Summary from begging of line to end. * Change: change an order of initizalization and messages in wl-init. not check existence of basic Folder with prefix-arg. * Change: save view cache when exiting Sticky Summary. 1999-05-14 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: not call wl-mail-setup-hook when doing wl-summary-reedit(). 1999-05-14 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: modificaton of wl-summary-next-folder-or-exit() is not considered in case that wl-auto-select-first is t. * Change: change of move command is enable when wl-summary-next-no-unread is t. 1999-05-14 Ken'ichi OKADA * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about wl-draft-write-current-newsgroup. 1999-05-13 A.SAGATA * Change: hilight mouse-face without useing mode-motion-hook. * Change: add wl-version-show. 1999-05-13 Koichiro Ohba * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about Sticky Summary. 1999-05-13 Ken'ichi OKADA * Fix: select an unexpected window after doing wl-summary-forward at a Folder wl-summary-stick does. 1999-05-13 Masahiro MURATA * Change: do wl-template without using recursive-edit. 1999-05-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: add 'x-face as a sub function of wl-draft-config-alist. * Change: [wl-template] hilight select buffer. 1999-05-13 Mito * Change: do (wl-summary-toggle-disp-msg 'off) in wl-summary-next-folder-or-exit() in order to avoid the event that previous message is displayed when moveing to other folders. * Fix: error happens when calling wl-summary-toggle-disp-msg() if its arg is off. 1999-05-13 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: error happens when NNTP Folder is updated by wl-folder-update-recursive-current-entity. 1999-05-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: caching does not work in pop3 and imap4, nntp when elmo-*-use-cache is nil. (pointed out by Masahiro MURATA ). 1999-05-12 OKUNISHI -GTO- Fujikazu * Fix: not read messages in localnews. args of elmo-localnews-local-file-p() is not enough. 1999-05-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.10.2 - "I'm Your Man". 1999-05-12 A. SAGATA * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about some commands. 1999-05-12 Koichiro Ohba * Add: [sample.dot.wl] about auto-refile configuration. * Add: [wl-ja.texi] about wl-summary-auto-refile-skip-marks. 1999-05-12 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: checking newsgroups with upper case letters fails. 1999-05-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: read message is not cached in localdir. * New Variables: wl-ps-print-buffer-func. assign a function in ps-print. default is 'ps-print-buffer-with-faces. (requested by Mito ). * Change: display an error message if same name exists between group and petname when analyzing .folders. 1999-05-11 Masahiro MURATA * Change: update sample.dot.wl. * Fix: description about access group and so on. 1999-05-11 OKUNISHI -GTO- Fujikazu * Fix: when messages targeted for "$" in filter Folder are local files, they are marked but not cached. 1999-05-11 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: implement partial unification functions for tm. * Fix: wl-defface does not work on Nemacs. * Change: speed up wl-summary-exec. * Fix: not assign 'D' on Summary. * Fix: when deleting messages in imap4, the case they are not deleted from msgdb exists in some thread circumstances. * Change: do (sit-for 0) in order to display results at once in wl-folder-check-one-entity. * Change: wl-message-redisplay-hook is unwind-protected in order to make a cursor position a return to Summary when doing C-g at a prompt like bbdb. 1999-05-10 Tomokazu Matsumaru * Fix: hang up POP3 Folder with a lot of messages. 1999-05-10 Yuuichi Teranishi * New Variable: wl-folder-sync-range-alist, wl-default-sync-range. change default of sync in each folder is enable. (requested by Toshihiro KAMISHIMA ). * Fix: "make" command fails on Mule 2.3. (pointed out by Toshihiko Koadama ). * Fix: display letters in an unexpected code because wl-vars.el is written by EUC. (pointed out by Masahiro MURATA ). * 0.10.1 - "Harlem Shuffle". 1999-05-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: (maybe) make current Folder strange when doing C-g while select-folder in imap4. (pointed by Mizuhara ). * New Variable: elmo-archive-use-cache、elmo-nntp-use-cache, elmo-imap4-use-cache、elmo-pop3-use-cache. determine each read message to cache or not * Change: do away with wl-no-cache-folder-list. * Change: cache is enable at once after marking as important-mark. 1999-05-08 Koichiro Ohba * Change: [wl-ja.texi] typo and so on. 1999-05-08 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: [wl-ja.texi] typo and so on. 1999-05-05 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: a cursor does not return to Summary from message buffer after wl-message-prev-page() in the case that ^L is used for starting a new page. * Change: do rename-file() for *.elc files when doing "make install". * Change: because mode-motion-hook is particular for XEmacs, delete error messages when it is byte-compiled on GNU Emacs. 