vi tcvn Vietnames input method using the TCVN6064 sequence. Typing Backslash ('\') toggles the normal mode and English mode. The following variables are customizable: tone-mark-on-last: control tone mark position in equivocal cases backspace-is-undo: control the action of Backspace key (delete or undo) Ắ(TCVN) Flag to control tone mark position in equivocal cases. If this variable is 0 (the default), put tone mark on the first vowel in such equivocal cases as "oa", "oe", "uy". Otherwise, put tone mark on the last vowel. 0 0 1 Flag to control the action of Backspace key (delete or undo). If this variable is 0 (the default), Backspace key deletes the previous character (e.g. "q u a i s BS" => "quá"). If the value is 1, Backspace key undoes the previous key (e.g. "q u a i s BS" => "quai"). 0 0 1 t nil vi-base
t nil vi-base
2 âấầẩẫậ @ ÂẤẦẨẪẬ 1 ăắằẳẵặ ! ĂẮẰẲẴẶ 3 êếềểễệ # ÊẾỀỂỄỆ 4 ôốồổỗộ $ ÔỐỒỔỖỘ ] ơớờởỡợ } ƠỚỜỞỠỢ [ ưứừửữự { ƯỨỪỬỮỰ 0 273 ) 272 8 1 49 5 2 50 6 3 51 7 4 52 9 5 53 = 8363 == 61 A-1 49 A-2 50 A-3 51 A-4 52 A-5 53 A-6 54 A-7 55 A-8 56 A-9 57 A-0 48 A-- 45 A-= 61 A-\ 92 A-[ 91 A-] 93 A-! 33 A-@ 64 A-# 35 A-$ 36 A-% 37 A-^ 94 A-& 38 A-* 42 A-( 40 A-) 41 A-_ 95 A-+ 43 A-| 124 A-{ 123 A-} 125 22 2 @@ @ 11 1 !! ! 33 3 ## ## 44 4 $$ $ ]] ] }} } [[ [ {{ { 00 0 )) )
@-1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 @-1 state-after-c @-1 state-after-c M @-1 state-after-v M @-1 state-after-v state-temporary-escape state-escape-in-normal-mode M @-1 state-after-v M @-1 state-after-v state-after-vc state-after-vc M @-1 T M M @-1 T M @- 1 state-after-t @- 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 state-init 1 1 1 @- 1 state-after-t @- 1 0 state-after-v -1 T @> state-temporary-escape 1 @- state-after-vc 1 state-after-v en EN \ state-init state-permanent-escape EN 1 state-escape-in-permanent-escape \ state-permanent-escape