/***@mainpage The M17N Library Documentation @section what What is the m17n library? The @e m17n @e library is a multilingual text processing library for the C language. The word "m17n" is an abbreviation of "multilingualization". The m17n library provides following facilities to handle multilingual text. @section usage How to use it? Just include in your program, and link it with the m17n library by -lm17n. See @ref m17nIntro @latexonly (P.\pageref{group__m17nIntro}) @endlatexonly for the detail. @section contact Contact us: Global IT Security Group\n National Information Technology Research Institute\n Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Web: http://www.m17n.org/m17n-lib/ Bug report: m17n-lib-bug@m17n.org Mailing list (English): m17n-lib@m17n.org Mailing list (Japanese): m17n-lib-ja@m17n.org */ ////