1999-05-05 OKUNISHI -GTO- Fujikazu * Fix: errors happens in wl-summary-refile-region, wl-summary-copy-region, wl-thread-refile, wl-thread-copy. 1999-05-05 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: [elmo-{nntp|imap4|pop3}.el] case-fold-search is not enable in target buffer. 1999-05-04 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: variables of wl-draft-config-alist are not enable when wl-draft-send is aborted once and retried. 1999-05-01 OKAZAKI Tetsurou * Change: in NNTP Folder enable to read newsgroup having top categories whose initials are numeral. 1999-04-30 Masahiro MURATA * New Function: wl-defface. define face as portable. 1999-04-30 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: duplicate a name part of folder when re-editing drafts on edit from Summary. (pointed out by OKAZAKI Tetsurou ). * Fix: asking where to jump when doing s->rescan in empty Folder occurs. (pointed out by OKAZAKI Tetsurou ). * Change: [bbdb-wl] add (require 'wl). * Fix: asking where to jump when doing wl-thread-open-close at a message with no children and no parents of threads. * New Commands: wl-summary-drop-unsync, wl-folder-drop-unsync-current-entity. make all not synchronous messages no existence. assing as 'D'. 1999-04-28 Masahiro MURATA * New Variable: wl-draft-prepared-config-alist. extend some functions in wl-draft-config-alist. * New File: [wl-template]. new feature to select or insert template on draft buffer. 1999-04-28 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: use wl-draft-mode-map except excepting Nemacs. (advised by Masahiro MURATA ) 1999-04-13 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: case-fold-search on Summery buffer is always treated as nil. * Fix: return value when elmo-nntp-open-connection fails is different from it written in docstring. 1999-04-28 Mito * Fix: mail send command fails when wl-draft-buffer-cur-summary-buffer is #. 1999-04-27 Mito * Change: execute confirmation when printing out by '#' on Summary. 1999-04-27 Ken'ichi OKADA * Fix: wl-summary-refile-region works wrong. 1999-04-27 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: not work on Nemacs. * Fix: problems happen when custom does not exist. * Fix: merge forgotten patches (including modification for POP3 hang-up problem). (pointed out by A.SAGATA ). * 0.10.0 - "Got My Mind Set On You". * Fix: localnews is not treated as local in wl-summary-local-p. (reported by Kentaro Toda ) 1999-04-26 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: implement each backend function of elmo-internal.el. * Fix: modify (get-buffer wl-summary-buffer-name) all over for correspondence to Sticky Summary. * New command: wl-summary-stick. change present summary to be sticky. assign it as \M-s. 1999-04-23 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: rewrite partial unification functions for SEMI. * Change: [bbdb-wl]. corresponding to Sticky Summary. * Fix: wl-default-draft-cite works wrong. (set a wrong citation title when a cursor on Summary get out of position.) 1999-04-23 A. SAGATA * Fix: jump to right message-id by clicking center of left message-id when body has two message-id at one line. 1999-04-23 Ken'ichi OKADA * Fix: error happens if it is empty when doing wl-thread-{copy,refile} at end of line on wl-summary mode. 1999-04-22 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: moves to Sticky Summary when moving to Folder with prefix arg. (former "wl-folder-goto-folder、wl-summary-goto-folder" changes to wl-folder-goto-folder-subr、wl-summary-goto-folder-subr respectively.) * Change: not re-highlight on draft-buffer by "^L" when wl-highlight-body-too is nil. (modified by A.SAGATA ). * Change: Sticky Summary. (requested by Mito ). * Change: mmelmo-imap4 succeeds to mmelmo. 1999-04-21 A. SAGATA * Fix: some bugs in wl-folder-close-parent-entity. * Change: extend functions of wl-thread-open-close in order to close its parents when having no children. * Change: wl-folder-close-parent-entity -> wl-folder-open-close. * Change: assign wl-folder-open-close as "/". 1999-04-21 Mito * Change: expand nested aliases. 1999-04-21 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: not set cursor at a first message in wl-summary-goto-folder when wl-summary-move-order is 'new and the message is marked as "$" and no marks excepting "$" exists in Folder. * Fix: doing wl-summary-cursor-down twice(!) in wl-summary-goto-folder. 1999-04-21 Kazuyuki IENAGA * corresponding to custom. 1999-04-21 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not enable to get get information of folders with host name in the case that server append extra messages to response against group commands, ex. leafnode. 1999-04-20 Yuuichi Teranishi * New File: [elmo-internal.el]. Folder for browsing internal data. 1999-04-19 A. SAGATA * New Variable: wl-draft-highlight-and-recenter. recenter after hilighting by C-l on draft. * Fix: [elmo-nntp.el]. args of elmo-nntp-search are wrong. 1999-04-19 Takaaki MORIYAMA * Change: enable to specify port number in folder definition of nntp. 1999-04-19 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: delete keybind \M-O (wl-summary-copy-prev-destination) to avoid the problems as to a cursor on vt-100. (pointed out by SUGANO KEI , advised by A.SAGATA ). * Fix: each message number is always set as 0 when the number of messages is beyond 6 digits. (pointed out by A.SAGATA ). 1999-04-19 Ken'ichi OKADA * Fix: not display additional messages on offline when visiting destination Folder after doing offline refile/copy. * Change: execute processing of unread messages on offline. 1999-04-19 A. SAGATA * Change: delete keybind \M-O in Summary. 1999-04-17 Koichiro Ohba * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about wl-summary-auto-refile. * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about wl-summary-auto-refile. * Change: [sample.dot.wl]. disable to add Mail-Followup-To and Mail-Reply-To by itself. 1999-04-14 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: changes mode of draft buffer to wl-draft-mode that mail-mode derived. (advised by Shuhei KOBAYASHI ) * New Variable: [WL-ELS] WL_PREFIX、ELMO_PREFIX. install wl and elmo modules using each values as relative directory from ELISPDIR. default is "". (advised by Shuhei KOBAYASHI ). * Fix: when *.elc files compiled by other meacs exists, "make clean" does not work on other emacs because of loading WL-ELS. * Fix: POP hangs up when multiple messages exist. (reported by Ishikawa Ichiro ). 1999-04-13 OKAZAKI Tetsurou * Fix: [elmo-nntp.el]. about typo in docstring. 1999-04-12 A. SAGATA * Fix: all bodies change to signature-face when re-edting by "E" summary buffer. * Change: hilight at a line pointed by mouse in summary mode and folder mode on XEmacs only. 1999-04-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: when on draft a line begins from TAB and the next field is empty bug to delete the line happens. (pointed put by A.SAGATA ). * Fix: buffer displaying in wrong code remains when doing C-g at once after typing 'q' on Summary. (pointed out by Abe ). * Fix: pick up Japanese Subject fails on XEmacs. (pointed out by A.SAGATA ). * Add: [ChangeLog]. forget to add a modification against the problem elmo-nntp-get-folders-info hangs up on 4/2. (pointed out by Nakagawa Makoto ). * 0.9.8 - "Faith". 1999-04-10 Yuuichi Teranishi * New Variable: elmo-msgid-replace-string-alist. define rules of conversion from message-id to cache file name. 1999-04-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: [elmo-imap4.el]. LOGIN certification fails when password includes brank space. (reported by Tadashi KUMANO ). 1999-04-07 Ken'ichi OKADA * Change: [NNTP] corresponding to AUTHINFO. 1999-04-07 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: re-load by C-u even if caches exist. * Change: enable to start up by C-g even if network is not connected when initializing. 1999-04-06 SHIMADA Mitsunobu * Fix: the bugs to fail to delete or refile mails in Maildir occur. 1999-04-03 OKAZAKI Tetsurou * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. description about default value of wl-insert-mail-(followup|reply)-to is wrong. 1999-04-02 Masahiro MURATA * New Variable: elmo-nntp-get-folders-securely. when non-nil, modification to avoid elmo-nntp-get-folders-info not returing is enable. default is nil. 1999-04-02 Nakagawa Makoto * Fix: the bug that elmo-nntp-get-folders-info does not return and hangs up occurs on cnews(?). 1999-03-31 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: change petname-alist to obarray. * New Variable: wl-summary-divide-thread-when-subject-changed. makes thread when subject changes if it is t. (requested by akira yamada ). * New Variable: wl-summary-subject-filter-func. assign a function to process before comparison with subjects. * Change: not funcall wl-summary-from-func and wl-summary-subject-func, wl-summary-subject-filter-func and fset them at startup. * Change: change wl-draft-config-exec-flag to buffer local variable. * Fix: error happens by M->j->q on Summary. (pointed out by Ken'ichi OKADA ). * Change: default of face for signature is set as colorful fonts. 1999-03-30 Ken'ichi OKADA * Change: disable to do 'd' at an empty line. * Fix: if there are multiple articles with target message-id in same folder, elmo-imap4-delete-msg-by-id fails when doing elmo-dop-queue-flush after deleting one of messages. 1999-03-29 A. SAGATA * Change: detect signature region wiser. * Change: hilight signature. 1999-03-26 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: summary is wrongly displayed when doing goto-folder to present (same) folder. (pointed out by OKUNISHI Fujikazu ). * New Variable: wl-draft-clone-local-variable-regexp. default is "^mime". copy values of local variables matching its value to sending buffer. 1999-03-26 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Command: wl-summary-write-current-newsgroup. do completiton of Newsgroup: field and prepare draft buffer when posting messages to the current-folder newsgroup in Summary mode. assign 'W'. 1999-03-25 Hidekazu NAKAMURA * Fix: not call wl-mail-setup-hook in wl-summary-forward(). 1999-03-25 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: merge MURATA's patch that lambda expression is available in wl-draft-config-alist. 1999-03-25 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not decode file created by only one message in wl-summary-temp-mark-uudecode. 1999-03-24 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: not send messages when default-case-fold-search is nil. (pointed out by Kenji Kuzuhara ). 1999-03-24 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Command: wl-folder-close-parent-entity. assign M-SPC. * New Variable: wl-draft-config-exec-flag. execute wl-draft-config-exec only once. 1999-03-21 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: [im-wl.el] (again). message-id is wrongly added when wl-insert-message-id is nil. (pointed out by Ishikawa Ichiro ). * Fix: (again) warning messages appear on xemacs with (featurep 'xpm) and -nw option when startup. (pointed out by A.SAGATA ). 1999-03-18 A.SAGATA * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about completion. * Change: when doing completion of headers like "To:" or "Cc:" in draft completion from lower case letters is enable. 1999-03-18 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.7 - "Everything She Wants". * Fix: abort creating msgdb when there are some messages with strange date in multi Folder. 1999-03-17 A.SAGATA * Add: a function to edit petname interactively. 1999-03-17 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: can do nothing in present folder when aborting to refile messages to non-existent IMAP folder. (pointed out by Abe ). * Change: dot distinguish between groups and normal Folders in wl-folder-next-unsync. * Fix: messages is incomplete when doing syncing by toolbar button on XEmacs. 1999-03-12 Tsunehiko Baba * Fix: [00README]. 1999-03-12 Masato Taruishi * Add: [00README]. 1999-03-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: if a partial failure occurs in refile or copy, it does not affect the whole action. * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. change construction of each section to be obvious in using pTeX. (pointed out by Morifuji ) 1999-03-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: fix confusing problem that cursor moving to end of buffer while doing refile. 1999-03-06 Ishikawa Ichiro * Fix: [im-wl.el]. message-id is wrongly added when wl-insert-message-id is nil. 1999-03-04 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: [tm-wl.el]. not use (fset 'mime-preview/x-face-function-use-highlight-headers nil) in tm-wl-setup. (pointed out by A.SAGATA ). * New Command: wl-summary-refile-prev-destination. assign 'M-o'. (requested by A.SAGATA ). * New Command: wl-summary-copy-prev-destination. assign 'M-O'. 1999-03-05 A.SAGATA * Fix: '\n' is wrongly inserted into User-Agent: when using tm. * Change: corresponding to subject like [???, 0000]. 1999-03-04 A.SAGATA * Fix: warning messages appear on xemacs with (featurep 'xpm) and -nw option when startup. * New Variable: wl-auto-insert-x-face. default is t. * Change: when wl-auto-insert-x-face is t and ~/.xface exists it is automatically inserted. (as usual, default) * Change: insertion of X-Face: by wl-draft-insert-x-face-field is enable when making draft. * Change: error messages are displayed if ~/.xface does not exist when doing C-c C-a. 1999-03-03 A.SAGATA * New Hook: hook wl-summary-refile-hook. 1999-03-03 Hajime MORITO * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. remove errors in using ptex. * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. not display '{','}'. 1999-03-03 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.6 - "Dirty Diana". * Change: [elmo] avoid the problem that expiring cache is disable when there is a strange cache file. * New Variable: wl-summary-auto-refile-skip-marks. unread messages is not target of auto-refile. (requested by Koichiro Ohba ). * Fix: set extra(!) unread flag when displaying messages in imap4 * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. delete about wl-summary-wday-use-japanese. add about wl-summary-weekday-name-lang. (pointed out by Kunihiro Ishiguro ). * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about wl-summary-fix-timezone. (pointed out by Iba ). 1999-03-01 Hermit-chan * Fix: errors happen if M-x wl-draft is done before M-x wl when wl-draft-folder is configured. 1999-03-01 Akihiro Motoki * Fix: [wl-highlight.el, ChangeLog]. typo. 1999-03-01 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: not distinguish between all events excepting XEmacs key in wl-ask-folder. 1999-02-28 Masahiro MURATA * Change: extend expression of wl-draft-config-alist. 1999-02-26 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Change: [wl-refile.el]. do downcase in getting extra-field. * Change: [wl-refile.el]. delete unnecessary variables. 1999-02-26 OKAZAKI Tetsurou * Fix: menues of Summary 1999-02-25 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: fail to check unread messages in filter Folder. 1999-02-10 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: avoid font-lock being enable in draft. 1999-02-24 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.5 - "California Girls". 1999-02-25 Masahiro MURATA * Change: not display minus number and do synchronization when wl-folder-notify-deleted is 'sync. 1999-02-24 Yuuichi Teranishi * New Variable: wl-folder-notify-deleted. display minus number when messages are deleted. default is nil. * Change: execute wl-summary-auto-refile by default in closing threads. execute it in opening all threads if with Prefix argument. * New Variable: wl-x-face-file. default is "~/.xface". 1999-02-16 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Variables: elmo-passwd-alist-{load,save}. load/save password from/to file configured by new variable elmo-passwd-alist-file-name. 1999-02-11 Tsunehiko Baba * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about "~/.xface". 1999-02-06 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Change: concatinate "\n" firstly before insert header by wl-draft-replace-field. 1999-02-06 Ken'ichi OKADA * Change: in imap unread information is reported to destination of copy. 1999-02-05 Yuuichi Teranishi * New Variable: wl-highlight-refile-destination-face. face for destination of refile. * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. about '$'. (advised by GOTO ) 1999-02-04 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: hilighting is wrong after checking unread messages in folders on XEmacs. 1999-02-03 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Variable: wl-folder-prefetch-entity. assign 'I'. 1999-02-03 Teruki SHIGITANI * Change: [sample.dot.wl]. function to refer folder name in my-wl-summary-from-func-petname is called in summary-mode only. 1999-02-03 TSUMURA Tomoaki * New Functions: wl-summary-auto-refile, wl-refile-rule-alist. 1999-02-02 IMAI Takeshi * Fix: errors happen when doing refile to imap folder in wl-expire. 1999-01-29 Akihiro Motoki * Change: do widen when views in Summary mode is saved into cache. 1999-01-22 Masahiro MURATA * Change: extend wl-auto-check-folder-name. 1999-01-19 Masahiro MURATA * Change: update summary information before doing expire in folder mode. * Fix: errors happen because of omission of reserve-marked-msg when no messages to expire exist. * Change: give consideration to year change in elmo-datevec-substitute. 1999-01-19 Yuuichi Teranishi * New Variables: wl-auto-uncheck-folder-list, wl-auto-check-folder-list. skip checking group when startup. checking archive folders is skipped by default. (requested by Akihiro Motoki ). * Fix: [elmo-nntp.el]. getting message-id from server does not work well. 1999-01-18 Yuuichi Teranishi * Add: [wl-ja.texi]. about mA, mf and so on. * Change: not jump to groups having no unread messages in wl-folder-{prev,next}-unread. (if with Prefix ARG, jumps). (pointed out by Ken'ichi OKADA ). * Change: avoid errors when no folders exist in wl-folder-check-entity. (pointed out by Ishikawa Ichiro ). 1999-01-16 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * New Variable: wl-summary-temp-mark-uudecode. * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. about @item->@defvar. 1999-01-15 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: errors happen because of doing reference to non-existent property when non-existent folders in ~/.foders is specified in wl-{folder|summary}-goto-folder. 1999-01-15 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Change: [elmo-archive.el]. check footer in header-regexp. * CHange: [elmo-archive.el]. make compression rate of rar high. 1999-01-15 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: wl-expire does not work on Emacs based on 19.28. * Fix: [wl-fldmgr.el]. wl-fldmgr-add does not work on Emacs-19. 1999-01-14 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not create hierarchical structure of access groups on Emacs-19 or before. * Fix: [wl-fldmgr.el]. errors happen when inserting folder into empty folder. * Change: [wl-expire.el]. stop process in displaying error when calling elmo fails. 1999-01-14 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: implement wl-summary-temp-mark-prefetch, which does not work well, again. (pointed out by Ken'ichi OKADA ). * Fix: a subject of mail prepared in draft buffer is displayed in way of including ESC code when trying to reply mails with Japanese subject on Meadow. (pointed out by Koji IIDA ). 1999-01-13 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Change: LHA archive is enable on Windows. 1999-01-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.4 - "Broken Wings". * Fix: not load information of all folders when both wl-folder-init-no-load-access-folders and wl-folder-init-load-access-folders are nil. * Fix: fetch errors happen when visiting to same folder after leaving from multi folder in NNTP. 1999-01-13 Masahiro MURATA * Change: change wl-folder-entity-alist and wl-folder-entity-id-name-alist to obarray (hashtable). * Change: merge wl-folder-entity-alist and elmo-folder-info-alist. * Change: fasten display update when checking. abolish variable wl-folder-check-fast. * Change: definition of folder of access group loaded in initialization is enable. * Change: getting lists of access group in hierarchical structure is enable. * Change: change mark of unsubscribe folders to '#'. * Change: display elapse time in case that processing of operations in folder mode take a lot of time. 1999-01-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: make wl-tmp-dir if it does not exist. (pointed out by Tadashi Kadowaki ). * Change: make wl-queue-folder when startup if it does not exist. 1999-01-12 Ken'ichi OKADA * Fix: xpm is not in center in wl-demo in case that window-width is 100, for example. 1999-01-12 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Change: [elmo-archive.el]. add parameter of rar and fix for windows-nt. 1999-01-12 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: [elmo-nntp.el]. display all newsgroups by "-/". (pointed out by Ichiro Ishikawa ). (notes: this chenge is overwritten by MURATA's patch on 1999-1-13). * Fix: behaviour in filter folder at unplugged is wrong. * Add: 'mA' (reply with multiple citation to messages with temporary mark). 'mf' (multiple forward messages with temporary mark). (北目さん の御要望に基づく)。 * Fix: cache is not saved when leaving from Summary after being at unplugged. * Change: [elmo-nntp.el]. corresponding to Cancel-Lock. 1999-01-08 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: [wl-dnd.el]. adjust it to API on XEmacs21.2.8. 1999-01-08 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not include parent folders in elmo-localdir-list-folders-subr. 1999-01-06 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Hook: wl-highlight-message-hook. 1999-01-05 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: [elmo-util.el]. specification of elmo-default-imap4-server in a form such as "hoge%imap_server@gw" is enable. 1999-01-05 Hironori Fukuchi * Fix: sending process fails though the message "sending...done" is displayed in minibuffer when non-existent address is written in To field. 1999-01-03 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: To: field is always set as nil because of type in wl-draft-edit-string. 1998-12-31 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: wrongly duplicate parent folder having sub directory in elmo-localdir-list-folders-subr. * Change: wl-break-pages is restricted by being always nil in wl-summary-redisplay-no-mime. * Change: return value of two or more lower directories in elmo-localdir-list-folders-subr even if file system does not have concept of link count. (it is enable on OS/2 version variant and Mule for Win32 by default). * Change: delete uselessness functions not called. 1998-12-27 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: errors happen when folder having the same name as group exists before the group. 1998-12-27 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: [wl-folder.el]. not move to all folders and only do catchup for folders with new/unread messages in wl-folder-mark-as-read-all-current-entity (for speed up). 1998-12-25 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: modification to fix display of summary in wrong code does not work on Emacs 20.2 or below including Meadow. (pointed out by Tsunehiko Baba ). 1998-12-24 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.3 - "Last Christmas". Christmas limited version(?). 1998-12-23 Masahiro MURATA * Change: fix not to use "/" as pass separator. * CHange: replace delq with delete if possible. 1998-12-21 Masahiro MURATA * New File: [wl-expire.el]. add a new feature to delete or move old messages automatically. * Change: be to autoload wl-fldmgr.el. * Change: [wl-folder.el]. arrange and speed up some commands related with automatic open of groups. * Change: not load LOGO files excepting XEmacs in byte-compiling wl-demo.el. * Fix: [elmo-archive.el]. errors happen if directories do not exist in elmo-archive-list-folders when elmo-archive-treat-file is non-nil. * Fix: last two patches in [WL 838] is not used. 1998-12-21 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: avoid wrong type argument errors when errors happen in sending process on XEmacs. (pointed out by Toshihiro KAMISHIMA ). 1998-12-18 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: show an atmosphere like Christmas. * Change: use decoded letters as arg of wl-draft. (based on modification by Hidekazu NAKAMURA ). * Fix: display summary in wrong code on Emacs 20.2 or below including Meadow. (pointed out by Hidekazu NAKAMURA , Fujii ). 1998-12-17 Hidekazu NAKAMURA * Change: avoid result being "Re: Re:" in case of encoding letters including "Re:". 1998-12-17 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.2 - "Addicted To Love". 1998-12-17 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: [wl-fldmgr.el]. possible to destory wl-folder-entity-id-name-alist when an empty folder is deleted. * Change: [elmo-archive.el]. to use a function in method is enable. * Change: [elmo-archive.el]. to add or to delete messages is enable in 'tgz. change suffix of 'tgz to ".tar.gz". * Fix: [elmo-archive.el]. not give consideration to prefix in elmo-archive-msgdb-create-as-numlist-subr2. 1998-12-16 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: replace contents of commands in menu for mail with it for wl in draft buffer. * Change: define open-network-stream-as-binary if it is not defined so that smtp.el works well when the latest version apel is not used. * Change: adjust smtp.el to the latest version FLIM. 1998-12-16 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: [wl-fldmgr.el]. wl-folder-newsgroups-hashtb is always nil when adding not nntp folders. 1998-12-16 Hidekazu NAKAMURA * Change: [WL-ELS]. not install smtp.el when using SEMI. 1998-12-15 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: put date parts of In-Reply-To: in "". * Change: storage of summary created by wl-summary-rescan is executed in finishment of summary not but of scan. * New Variable: wl-folder-thread-indent-set-alist. enable to select indent letters of thread in each folder. change to use wl-thread-indent-level, wl-thread-have-younger-brother-str, wl-thread-youngest-child-str, wl-thread-vertical-str, wl-thread-horizontal-str, wl-thread-space-str as default value when nothing is matched by using rules defined by it. * New Variable: wl-folder-weekday-name-lang-alist. enable to select method to display day of the week in each folder. change to use wl-summary-weekday-name-lang as default value when nothing is matched by rules defined by it. * Fix: [elmo-nntp.el, elmo-imap4.el, elmo-msgdb.el]. display Chinese or Hangul letters in wrong code because of wrong creattion of Subject or From for saving msgdb. * Change: to {insert|store} cache of summary is done in as-binary-{input|output}-file, and to do encode/decode is done in mime-charst of each buffer. * Change: call elmo-create-folder even when wl-draft-folder does not exist in wl-init. * Change: become wl-generate-user-agent-string corresponding to Nemacs. insert version information of tm. * Fix: insert child thread into an unexpected position if target message is hidden in close thread when deleting messages. (maybe) * Change: [bbdb-wl.el]. do require necessary modules in byte-compiling. * Change: put smtp-via-smtp in (as-binary-process). (based on reports by Toshihiko Kodama and others). * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. @directory is enable by default. (pointed out by SENDA Shigeya ). 1998-12-13 Yuuichi Teranishi * New File: [wl-mule.el, wl-nemacs.el]. * Change: merge wl-nemacs and a main trunk. 1998-12-10 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not refer Reference field instead of In-Reply-To field if In-Reply-To field contains no message-id. 1998-12-11 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.1 - "Yankee Rose". 1998-12-10 Masahiro MURATA * Change: change name of draft buffer ("1" -> "+draft/1"). * New Variable: wl-jump-to-draft-buffer. * Change: processing of matching in wl-draft-config-alist continues when is succeeded once. * Add Hook: wl-draft-config-exec-hook. * New Variable: wl-draft-always-delete-myself. * Fix: elmo-archive-list-folder always returns nil wrongly when prefix of archive folder includes numeral. * Change: elmo-*-copy-msgs returns non-nil if suceeded. * Change: not execute deletion if processing of copy in elmo-move-msgs fails. 1998-12-10 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: use elmo-match-string, elmo-match-buffer if possible. * Change: default value os wl-insert-mail-followup-to, wl-insert-mail-reply-to is nil. * Change: [wl-ja.info]. work well on Emacs 20.3. * Change: start up by "M-x wl-draft" work well. * Change: reduce warning messages in byte-compiling on Mule. 1998-12-10 TSUMURA Tomoaki * Fix: not update number-alist of msgdb after pack-number. 1998-12-10 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: insert Bcc: field regardless of value of mail-self-blind when wl-bcc is defined (adjustment to an action of wl-fcc). 1998-12-10 Akihiro Motoki * New Variable: wl-bcc. put value of wl-bcc into Bcc: field when non-nil. 1998-12-10 SENDA Shigeya * Change: [wl-ja.texi]. fix for XEmacs. * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. one vindex is lack. * Change: [WL-ELS]. install info when choosing install-package on XEmacs. 1998-12-10 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: when in the middle of thread there are any messages in close thread hereafter threads do not be inserted. 1998-12-09 Masahiro MURATA * Add Variables: elmo-move-msgs, elmo-copy-msgs, elmo-append-msg. move or copy in keeping number in source folder by elmo-{move|copy}-msg and copy in keeping number specified by elmo-append-msg. * Change: deal with multiple message once when copying from 'localdir to 'archive. 1998-12-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * 0.9.0 - "With Or Without You". * Change: [elmo-archive.el]. delete warning in byte-compiling. 1998-12-09 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * New File: [elmo-archive.el] "v0.16 [981208/alpha]". * Change: make folders of dst-spec in copy-msgs if not. (pointed out by Masayuki TERADA ). * Fix: regexp-quote() of suffix is not executed in get-archive-name when elmo-archive-treat-file is non-nil. 1998-12-09 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: call elmo-create-folder if target folder does not exist in wl-folder-check-entity. * Change: call elmo-create-folder if wl-trash-folder does not exist in wl-init. (pointed out by OKUNISHI Fujikazu ). 1998-12-08 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: reduce warnings in byte-compiling on XEmacs, Emacs. * Fix: errors happen because of wrong dealing with parent in processing of mime-entity in mmelmo-imap4. 1998-12-07 Yuuichi Teranishi * Fix: [00README.ja] address of ML is still old. 1998-12-06 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: ignore hereto of wl-summary-cursor-up when wl-summary-buffer-view is 'thread. * Fix: return value is wrongly nil if no success-mark exist and cursor goes into position of failure-mark when hereto is non-nil in wl-thread-jump-to-next-unread, wl-thread-jump-to-prev-unread. * Change: display progress of process in deletion of summary update. 1998-12-06 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Change: remove debug code and display elapse time in elmo-localdir-pack-number. * Change: use SPEC in elmo-call-func in order to avoid free var based on data scope problem (for deletion of byte-compile warning). 1998-12-05 OKUNISHI Fujikazu * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. some errors. 1998-12-05 Masahiro MURATA * New Variable: elmo-archive-treat-file. targets of archive folder are files when non-nil. 1998-12-04 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: temporary buffers created by elmo still remains after finishing WL. * Change: after doing wl-summary-rescan cursor goes into same position as before. * Change: two periods are not side by side in display of summary update. * Change: enable to compele value of Since and Before in wl-summary-pick. * Change: arrage lists of completing-read. * Change: not display messages if there are no marks excepting marks with low pirority by wl-summary-move-order even when wl-auto-select-first is t. * Change: return value is t when deletion by elmo-archive-delete-msgs is success. 1998-12-04 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: call wl-summary-unread-message-hook in wl-summary-mark-as-read. 1998-12-04 Ken'ichi OKADA * New Hook: wl-summary-unread-message-hook. call it when reading unread messages. 1998-12-03 Masahiro MURATA * Fix: not update display after checking archive folder in folder mode. 1998-12-03 Yuuichi Teranishi * Change: make a branch for wl_nemacs corresponding to Nemacs. * Change: replace old smtp.el with smtp.el in flim-1.12. adjust to its API. (deletion of smtp-do-bcc, change of args of smtp-via-smtp). * Fix: always ignore wl-insert-message-id in im-wl.el. * Fix: errors display in a large size in wl-summary-prefetch-msg. * Change: speed up all operations of multi folder by replacement append with nconc. 1998-12-02 OKUNISHI Fujikazu Hironori Fukuchi * Fix: [wl-ja.texi]. fix some errors. 1998-12-02 Yuuichi Teranishi * alpha -> beta. * Change: move old ChangeLog to etc directory.